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Documents to Last Call:
RESOLVED: Publish Core as Last Call, pending completion of Action-822
Reviewers: Changhai,
Expected: May 4
- references to xml schema updated to 1.1 Action-765 (Sandro)
- Update xml schema syntax for CORE lists Action-762 (Harold)
update mathematical syntax for Core lists Action-803 (Adrian)
Binding patterns for lists (?)
Fix safeness conformance section to require all conformant Core documents be safe Action-749 (Axel & Jos)
Fix E-S safety discussion and make informative instead of at-risk Action-749 (Axel & Jos)
Use <anyURI> in xml schema for imports Action-755 (Harold)
Add conjunction back into conclusion Action-758 (Harold)
Add restricted lists Action-761 (Adrian)
Drop restriction that there are no nested externals Action-758
Update ps to add <> to base, prefix and import Action-756
Add text to compliance restricting use of symbol spaces Action-750
RESOLVED: Publish BLD as second Last Call, pending completion of Action-823
Reviewers: Axel,
Expected: May 4
- references to xml schema updated to 1.1 Action-765 (Sandro)
- modularize XML schema (as was done for PRD) Action-780 (Harold/Gary)
add D sub L to BLD Action-807 (Michael)
add lists syntax & semantics Action-759 (Michael)
Use <anyURI> in xml schema for imports Action-755 (Harold)
Add text with examples of how to translate some things (like maybe equality) to core Action-745 (Harold)
Add text to compliance restricting use of symbol spaces Action-750
Update ps to add <> to base, prefix and import Action-756
Reviewers: Axel,
Expected: May 4 (all but resolution on rdf lists)
- Revisit proofs in appendix (Jos)
- Make rdf lists extensions with 1:1 at risk Action-808 (Jos)
references to xml schema updated to 1.1 Action-765
Write paragraph with examples of embedding in Core
Revisit Owl 2 specs (Jos)
Add conformance section Action-799 (Jos)
RESOLVED: Publish DTB as Last Call, pending completion of Actions 815-820, and review of those actions Action-821
Reviewers: Chris,
Expected: May 4
- add append to lists action-819
- make base iris absolute action-818
- rename primitive datatypes to datatypes action-816
- make rdf:text at-risk action-815
fix shortnames in symbol spaces action-820
repair definition of is-literal-not-identical (Axel)
refine all informal builtin definitions (Axel)
finalize naming conventions for casting and type funtions Action-740 (Axel)
add list builtins Action-760 (Sandro)
add all missing owl datatypes (except rational and real) Action-739 Action-738 Action-737 Action-735 Action-734 (Axel)
references to xml schema updated to 1.1 Action-765
add datatype guards back and remove isLiteralOfType Action-754 (Axel)
Resolve issues on implementation dependent casts and numeric functions.
Reviewers: Harold,
Changhai, Jos
Expected: April 30
- Check (syntactic) list restriction from core (csma)
- references to xml schema updated to 1.1 Action-765 (Csma)
Add text with examples of how to translate some things to core (like do/assert) Action-744 (Gary)
Add a conformance clause Action-800 (Csma)
update the presentation syntax Action-801 (Adrian)
Finalize and check conflict resolution (Csma)
add examples and remove vestigial editors notes (Csma)
- Check xml list syntax from Core (see Action-762) (CKE)
add lists Action-763
add execute, modify, and print Action-751
Reviewers: Chris,
Expected: May 4
- references to xml schema updated to 1.1 Action-765 (Michael)
add lists
update the xml schema syntax esp. to account for generalized quantifiers Action-802 (Michael)