W3C Incubator Activity

The Content Label metadata profile

A resource carrying this metadata profile SHOULD link to one or more Content Labels using the link relationship "cLabel." Content Labels will describe the resource according to one or more vocabularies that relate to a particular area of interest. Typical examples include, but are not limited to:

  1. Child protection
  2. Conformance with published criteria (e.g. mobileOK or accessibility guidelines)
  3. Trustmarks, seals of approval etc.

Content Labels are usually encoded in RDF (as declared in the link tag's type attribute) and will have accompanying metadata of their own that describes who created the cLabels and when etc. Whilst it is possible for a resource to link directly to a cLabel, it is more usual that the link will point to a simple set of rules for identifying the correct cLabel for the resource. Agents MUST be able to process these rules, cLabels and their metadata.

The structureof Content Labels is defined by the W3C Content Label Incubator Group.