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Comment LC-2824
Commenter: Duff Johnson <duff@duff-johnson.com>

Resolution status:

A general comment based on an (admittedly somewhat cursory) read of the rest of this draft of WCAG2ICT.

Insofar as it seems valuable to attempt to apply WCAG 2.0 to ICT generally (I won't dwell on this for now), I think this specific approach, while not without value, largely serves to demonstrate the gulf between abstract generalizations and technical reality as implemented.

At the end of the day: is there enough information here to allow (say) a government agency to craft policies to cover web pages *and* desktop software *and* mobile software *and* electronic documents (PDF, XLSX, etc) *and* ATMs, and and and and….? Or… pick on just documents. Would a Section 508 coordinator be better-informed as to how to implement a "WCAG 2.0 policy" based on this document? Would a software developer have a better understanding of how to invest time in electronic document software development because of WCAG2ICT?

I think those are the questions that I was hoping this document would answer a bit more than it does.
(space separated ids)
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$Id: 2824.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:40:50 dom Exp $
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