TTF of the WCAG WG weekly telecon

23 Feb 2005



Don_Evans, Wendy, Michael_Cooper, Jenae, Ben, Alex_Li, Alistair, David, Becky_Gibson, Chris_Ridpath, Lisa_Seeman
John, Slatin, Sailesh_Panchang, Ken_Kipnes



test 195

wc: we may start scribe rotation

<wendy> http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/tests/test195.html

mc:Chris say internationalization issues overcome by saying this is english version

ls: confused, is optional mean not relating best practice of check point or is it optional cause its unreliable

mc: means optional tests have no checklist

cr: can you explain?

ls: click here, issues or long alt tags sometimes ok so there is a problem with test

ag: propose tests go to general cause they are qualitative not really about html

wc: how bout a holding bin? on questionable stuff solve it later,, lets get through the tests - this stuff is f2f issues

mc: yep agree

ag: then we need usability best practice holding bin separate from guidelines difficult to keep up to date

cr: yeah its purgatory

mc: call it a holding bin

wc: all 3

all: agree

<wendy> ACTION: chris create list of all possible tests that are "in the bin" [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/02/23-wai-wcag-minutes#action01]

<wendy> ACTION: everyone discuss tests "in the bin" at the f2f and consider what to call them, where they go, what they look like. are they not dependable? optional? will we be able to keep them up-to-date if they are usability issues? [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/02/23-wai-wcag-minutes#action02]

Checklist structure

ag: are there going to be tests for deprecated items

mc: probably not cause it says "here's how to do what you shouldn't do"

cr: except marquee and blink

ag: idea of mixing deprecated and non deprecated problem, let's pull them cleanly out

mc: that's off agenda , techniques structure, unless we can agree quick

cr: attribute called "deprecated" then fish them out in views.

mc: this is f2f stuff

wc: it would mean have discussion twice

ag: will decisions be circulated

JE: call in tomorrow? yes?

mc: we need back and forth with thursday all in our group are invited to thurs
... talk about deprecated stuff next week

Test file structure

ag: we were writing logic into tests that could get difficult, but its ok to get test done, but there may be a logic problem

cr: let's just get through it and deal with structure later, cause its hard for me to make all these small changes as we go along, I've been making notes
... I'll get to bad errors but put off medium errors for later,

ag: chris, must be a lot a work, is there a way to share work?

mc: becky made suggestions on language,

cr: I can show the code to do the xml input put if you are suggestion it would be easy
... are you offering to do work?

ag: just think it could be easier somehow sharing

mc: too many editors spoils the soup
... editors control a doc,
... we'll do more next week

cr: no, haven't used bugzilla, but I will

wc: it helps for scheduling and grouping issues etc...bugzy is good habit

jenae: I'll help

mc: test suite, structure , deliverables, ways to get work done
... tues scheduling
... scary amount of work
... interoperable implementation of guidelines

jenae: browser matrix??

wc: brainstorm, in a perfect world what would we do
... to get to candidate need two interoperable implementations, needed 2 of everything two by two like the ark
... will decide in planing discussion

mc: we'll run out of time next week.

Tests 70, 149, 150 (Tim's review) - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005JanMar/att-0422/wcagtestreview.htm

wc: dropping seeds to grow ideas for next week, for everyone to think about

tests 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 167, and 101 (jenae's review) - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005JanMar/0519.html

jenae: suggest keep them all but there are 9 bugzy files regarding frames

mc: what is nature of open issues

jenae: 819

859, 870, 1068, 1069, 1107, 1125, 1144, 1198

<wendy> http://tinyurl.com/45hzn

wc: have totally different list

<wendy> http://tinyurl.com/4ms94

mc: these bugs seem a little unrelated to test

<wendy> http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-WCAG20-HTML-TECHS-20050211/#frames

<wendy> i don't see any issues linked from the html techniques section on frames re: issues

bg: test 33, has lots of examples, I think it might make people think they are the only ones

mc: representative but not exhaustive

mc: doesn't matter extension its the MIME type,
... but email programs don't know that
... need to update this technique

cr: is the test that there needs to be accessible content

mc: that's my proposal
... but we are just saying anything in a frame needs to follow guidelines but that's the same as every other container

cr: what if I say frame source must be accessible i.e. 2 examples linked to jpg or 2) link to html page that load with alt text

wc: ... discussed slide shows, is it reasonable
... one frame of links

cr: text equivalent for image is in a whole different frame

wc: seemed it was accessible

mc: sometimes screen reader users like the frames cause they can just jump out of a links frame on left margin
... title attribute of frame most important think

ag: idea was the frame element ever intended to link to image, was that speced in the html , must be relative to the spec, rather than how it is used, there are implications for interoperability

mc: html provides frame to link to any URI

ag: we need a harder line when it comes to deprecation, it seems a lot o our problems cause we allow more and more instead of saying hey don't use it"

ls: would it make sense use a meta data title on .htm page, so if you have title on htm. page menu, title and description, why insist re giving the title, when it is reasonable easy to get the title from the source itself,
... other stands, html we have good mechanism of going to them and saying "problem with your spec" like next week, do it through pf group, to review other specs and say this is what we don't like.

wc: frames aren't in xhtml2 and they are not likely going to do many updated on HTML 4.01. they feel frames are fixed by using css. In XHTML 2.0 they seem to rely on div, section and css. we need to help people make leap, so problem is just dealing with authoring tools that still generate this stuff http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml2/elements.html"

bc: look at test 35,36, suggest drop test requiring no frames. move to bin? UAAG issue?

mc: drop 35 cause in spec, drop 36 cause user agent issue??

bc: yup

mc: we should keep 33

ag: this browser matrix, is that what's in the there,

bc: it was just what browsers, supported what

ag: it would be great to have a list of browsers to see what supports what

mc: we should consider that

ag: we could strike through that

mc: its long process

wc: not our job, but UA group has one that is less than perfect...

<Michael> ACTION: Michael update HTML tech #frame_html to be generic to "accessible formats" [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/02/23-wai-wcag-minutes#action03]

mc: while questions about its validity there is enough support for 33 to go straw poll

cr: which sc - i did 3.1 but mike has 4.2,

wc: why not 2.4 navigation orientation

bc: 1.1

mc: agree. half techniques are 1.1

mc: ben suggested removing no frame requirement because part of spec, and if the title is there you can use the frame effectively

bc: even without title UA provides links to pages that are part of frameset,

mc: no frames important in old days, how old is too old

bc: that is really old

cr: so 35,36 rejected?

bc: can go into bin but not high priority

mc: should reject technique also

<Michael> ACTION: Michael deprecate HTML #noframes technique [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/02/23-wai-wcag-minutes#action04]

BC: or just deprecate them

mc: if we add attribute will be ok for deprecated but might make deprecated techniques section

cr: 34 technique deprecated, jenae asked do we need the test...

mc: new bin for deprecated techniques

cr: let's reject it

mc: yup
... longdesc for frames dumb --reviewing external file to get info about another external file

cr: 32 ready for poll

mc: think so
... link to 2.4. cause orientation aid

cr: what about title for documents

wc: yup

mc: GL 2.4 l3, sc 4

<wendy> 3.1 level 3 #2 - Section headings and link text are understandable when read by themselves or as a group (for example, in a screen reader's list of links or a table of contents).

mc: I think it is 2.4 but no sc for it
... think it points to hole in guidelines

wc: perhaps part of the issue for frames, creates more work, can we build case against frames rather than hole in GL

ag: should the value of the title attribute be the same as the page that is loaded

Mc imo not important but see a case for it

wc: 2 questions, point about how to navigate through content related to issue with headings, so I agree there, at one point frames were extreme change in context

programmatically identified, explicit notice in extreme change in contents, not only ??? but the action of selecting link so 3.2 perhaps better fit

wc: frame is very html specific

<wendy> 3.2 seems to be a good fit for some of these issues, since frames have been considered "extreme change of context" - http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-WCAG20-20050211/#consistent-behavior

mc: don't know answers but identified number of issues

wc: enter question of frame title and page title to list

mc: fix mapping later

cr: I'll leave 3.1L3#2 as wendy suggested
... 101 iframes,

mc: yup

wc: need tim here so go to test file review from wendy

<wendy> ACTION: jenae write a test case for test 167 and 101 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/02/23-wai-wcag-minutes#action05]

wendy's review

<wendy> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005JanMar/0522.html

wc: would add <span> to list

<wendy> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005JanMar/0523.html

wc: link to structures and relationships prog determine

43-4 misuse of headings, should accept them


associated with structure & relationship

1.3 L1

<wendy> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005JanMar/0524.html

37-41 reject them because would not let you out of headings

cr: its been changed.

wc: better form H# should not follow hn+h2

H followed by the next header or anything less

cr: reject 41 &42 cause following h5 can be anything

or h6 can be followed by anything

cr: so really only 4 test

wc: recommend acceptance

bc: have a hard time requiring H levels
... author could want it

for sidebar

wc: maps to several issues, we need to tell them the order in the techniques

bc: not convinced its a big accessibility prob

mc: level 3 for me, I see benefits

cr: not big problem , but not huge burden either, not week enough to be binned

mc: authors would think it is a burden

bc: it the point o H is for NAV, then use in templating, comes into conflict with main content of the page,

it gets muddy mixing site nav and main content H

bg: sometimes css order gets changed order of visual order different ...

bc: order about eye following, but there are many issues when dealing with navigation

wc: need to note John slating's comments

<wendy> reads from john's email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ig/2005JanMar/0369.html

wc: reiterates JS issue

bc: issue in the spec...pf is working on labeling blocks, no good solution in html, too big for us future spec needs to deal with it, making this requirement it burden

wc: we don't have semantics. we should table it

bc: don't agree with test Header following in order rejected

bg: me too

mc: can't think strong accessibility but I like it

wc: would give AT better chance

<ben> related post on this subject: http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2004/07/21/pick-a-heading/

dm: I could help change the culture of no headings to provide structure

ag: people don't know how to use headers cause they don' know uses, in early days of html big honking documents, not so, need to tell how and where to use headers instead of making rules

mc: that would shift it to general tech

wc: interesting meyer article but he is using H in orders
... html issue
... not same issue in other technologies
... open issue about reading order, but reject these tests

<wendy> wac: should reject the tests (meyer has a good argument), however have an open issue about how to address using headings and reading order.

Agenda for Face to Face meeting and Meeting schedule for the next few weeks

face-to-face meetings 28 February and 1 March so not teleconference on 2 March.

We will meet 9 March.

CSUN begins on 16 March so we will not meet on that day.

We will meet 23 March even though we will be coming back from 20/21 March face-to-face meeting in l.a.

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: chris create list of all possible tests that are "in the bin" [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/02/23-wai-wcag-minutes#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: everyone discuss tests "in the bin" at the f2f and consider what to call them, where they go, what they look like. are they not dependable? optional? will we be able to keep them up-to-date if they are usability issues? [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/02/23-wai-wcag-minutes#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: jenae write a test case for test 167 and 101 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/02/23-wai-wcag-minutes#action05]
[NEW] ACTION: Michael deprecate HTML #noframes technique [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/02/23-wai-wcag-minutes#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: Michael update HTML tech #frame_html to be generic to "accessible formats" [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/02/23-wai-wcag-minutes#action03]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.111 (CVS log)
$Date: 2005/02/23 18:02:33 $