Edit comment LC-1677 for Voice Browser Working Group

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Comment LC-1677
Commenter: Hrvoje Nezic <hrvoje.nezic@envox-lab.hr>

9: Event handling

Current text:
"If a semantic error occurs that prevents an element in the transition from
being executed (such as the 'cond' attribute of <if> being an invalid
ECMAScript expression), then successive elements within that transition will
NOT be executed; an error.semantic will be raised for the element that could
not be executed. Note that elements that can be executed but that generate
errors (such as a <disconnect> on an invalid connection ID) do not terminate
execution of the transition."

I think that this explanation is not clear enough. The phrase "elements that
can be executed but that generate errors" could be applied to most CCXML
elements. I think that intention was probably to distinguish between
synchronous and asynchronous elements. Synchronous elements are <var>,
<assign>, <script>, <if>, <elseif>, <else>, <goto>, <exit>, <log>, while
other elements are asynchronous and generate events to signal success or

The new text could be something like this:
"If a semantic error occurs that prevents a synchronous element in the
transition from being executed (such as the 'cond' attribute of <if> being
an invalid ECMAScript expression), then successive elements within that
transition will NOT be executed; an error.semantic will be raised for the
element that could not be executed. If a semantic error occurs that prevents
an asynchrounous element from being executed (such as a <disconnect> on an
invalid connection ID), execution of the transition will not be terminated."
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 1677.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:39:34 dom Exp $
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