See also: IRC log
We agreed on using XML for drafting a first version of the EmotionML. A small group of active persons was identified who will produce proposals for discussion by the group, starting with next meeting.
We will try to hold a face-to-face meeting at the general W3C meeting in Cannes in October.
<Scribe> Marc asks whether we can keep with the suggested dates and times
<Scribe> ACTION: Marc to keep to current time schedule - due 2008.6.19 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-17 - keep time schedule [on Marc Schröder - due 2008-06-19].
<Scribe> Marc asks whether we agree that XML is the format we should progress with
<Scribe> Ian says connection to other groups (who seem to all be using XML) will be very difficult unless we use XML
<Scribe> Andy says Commercial organizations will have difficulty accepting anything but XML
<Scribe> Bill says that OWL has flexibility
<felix> I vote for using XML cause I think it meets the requirements fair enough (gut feeling) and is known much wider than OWL which will help spreading the use
<Scribe> Bill has shown with his example ( OWL can be use sub classes as our specification calls for
<Scribe> After a vote (Bill abstention due to lack of XML knowledge) we agree to move forward with XML as our format of choice
<marc> this link contains a set of links to things from existing markup languages that we could build upon
<Scribe> After surveying various other current XML specifications points made are that they are complimentary to what we are trying to do
<Scribe> Marc notes that we are not trying to redefine existing language features in our languages
<Scribe> Instead we could look at how they have already solved problems we need to solve and perhaps use their solutions or be inspired by them
<marc> e.g. "simple cases should look simple"
<marc> ... or "structure should be explicit enough to avoid confusion"
<Scribe> Here is a more general set of best practices :
<Scribe> Marc notes that apparently a first working draft does not contain an XML schema
<Scribe> so we should focus our discussions on syntax
<Scribe> Andy says we should focus on incorporating other languages as much as possible
<Scribe> Ian says perhaps we can bias our representation towards being explicit
<Scribe> Bill asks to clarify the definition of "explicit" and "implicit"
<Scribe> Marc explains about EARLs implicit structure
<Scribe> Felix mentions that we have already agreed some of the points
<Scribe> ACTION: XMLGroup to show examples of explicit and implicit structure - due 2008.6.26 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - XMLGroup
<Scribe> Enrico suggests that our choice of guiding principals be guided by first writing examples
<Scribe> ACTION: marc to show examples of explicit and implicit structure - due 2008.6.26 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-18 - show examples of explicit and implicit structure [on Marc Schröder - due 2008-06-19].
<Scribe> Marc asks for volunteers for the XML group
<felix> I volunteer
<marc> I volunteer
<Scribe> ACTION: felix to join first XML group - due 2008.6.19 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-19 - join first XML group [on Felix Burkhardt - due 2008-06-19].
<Scribe> ACTION: marc to join first XML group - due 2008.6.19 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-20 - join first XML group [on Marc Schröder - due 2008-06-19].
<Scribe> I volunteer
<Scribe> ACTION: ian to join first XML group - due 2008.6.19 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-21 - join first XML group [on Ian Wilson - due 2008-06-19].
<Scribe> ACTION: felix, marc, ian to discuss separately how to proceed with XML group - due 2008.6.26 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - felix,
<Scribe> Marc asks how other would like to follow the discussions
<Scribe> Bill would like to follow the discussions
<Scribe> Ian says that the dynamics are different between group and private communicatuions
<Scribe> Marc says that he would prefer initially to keep discussions within the small group
<Scribe> Ian says perhaps we can "cc" other interested parties
<Scribe> Marc suggests sending a note to the public mailing list posting that we are discussing things in a small group and anyone else interested should let us know
<Scribe> ACTION: marc to notify public mailing list of XML group - due 2008.6.19 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-22 - notify public mailing list of XML group [on Marc Schröder - due 2008-06-19].
<Scribe> ACTION: felix, marc, ian to something as a basis for discussion - due 2008.7.3 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - felix,
<Scribe> Marc asks if he should proceed with organizing a Cannes f2f meeting
<felix> yes I agree to try to organize a Cannes f2f