W3C W3C Incubator Report

Long description of Figure 2: Tracking Expenses

Figure 2 illustrates the user interface of an "Expense Tracker" rich web application. The user interface is composed of:

Beneath the row of five buttons, the user interface is composed of four columns of edit boxes which are populated with expense information. The first column contains classification information -- the most abstract grouping of expense items -- which fall into such categories as "Food", "Travel", "Housing", etc. The second column of edit boxes contains clarifying information about the expense classified by the first column of edit boxes; e.g., "lunch at airport", "airfare" and "hotel". The third column contains the amount of the expense detailed in the previous two edit boxes in currency amounts. The fourth and final column of edit boxes contains the date upon which the expense was transacted. The last item in each row of columns is a labeled graphic indicating "Delete Entry".

Beneath the column of edit boxes are five additional interactive form controls:

  1. an "Expense Description" edit box;
  2. an "Expense Account" edit box;
  3. a hybrid edit box/combo list, labeled "Expense Date". Note that the date data entry field can be: (a) filled by direct user input (i.e. 2009-10-06), (b) auto-filled by the execution of a background script, or (c) manually chosen by using a pop-up calendar.
  4. a drop-down combo box labeled: "Choose Category"; and
  5. an "Add Expense" button

Return to the text immediately following Figure 2.

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