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July 9, 2009

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Agenda for this week

  • XG public procedures: wiki, mailing-list
  • review breakout teams
  • assign pre-Chattanooga work on deliverables
  • membership
  • SXSW 2010 proposal


  1. Scott Fegette
  2. Ben Friedman
  3. Lars Gunther
  4. Kazuhito Kidachi
  5. David McFarland
  6. Mauro Nunez
  7. Doug Schepers
  8. Glenda Sims
  9. Yesha Sivan
  10. Steph Troeth
  11. Aarron Walter

XG Public Procedures: Wiki, Mailing-List

We asked Mauro Nunez for clarification on how OWEA should conduct our business in relation to basecamp, the W3C wiki and the W3C mailing list. Mauro said it is important that we comply with the OWEA charter. Discussion and agenda/minutes need to be published via the W3C OWEA mailing lists.

We can continue to use our own tools (like basecamp)...but all discussion, agenda and minutes must be public via the mailing list.

We know it is an extra effort to have you share all work on basecamp out through the wiki/mailing list...and we appreciate all the work you are doing.

If you have questions, just ask Mauro and cc Doug.


Yesha is looking for curriculum. Aarron Walter mentioned InterAct, Opera WSC and more.

Dave McFarland introduced himself. He also created an easy place for us to each put our bios in the OWEA:Community Portal.

Steph asked Aarron Walter to put resources on web standards curricula on the wiki. Aarron already did it! Curricula

Review Breakout Teams (for defining OWEA infrastructure)

Will discuss this offline, including deliverables.


Will be determining how to let new members in...and how to make them feel welcome.

  • Draft a process for accepting new members and helping them be productive in OWEA (get it reviewed by the current members to discuss in next meeting )- Glenda
  • Tiers - levels of participation, clear roles, not too formal
  • Motivation - set reasonable/motivational expectations
  • Question to Mauro - how does incubator membership work?

SXSWi Proposal

Reviewed SXSWi_2010_OWEA_Panel_Submission (due tomorrow). Checked to see if it complimented WaSP InterAct proposal. Encouraged everyone to review and give feedback.

Action Items

  • Everyone - add a small bio and include what you have to offer OWEA.
  • Aarron - add list of curricula to wiki - Done!
  • Glenda - draft a membership process and share with group before next meeting.
  • Glenda - ask Mauro how incubator membership works.
  • Glenda - make current OWEA membership list match basecamp list
  • Glenda - add instructions for IRC to new member welcome
  • Ben - record future calls (thanks Ben!)