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Previous: LC-660 Next: LC-654 In the current framework, while there are success criteria there are no normative explanations of how they apply to given technologies. Instead, understanding WCAG 2.0 has been made an informative document. This is inappropriate to ensure interoperability of tools and content. This has been a major problem with the implementation of WCAG 1.0, where important questions of interpretation (such as "are tables OK for layout?", "do all user agents identify form fields without default text in them?", "is it OK to rely on javascript?", "are px units OK for layout?" among others) have gone unanswered for many years leading to a major breakdown in interoperability between tools, services, and content itself. I propose that the information be made available in a normative document. The process requirements for publishing such a document would seem to be very lightweight in the context of how long it takes the WCAG group to determine necessary changes, and this will at least ensure that an authorative answer becomes available for issues which arise. cheers Chaals