Edit comment LC-3070 for Efficient Extensible Interchange Working Group

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Comment LC-3070
Commenter: John Schneider <john.schneider@agiledelta.com>

Resolution status:

4. Section 3: As mentioned above, making the EXI options document and
the EXI schemaId mandatory in every canonical EXI document is at odds
with the efficiency objectives of EXI. In many or perhaps even most
use cases that require efficiency, these can be (and are) provided
out of band or specified by a higher-level protocol. As such, including
them in every canonical EXI message introduces unnecessary overhead
and provides no value since all cooperating nodes already have this

Furthermore, forcing the inclusion of a schemaId in every message does
not actually solve the problem of ensuring the sender and receiver use
the same schemas. The EXI schemaId is not guaranteed to be unique and
would be easy for a sender and receiver to end up using the same schemaId
for two different versions of the same schema or even two completely
different schemas (breaking any signature that depends on schemaId).
There are more reliable ways to ensure senders and receivers are using
the same schemas for encoding/decoding EXI documents. This problem is
not unique to EXI canonicalization and the EXI canonicalization
specification should not force a specific, sub-optimal solution on EXI
users. As with EXI, users should be allowed to use the EXI options
document and schemaId to address this issue, but they should not be
forced to do so if they have a better, more efficient solution that
is already working.
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 3070.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:44:13 dom Exp $
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