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This is one of the possible Use Cases.

1. Abstract

This use case shows several applications of rules for distributed e-learning. Learners (or, more specifically, their agents) contact multiple learning material providers to retrieve learning material or compute learning paths (workflows over learning material), with the goal to fill a knowledge gap between the current knowledge and a learning goal, taking user profile (language, learning method, ...) and also privacy considerations into account. Meta-data for learning material and personal profiles are expressed wrt. some ontologies, incl. a domain ontology for learning topics.

2. Status

3. Links to Related Use Cases

4. Relationship to OWL/RDF (and XML) Compatibility

5. Examples of Rule Platforms Supporting this Use Case

6. Benefits of Interchange

7. Requirements on the RIF

8. Breakdown

8.1. Actors and their Goals

8.2. Main Sequence

  1. Learner instructs Learner Agent to retrieve learning material/paths by specifying a learning goal
  2. Learner Agent creates queries/rule set to compute learning material/paths based on the learning goal and the personal profile
  3. Learner Agent contacts appropriate Learning Material Providers and retrieves information on them, including the capabilities of their query/rule engine
  4. Learner Agent analyzes queries/rule set wrt. the capablities of the Learning Material Providers and privacy considerations and transforms them accordingly (including ontology mapping, simplification, etc.), resulting (in general) in an execution plan (workflow)
  5. Learner Agent sends transformed queries/rules to Learning Material Providers
  6. Learning Material Providers execute queries/rules and send results back to Learner Agent
  7. Learner Agent sends additional queries/rules to some Learning Material Providers according to execution plan
  8. Learner Agent combines results and presents them to the Learner

9. Narratives

(replace Learner and Learning Material Provider i by names of your choice in Main Sequence and drop enumeration :-) )

10. Commentary