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SSN-XG Liaison activities
See the different communities of practice identified in Communities
Liaisons - work by other organisations:
- Work by OGC on SWE standards
- Coordination role taken by ISO/IEC JTC 1 Study Group on Sensor Networks (SGSN)
- can help to define what the SSN-XG does in the broader landscape of SN standards
- Other standard organisations working for some specific communities
Important references:
Line C. Pouchard, Steve Poole, Josh Lothian Open Standards for Sensor Information Processing ORNL/TM-2009/145 July 2009 http://info.ornl.gov/sites/publications/files/Pub15706.pdf
Study on Sensor Networks (Version 3) Technical Document of ISO/IEC JTC 1 Study Group on Sensor Networks (SGSN) http://www.electronics-ktn.com/Portals/0/Content/Sensor%20Networks/JTC1_SGSN_TD_v3.pdf
Chao Chen; Helal, S.; , Through the Jungle of Sensor Standards, Pervasive Computing, IEEE , vol.7, no.4, pp.84-88, Oct.-Dec. 2008
W3C and OGC viewed as working at the apps level
IEEE1451 has influenced the SWE standards (SensorML and TransducerML)
- precise the relationship / dependency
ETSI M2M (Telecom actors) has published early drafts
ITU work on Ubiquitous Sensor Networks mostly focused on the "air" (wireless) interface but some tentatives to progress on specific appps (e.g. Climate Change)
Work on the ontology is horizontal - "traditional" boundaries between standard organisations are changed (see Widdowson Widdowson 2008 the NORTEL presentation at the June 2008 M2M workshop). Slide 11 defining 5 main types of interfaces which can potentially be standardised)
- Sensor - Sensor Control
- Sensor - Network
- Sensor - Application
- Sensor Control - Application
- Network - Application
(assumption: diffferent service providers for the operation of the sensor(or devices), of the network and of the end applications)
OASIS QUOMOS TC is important because it is at the entry point for the work on ontologies for organisation (end users) which have not worked on ontologies before.
OGC is one of the Initiating Members of the SSN-XG but does not have any nominated representative to the working group (to date).
- Luis Bermudez has done a presentation of the SSN-XG objectives at the Meeting of the SWE working group in June 2009 Boston TC (this material is accessible only if you have a valid login for the OGC portal)
Involvement of the SSN-XG participants in SWE
Several participants to the SSN-XG are also involved in OGC-led activities.
Luis Bermudez and Simon Cox are followers of the ongoing upgrade of SensorML
Simon Cox is co-chair of the GC GeoSemantics working group (but not directly involved in the activities listed below).
Simon Cox has continued to work on the Observations and Measurements specs (transition into an ISO TC 211 standard: ISO 19156 EC Observations and Measurements DRAFT - access limited to OGC members
Other Work on GeoSemantics at OGC
OGC GeoSemantics working group http://www.opengeospatial.org/projects/groups/semantics (irregular activity - chairs: Joshua Lieberman and Simon Cox)
Joshua chaired the W3C Geospatial Incubator Group (1 year long - closed in Nov 2007)
- GeoRSS wiki
- GeoRSS (wikipedia)
- Carl Reed (ed.) OGC White Paper An Introduction to GeoRSS: A Standards Based Approach for Geo-enabling RSS feeds 2006-07-19
Work on GeoSPARQL submitted as "A proposal for an OGC Draft Candidate Standard" (~ Member submission in W3C)
- Matthew Perry and John Herring (Eds): OGC 09-157, GeoSPARQL - A geographic query language for RDF data Version 1.0 2009-12-02
Work on Sapience presented at OGC TC in December 2009
- Patrick Maue [Geosemantics & Open Source http://my-trac.assembla.com/sapience/export/298/documentation/presentations/OGC_Meeting_1209.pdf]
OGC work on SWE standards
SWE entry page: http://www.opengeospatial.org/ogc/markets-technologies/swe Sensor Web Enablement WG http://www.opengeospatial.org/projects/groups/sensorweb
Mike Botts Sensor Model Language (SensorML): XML-Based Language for In-situ and Remote Sensors http://www.bfrl.nist.gov/861/CMAG/CMAG_workshop/botts.pdf Presentation at the NIST Workshop on Data Exchange Standards at the Jobsite May 29, 2003 with historical perspective
Current specification (available from http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/sensorml )
- 07-122r1 Corrigendum for SensorML Version 1.0 schema 2007-10-25 [1]
- 07-000 OpenGIS Sensor Model Language (SensorML) http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=21273
Robin and Botts White Paper Creation of Specific SensorML Process Models January 27th, 2006 (Draft) http://vast.uah.edu/downloads/documents/Creating_SensorML_Process_Models_preV1.0.pdf
OGC® OWS-6 SensorML Profile for Discovery Engineering Report http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=33284
Change requests (pending)
There is a SensorML 2.0 version in preparation and some members of the SSN XG are also members of the OGC working group working on it.
OGC® OWS-6 SensorML Profile for Discovery Engineering Report http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=33284
Pending documents on the OGC portal (accessed reserved to OGC members):
- 09-163 SensorML Extension Package for ebRIM [2]
- 09-160 CR SensorML - Enhancement of Connections [3] process chain structure
- 09-159 CR SensorML - Enhancement of Encodings [4] binary blocks
- 08-192r1 OWS-6 SensorML Change Request External Definition [5] Extension to non-MathML defs of algorithms (e.g. event-based) and 08-192 SensorML CR - Improve integration of external markup languages [6]
- 09-040 SensorML CR - Harmonize with ISO 19115-2 and ISO 19130 [7] Fix/Handle overlap of specs (identifies 10 UML classes from the ISO TC 211 Harmonized models which are also in SensorML)
- 08-208 SensorML change request - Make correct GML application schema [8] 11-page CR listing all the XML elements which are somewhat non GML-compliant and 07-101 SensorML change request - Use more ISO terms [9] replace Process term with Operation
- 08-186 SOS CR - Clarification of observedProperty in SOS with respect to SensorML description [10] border definition between SOS and SensorML and 08-031 Combined SensorML CRs from OWS-5 CITE [11]
- 08-147 SensorML CR - separate SWE Common [12] fix modularity issues for the SWE schemas
- 08-127 SensorML CR - GML 3.2 implementation [13]
- 08-146 SensorML CR - improve interface specification [14] introduction of a typeOf attribute to enable the reuse of sensor types
- 07-132 SensorML change request - Correct inconsistencies 2007-10-16 [15] 18-page edit requests for the sensorML specs (need to check if they have been taken into account or not)
SWE work
TransducerML http://www.transducerml.org/
- Steve Havens (ed) TML Specification (version 1.0.0)
Misc. OGC work
OGC-GEOSS liaison http://www.ogcnetwork.net/node/360
Request for Quotation (RFQ) And Call for Participation (CFP) OGC Web Services Initiative - Phase 6 (OWS-6) Annex B OWS-6 Architecture https://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=29191&format=pdf July 2008
OGC RFI Fusion standards http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/requests/59
- Request for Information (RFI) for OGC Fusion Standards Study http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=34909
- Percivall (ed) 2009 OGC® Fusion Standards Study Engineering Report http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=36177&version=1
Work by S@ny consortium on Sensor Service Architecture (SensorSA) and Fusion architecture (OGC reserved)
Established contacts with other organisations (at different levels)
(email from Jean Gelissen (email: jean.gelissen at philips.com) 8 Mar 2009
The MPEG-V standard addresses the following areas:
- Standardization Area A: Control Information
- This area covers the information representation of the control information to and from devices in the physical world. Examples of these representations are the representation of sensory input devices like smart vision systems, environmental and body sensors and the like and sensory output rendering devices like lights, heaters, fans, displays, speakers and the like.
- Standardization Area B: Sensory Information
- This area covers the (bidirectional) information representation of information exchanged between the physical world and the virtual world as well as the information exchange between virtual worlds. Examples of these representations are the representation of haptic, emotion and avatar information.. Please note that this section will be extended with more details on the standardization areas when available.
More background information is available in the following MPEG output documents:
- Information exchange with Virtual Worlds: Context, Objectives and Use Cases (N9424)
- Requirements for MPEG-V Version 3 (N10235)
that can be found on the MPEG web site since at http://www.chiariglione.org/mpeg/working_documents.htm#MPEG-V
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Study Group on Sensor Networks (SGSN)
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Study Group on Sensor Networks (SGSN)
- Contacts:
- SGSN Convenor: Dr. Yongjin Kim, Modacom Co., Ltd (Email: cap@modacom.co.kr)
- SGSN Secretary: Ms. Jooran Lee, Korean Standards Association (Email: jooran@kisi.or.kr)
- Standardization Initiative of JTC 1/SC 6 on Sensor Networks and Standardization Activities 2008-07-28
- Standardization activities on Standardization activities on sensor networks 2008-06-11
- Liaison management done by ISO/IEC JTC 1
- Liaison Contribution from JTC 1 SGSN to SDOs, fora and consortia with sensor network standardization activity 2009-03-10
- Marylin Arndt New standardization activity in Europe : ETSI TC on M2M communications based on multi connectivity with sensor networks 2009-04-07
- Dr. Philipp Hoschka (W3C Deputy Director) Liaison Statement from W3C to JTC 1 SGSN 2009-05-07
- Kang Lee (NIST) IEEE 1451 Liaison Report 2009-05-20
Study on Sensor Networks (Version 3) Technical Document of ISO/IEC JTC 1 Study Group on Sensor Networks (SGSN) http://www.electronics-ktn.com/Portals/0/Content/Sensor%20Networks/JTC1_SGSN_TD_v3.pdf
This Technical Document (TD), entitled “Study on Sensor Networks (Version 3),” results from SGSN’s activities in 2008 and 2009. The history of the SGSN TD is:
- Version 1 (dated 10 October 2008) – Resulted from the 1st SGSN meeting (Shanghai, China, 26-27 June 2008) and also from the 2nd SGSN meeting (Nürnberg, Germany, 15-19 September 2008)
- Version 2 (dated 9 March 2009) – Resulted from the 3rd SGSN meeting (Sidney, Australia, 19-23 January 2009)
- Version 3 (dated 24 August 2009) - Adds the contents of contributions and discussions in the 4th SGSN meeting (Oslo, Norway, 29 June – 3 July 2009). Version 3 TD is the final TD of the SGSN activity
IEEE 1451 and NIST
See also Sensor Standards and Data Harmonization (NIST) http://semanticommunity.wik.is/Sensor_Standards_and_Data_Harmonization
Informal contact via Fano Ramparany (Orange)
ETSI WG M2M: http://portal.etsi.org/docbox/M2M/Open/Information/M2M_presentation.ppt
- June 2008 Workshop: http://www.etsi.org/WebSite/NewsandEvents/Past_Events/2008_M2MWORKSHOP.aspx
- Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Technical Committee http://zachshelby.org/2009/03/16/etsi-m2m-standardization/
NORTEL presentation at the M2M workshop (2008): Scott Widdowson M2M communications in Wide Area Mobile networks
- Slide 11: Potential Focus of Standardisation
No formal liaison (to date)
OASIS Quantities and Units of Measure Ontology Standard (QUOMOS) TC http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=quomos Just started - a follow up of work initiated by the Ontology community)
ITU Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (USN)
- ITU-T Technology Watch Report #4 February 2008 http://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-t/oth/23/01/T23010000040002PDFE.pdf
- David Faulkner (Focus group chairman) ITU and Climate Change Issues for Future Work
IEEE P1777
IEEE P1777 Power System Communications Committee (PSCC) and Substation Committee (PSSC) Joint Wireless Working Group - P1777 http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/pes/pscc/Wireless_WG_P1777/Wireless_WG_P1777_home.htm
ISA-100.11a-2009 Wireless systems for industrial automation: Process control and related applications http://www.isa.org/ISA100-11a and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isa100.11a
Participating W3C Members who may be involved in sensing-related working groups listed above
- Multiple participants are involved in OGC activities (OGC is a W3C member)
- Telefonica (ETSI M2M?)