WCAG Weekly Telecon

22 Dec 2005


See also: IRC log


David_MacDonald, Becky_Gibson, Alex_Li, Bengt_Farre, Matt_May, Sofia_Celic, Wendy Chisholm, John_Slatin, Judy Brewer, Loretta Guarino Reid, Luca Mascaro, Gregg Vanderheiden, Ben Caldwell, Makoto Ueki, Katie Haritos-Shea, Kerstin_Goldsmith
Tim_Boland, Gian_Sampson-Wild, Takayuki_Watanabe, Roberto_Castaldo, Roberto_Ellero, Yvette_Hoitink, Roberto_Scano, Gez_Lemon, Sebastiano_Nutarelli
Gregg_Vanderheiden, John_Slatin




Planning and Next Steps

<ben_> schedule for getting to last call: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005OctDec/1479.html

<ben_> Instructions and team assignments for getting to Last Call: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005OctDec/1480.html

Resolution: close items from surveys for 3.2, 4.1 and general which had complete agreement or agreement to close with minor edits. Authorize editors to make the suggested edits. Issue numbers are: 767,931, 1172, 1410, 1411, 1458, 1510, 1517, 1568, 1569, 1570, 1571, 1657, 1658, 1660, 1662, 1663, 1664, 1716, 1774, 496, 774, 1408, 1773, 888, 933, 991, 1161, 1220, 1519, 1554, 1748, 1675, 1676, 1677, 205, 213, 261, 405, 501, 753, 834, 846, 969, 1007, 1019, 1053, 1077, 1135, 1141, 1181, 1203, 1275, 1363, 1420, 1540, 1589, 378, 695

Issues for Guideline 2.4 (http://tinyurl.com/cu49m)

Issue 1646

issue 1646 remains open


issue 1563 remains open since it relates to 1646 which remains open


Resolution: close 1647 as proposed


Resolution: close 1649 as proposed


resolution: close 1654 as proposed and by updating the intent section to help clarify what a data storage system is.

<scribe> ACTION: team C to update the intent section of 2.5.3 to clarify the term data storage system. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/22-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action01]


resolution: close 1708. do not change the text for SC 2.4.2. The working group believes that the new wording introduces non testable language and is not clearer.


<scribe> ACTION: David to work on issue 1741. Proposal due to team B no later than 01/05/06. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/22-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action02]

Issue 1741 remains open


resolution: add definition of label: text that identifies a component within Web content
... close 1769 as proposed. Changing wording of 2.4.6 to: Titles, headings, and labels are descriptive.

<wendy> previously adopted "plain language" definition: The information that the user agent receives and renders .

The information that the user agent receives and renders to the user.

<scribe> ACTION: Wendy to summarize thoughts on delivery unit and send to John by 12/23/05. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/22-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action03]

Resolution: close 1ssue 1770 as proposed (deleting "page or other" from SC 2.4.7)

Issue 1777

resolution: Close issue 1777 with comment, "If the SC specifies a set of delivery units it does not imply a single delivery unit."

issue 1130

Close issue 1130 with comments: As long as authors accomplish the existing SC, user agents can provide the desired functionality. TThis is already listed as a sufficient technique under 2.4.3.

issue 1720

Reolution: close 1720 as proposed (The term "programmatically identified" is no longer used in WCAG 2.0.)

Issues for Guideline 2.1 (http://tinyurl.com/7rbo8)

Issue 1700

Resolution: close 1700 as proposed (Propose closing since the issue of making focus visible is a UA issue. Lack of tab positions is already covered by this SC - author must use the proper elements and attributes to ensure keyboard access.) and add a note to include as an advisory technique.

issue 1378

Resolution; close 1378 with first proposal: change the text of the criterion to replace "is designed to be operable" with "is operable" This would change the 2.1.2 success criterion FROM, " All functionality of the content is designed to be operated through a keyboard interface." TO, "All functionality of the content is operable through a keyboard interface.".

issues 1621 and 1740

Resolution: close issues 1621 and 1740 to keep 2.1.2 at level 3 with Gregg's comment: Some functionality cannot be done through keyboard. Level 3 is where we have requirements that cannot be applied to all content.

Issues for Guideline 3.2 (http://tinyurl.com/7kf3g)

issue 1659

Resolution: close issue 1659 by changing the wording of 3.2.3 to: Navagational mechanisms that are repeated on multiple delivery units within a set of delivery units occur in the same relative order each time they are repeated unless a change is initiated by the user.

issue 1747

Leave issue 1747 open - can not reach consensus on this call. Comments included some people can not live with it at level 1 - too restrictive. what would it prevent? what should it allow? concern about defn of change of context - could it be misinterpreted? word "complete" is important and "changing the meaning of the d.u." clarification needed about "dynamic outline" - what does this entail/cover.

<scribe> ACTION: Alex and Becky provide reasons why moving 3.2.2 to level 1 would cause problems for web application development. Due 01/12/06. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/22-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action04]

<scribe> ACTION: Ben and David to document the specific need and benefits of moving 3.2.2 up to level 1. Due 01/12/06. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/22-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action05]

issue 1792

Resolution: close 1792 with no changes to the text of 3.2.1. Working group feels that the tab panel example provided in the issue does not violate SC 3.2.1. Add the tab panel example to the how to meet document.

<scribe> ACTION: Becky will add the tab panel example to the How to Meet document for 3.2.1 as an allowed behavior. Due 01/12/06. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/22-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action06]

issue 1661

Resolution: close issue 1661 - leave lanugage of 3.2.2 as is, Add an example in how to meet to cover issues with hiding and showing content in response to an input field change.

<scribe> ACTION: Becky to create example in How to Meet Document for 3.2.2 that explains that hiding and showing content as the result of an input field change is NOT a complete change of context (Calendaring and scheduling example) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/22-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action07]

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Alex and Becky provide reasons why moving 3.2.2 to level 1 would cause problems for web application development. Due 01/12/06. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/22-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: Becky to create example in How to Meet Document for 3.2.2 that explains that hiding and showing content as the result of an input field change is NOT a complete change of context (Calendaring and scheduling example) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/22-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action07]
[NEW] ACTION: Becky will add the tab panel example to the How to Meet document for 3.2.1 as an allowed behavior. Due 01/12/06. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/22-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action06]
[NEW] ACTION: Ben and David to document the specific need and benefits of moving 3.2.2 up to level 1. Due 01/12/06. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/22-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action05]
[NEW] ACTION: David to work on issue 1741. Proposal due to team B no later than 01/05/06. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/22-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: team C to update the intent section of 2.5.3 to clarify the term data storage system. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/22-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: Wendy to summarize thoughts on delivery unit and send to John by 12/23/05. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/22-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action03]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
$Date: 2005/12/23 03:01:38 $