Edit comment LC-2646 for Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

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Comment LC-2646
Commenter: Duff Johnson <djohnson@commonlook.com>

Resolution status:

The "Description" given for "Tab Order" (Row and Column) options refers to "table row" and "table column".

However, this (a) does not match the Acrobat UI and (b) is just wrong, as "tables" aren't at issue in Page Properties! For more information see Acrobat's help for this feature:


Please note in passing that there's no option for "page content order" in the "Page properties, Tab Order" dialog.

Additionally, note that the "advice" offered in this Example is simply "If needed, select a tab order option". That's not much "advice" and it's invalid besides. In fact, the only correct move for accessibility purposes is to set the tab order to "Use Document Structure".

Proposed Change:
- List item 5, change to: "Ensure Tab Order is set to "Use Document Structure."

- Remove the "Option / Description" table entirely - it's not useful. If you feel like you have to keep it (I'm not sure why), please correct the text to be consistent with actual functionality.

- While you are at it, please expand the "pages icon" graphic to provide context (ie, use a larger screen-shot that makes clear that the pages icon is to be found on the left-side panel in the Acrobat UI).
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 2646.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:39:58 dom Exp $
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