Edit comment LC-3071 for Efficient Extensible Interchange Working Group

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Comment LC-3071
Commenter: John Schneider <john.schneider@agiledelta.com>

Resolution status:

2. Section 1, last sentence: Change “… whether two documents are identical …” to
“… whether two documents are equivalent …”

3. Section 1.2: We agree EXI canonicalization is important for EXI
environments that cannot afford to revert to traditional XML
canonicalization methods. In addition, we recommend you mention some
of the ways EXI canonicalization is useful for traditional XML users.
For example, EXI canonicalization provides the first type-aware
canonicalization scheme that can discern that +1, 1, 1.0, 1e0 and 1E0
are equivalent representations of the same floating-point value. This
allows intermediaries to use binding-models and/or type-aware processing
without breaking signatures. In addition, with a fast EXI processor,
EXI canonicalization can be much faster than traditional XML
canonicalization and can help cure some of the well-known XML security bottlenecks.

6. Section 4.2.1: Change “Prune productions” to “Select productions” in heading.
Pruning productions will remove them from the grammars, changing the event codes
of the following events and causing incompatibility with the EXI 1.0 specification.
I expect the specification intends to specify which productions must be selected
rather than removing productions from the grammars.

7. Section 4.2.2: Change “Prune productions” to “Select productions” in heading.
The word “prune” should also be replaced in the body of this section. See above rationale.

9. Section 4.2.3: Change heading “Use the event with the most accurate event”
to “Use the event that matches most precisely” or something similar. Current
wording is unclear.

14. Section 4.4.6: The last sentence in the second paragraph states that EXI
processors must first try to represent the string value as a local hit and
when this is not successful as a global hit. It might be useful to clarify
that one of the reasons the attempt to represent the string value as a local
hit may fail is because the string has already been used as a local hit
previously. EXI supports only one local table hit per value.
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 3071.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:44:13 dom Exp $
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