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This document highlights the differences introduced into the SMIL 2.1 Proposed Recommendation version, since the SMIL 2.1 Candidate Recommendation published on 13 May 2005.
The SMIL 2.1 Candidate Recommendation published on 13 May 2005 was organized as a collection of changes-only documents "diff specifiaction" including only the new features introduced in SMIL 2.1 and linking to the the former SMIL 2.0 features from the SMIL 2.0 Recommendation - [Second Edition] dated 07 January 2005.
The SMIL 2.1 Proposed Recommendation version is now published as a "full specification" including the new features introduced in SMIL 2.1 plus the former SMIL 2.0 features from the SMIL 2.0 Recommendation - [Second Edition] dated 07 January 2005.
The current draft contains editorial improvements, and minor bug fixes in response to CR comments. The changes in this PR version are:
The following chapters were updated.
The Animation module integrates the text for errata on SMIL 2.0 on overriding the default element for event bases.
The Layout module integrates:
The Media module integrates
The Timing Chapter was updated as follows:
The Mobile Profile chapter was updated with the mention of the SMIL 2.1 Language Mobile DOCTYPE:
<!DOCTYPE smil PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SMIL 2.1 Mobile//EN"
The ExtendedMobile Profile chapter was updated with the mention of the SMIL 2.1 Language Extended Mobile DOCTYPE:
<!DOCTYPE smil PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SMIL 2.1 Extended Mobile//EN"
- The DOCTYPE declaration string was updated for the Mobile and Extended Mobile
<!DOCTYPE smil PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SMIL 2.1 Mobile//EN" "">
<!DOCTYPE smil PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SMIL 2.1 Extended Mobile//EN" "">
- The Namespace string was updated for the Mobile and Extended Mobile profiles
The following chapters now incorporate the former SMIL2.0
modules.Therefore these chapters are the equivalent section of the SMIL 2.0
The modules, elements and attributes semantics in the following sections
remain the same as in SMIL2.0.
The former SMIL 2.1 Schemas Appendix was removed. SMIL 2.1 Schemas were informative only.
The former SMIL 2.1 Patent Policy Appendix was removed as SMIL 21 is now published as a full specification.
SMIL 2.1 is specified by the current SYMM WG. This current SYMM WG operates under the W3C Patent Policy (05 February 2004 Version). To promote the widest adoption of Web standards, W3C seeks to issue Recommendations that can be implemented, according to this policy, on a Royalty-Free basis.
All SYMM Participants made a clear licensing commitment to the entire 2.1 specification on a Royalty-Free basis.
These are SMIL 2.1 [second edition] errata that need to be updated into
Time manipulation Module
1- formula:(2.0*0.75= = 1.5)
this looks like a bug to me should be
(2.0*0.75 = 1.5)
2- AD is the associated Active Duration.
Added in the following praragraph:
Let t_ps be a time in parent simple time, and
B be the
begin time, and O be the
accumulated synchronization offset for
an element, measured in parent
simple time. Let AD be the Active Duration.
Thierry Michel , (, W3C team contact.