Copyright 2008 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3C liability, trademark and document use rules apply.
This document specifies Best Practices for delivering Web content to mobile devices. The principal objective is to enable development and delivery of great Web applications on mobile devices, through recommendations for exploitation of mobile device capabilities and delivery context.
The recommendations refer to applications as experienced on mobile devices. The recommendations necessarily reflect upon the processes by which the applications are developed and delivered, and the nature of the devices and user agents through which they are experienced. However the main focus is upon the applications themselves, including content that is delivered and presented through the applications.
The recommendation is primarily directed at creators, maintainers and operators of Web applications. Readers of this document are expected to be familiar with the creation of Web sites, and to have a general familiarity with the technologies involved, such as Web servers, HTTP, and Web 2.0 technologies. Readers are not expected to have a background in mobile-specific technologies.
(to be filled in later)
(to be filled in later)
This document sets out a series of recommendations designed to enable development and delivery of great Web applications on mobile devices.
The recommendations are offered to creators, maintainers and operators of Web applications.
The document is organized as follows:
Introduction. Describes the audience, purpose and scope of the document.
Requirements. An illustration of the type of problems that the Best Practices are intended to address.
Delivery Context. Discusses the environment within which mobile access to Web applications is realized, with particular reference to adaptation.
Overview of Best Practices. A discussion of the organization of the Best Practices, and sources from which they were derived.
Best Practices. The statements themselves.
Conformance. A brief conformance statement.
Related Reading
Readers of this document are expected to be familiar with the creation of Web applications, and to have a general familiarity with the technologies involved, such as Web servers, HTTP, and Web 2.0. Readers are not expected to have a background in mobile-specific technologies.
Our intention is to make it clear to all involved what the Best Practices are, and hence establish a common basis of understanding. As a result of wishing to be clear to those not already involved in the development of mobile friendly content, some of our statements may appear to be obvious or trivial to those with experience in this area.
The document is not targeted solely at developers; others, such as interaction and graphic designers, and tool developers, are encouraged to read it.
These recommendations (BP2) follow in the footsteps of the Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0, (BP1), for which the scope was laid out in "Scope of Mobile Web Best Practices" [Scope] . In summary, BP1 refered primarily to the extension of Web browsing onto mobile devices.
BP2 extends the focus to Web applications generally, which means an application that is accessed and presented via Web technologies. Web applications represent a spectrum of services and content, at the simple end of which are typical Web browsing sites, presented in browsers, which were the focus of BP1. The BP2 focus includes further recommendations for addressing delivery context issues and for use of advanced Web technologies, which apply both to browsers and non-browser web runtime environments.
The recommendations refer to applications as experienced on mobile devices. The recommendations necessarily reflect upon the processes by which the applications are developed and delivered, and the nature of the devices and user agents through which they are experienced. However the main focus is upon the applications themselves, including content that is delivered and presented through the applications.
As the goal of the document is to specify Best Practices for delivery to mobile devices, statements that do not have a specific mobile aspect are not included. In particular, many Web Content Accessibility [WCAG] guidelines are general to all forms of Web access and are not repeated here unless they have a specific mobile interpretation. Examples of general good practice which have a specific mobile interpretation include "Error Messages" and "Color".
As discussed in the Scope document [Scope] there are many aspects to Mobile Web Best Practices. BP2 represents the second phase of the Best Practices development, i.e. beyond "Traditional Web Browsing".
The BP2 is not intended as a landscape document, e.g. a general survey of technologies and related issues in the mobile context. Recommendations are included here if they meet specific criteria:
These recommendations follow in the footsteps of the BP1, and as such are in part derived from the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines [WCAG] . The WCAG guidelines are supplementary to the Mobile Web Best Practices, whose scope is limited to matters that have a specific mobile relevance.
This document builds on some of the concepts described by the Device Independence Working Group (DIWG) in the Device Independence Principles [DIP]. The document discusses device and delivery channel characteristics, which the DIWG has named "Delivery Context" [DCODI]. In addition, the document uses some terminology from DIWG's Glossary of Terms for Device Independence [DIGLOSS].
The Best Practices have been written at a level of generality that allows them to be applicable across a range of Web technologies. They have been written with mobile user experience aspects in mind, which over time will change, but should remain relevant as technology evolves.
This document may be reviewed from time to time. When necessary, an updated version will be released with clear documentation as to the changes that have been introduced.
This section discusses the requirements of the Mobile Web Best Practice statements in section 5. The statement of requirements is intended to be illustrative rather than exhaustive or complete.
Personalization is an important capability in the mobile environment, given the extra effort necessary to interact with services, and the limited output capabilities of mobile devices. Personalization increases the value of content and services to users. However, conventional methods to achieve/maintain personalization (e.g. user input, HTTP redirect, cookies) are problematic given mobile context limitations. The overall goal for personalization in the mobile context is to use user-friendly methods.
Security is important to address in the mobile environment, due to more frequent dependence upon personalized information. While this information is essential to increasing service value, its use represents a security and/or privacy risk. The overall goal for security is to protect any personally identifiable information, and especially user identifiers or keys to user identity.
Applications should ensure the user is aware of sensitive functions, i.e. that may affect the service experience, and is offered some options for user control.
HTTP cookies and redirection fulfill useful purposes in the mobile context. Cookies support statefulness and personalization in browsers, two considerations which can simplify the user experience and add value to content and services. Redirect supports server-server interaction via the browser, which is often essential for distributed services which rely upon partitioning of service functions across different servers.
As compared to their use for web browser applications, cookies and redirect may play less of a role in maintaining statefulness and personalization for for web applications in general. Application-specific methods may be used, and may include use of more advanced technologies that are not available to some browsers. However, support for statefulness and personalization will still need to consider similar issues, e.g. state preservation/recovery and traffic overhead. As well, distributed services may still rely upon redirect for web applications.
The overall goal is to set reasonable expectations on the impact for use of cookies and redirect in service delivery to browsers and web applications, and to address alternatives for maintaining statefulness and personalization.
Web applications that autonomously interact with network-based services can have a very significant impact on service cost. These costs can be borne by the user and/or network service provider. Users with "bucket" or per-KB service plans can find themselves responsible for huge charges. Network service providers can bear these costs for users that subscribe to unlimited service plans, and as a result may restrict the types of applications available to users with such plans.
The overall goal is that users are informed of the potential impact of application operation, and that regardless of the user's service plan, applications use network resources conservatively.
- help spread the one web mentality
As addressed in BP1, presentation issues of mobile devices can also be applicable to web applications in general, e.g.
However, advanced web browser features and evolving web technologies are adding additional specific issues that need to be addressed in the mobile context, including:
As addressed in BP1, issues of interaction with applications on mobile devices can also be applicable to web applications in general, e.g.
However, evolution of mobile devices is adding additional specific issues that need to be addressed in the mobile context, including:
solve the top left navigation problem [need a definintion of what this is, and consideration of whether it is actually testable]
As addressed in BP1, the basic aspects of delivery context in the mobile environment, and how awareness of delivery context relates to the goal of the "one web", also apply to web applications in general.
BP2 extends/expands the discussion for specific delivery context aspects, e.g.:
The focus of the BP2 document is on producing Best Practices that apply to the browser sandbox, while recognising that they may have broader applicability to the Web Runtime (CSS, HTML, Javascript, DOM, Persistent Storage, additional libraries, no browser chrome, cache, etc.), esp Mobile Widgets
Audience of BP2 document will include CPs as well as Ajax and other toolkit developers.
Document will include a descriptive passage about mobile context (including device, browser, network) we are talking about.
The functional area that is addressed by the statements.
One or more Best Practice statements, identified in the following way:
[EXAMPLE] This is a Best Practice statement.
An explanation of the significance of the statements under this heading.
A discussion of techniques and some suggestions as to how to implement.
The aspects of the delivered content that an external validator could examine to assess conformance with the Best Practice statements. This section is not present for process related statements.
In this section it is noted whether the statement is Machine Testable (Automated testing is possible) or Human Testable (Testing requires human assessment). Some Best Practices are partially machine testable, i.e. based on the result of an automated test, some human interaction may be required. In such cases both a Machine Testable and a Human Testable statement are present.
Some Best Practice statements use words such as "minimize" and "avoid" which are intentionally non-prescriptive. This is in order to provide guidance while leaving room to accommodate a wide variety of applications whose requirements cannot be anticipated. It also allows creativity and diversity within the same Best Practice framework.
Where appropriate, references to related WCAG points and other immediate references from the preceding text.
Personalized services should be capable of basing personalization upon information obtained directly from the user-agent or network entities, e.g. through HTTP headers or message body.
Personalized services that rely upon manual entry of information should preserve that information to avoid the need to re-enter it upon each site access, over a 24-hour period at least.
If the user must be asked to enter account information, personalized services should simplify what they have to enter, e.g. for email addresses, assume the domain (if possible) or offer well-known options as radio buttons.
Personally identifiable information (e.g. user identity or information usable as a key to user identity) should be accepted or sent securely, i.e. over secure transport (HTTPS), or securely hashed if sent over non-secure transport.
Users should be informed if applications will make automatic data requests that can impact service cost.
Users should be informed of impacts to device memory (for application code and data) due to installation and use of applications.
Users should be informed about the types of personal information (data or contextual information, e.g. location) that will be used by the application, and exchanged over network connections.
Informational notices should be provided during application selection, install, on first runtime, or first use of sensitive functions.
Informational notices should provide an estimate of the impact so the user can determine its significance.
Users should be given easy-to-use controls to personalize application behavior, e.g.
If user control over sensitive application functions is not provided, users should be given the chance to opt-out for the function, or to terminate the application.
User control preferences should be saved by the application to avoid the need to reenter them each time the application is used.
If personalized services use cookies, they should be capable of recovering the cookie-based information without requiring user information reentry, e.g. if the user-agent cookie cache is cleared.
If achieving personalization via redirect-based APIs, personalized services should use redirect in an efficient manner to reduce latency and data overhead, and require no more than two redirects to obtain the necessary information.
Web applications that autonomously interact with network-based services should be designed to minimize the overhead of network traffic for such automatic functions. Such web applications are refered to here as "autonomously interacting web applications".
Autonomously interacting web applications should support content compression, e.g. HTTP 1.1 gzip/deflate compression, for both upload and download operations.
Autonomously interacting web applications should support user control over the intensity of the network interaction.
Autonomously interacting web applications should be intelligent enough to "back off" autonomous operation during periods in which little or no service value results from the network interaction.
Autonomously interacting web applications that provide network event-triggered content delivery should support push methods, e.g. OMA Push, to avoid the need for rapid polling for new events.