<DanC_DCA> (I didn't get that about dinner. did anybody get it?)
OMG PRoduction Rule Representation- an Overview (Paul Vincent)
pv from Fair Issac
pv: members include ilog, ibm, pega, ...
background on OMG, PRR (prod rule representation) status, and how this fits in with rule interop
OMG - most known for UML, CORBA
scribe: vendor, domain org membership
... framework of MDA (model driven arch)
... technologies of UML2
... domains (finance, space, telco, defense)
... rule specific - BEI (BSBR, PRR)
... rule related (BPDM, OMD, OCL)
OCL == Object Contraint Language
PRR - Metamodel and associated representation
(if <conditions> then <actions>)
organized by rulesets
- sequentially processed rules
- forward chaining inference rules
(most typically used in buisiness rule environments)
Interchance based on XMI (?)
why is the PRR standard required?
- mutliple representations used by industry forthe same concept
industry need to align the business rules approach with UML / OO software dev best practices
co-dev with PRRuleML
State of PRR
- based metamodel defined
(ruleset and rules)
built examples library (URL??)
PRR vs Rule Interop candidates
Proposition: an equiv to PRR, possibly a concrete syntax for PRR, is required for run-time rule exchange
PRR works beyond the web
<timbl> "Beyond the web" ... himm is file: beyond URI ?
Q: is the interpretation the same as OCL?
A: yes
OCL - object constrint language
<DanC_DCA> er... I heard the answer: no, the interpretation is not necessarily the same; we've borrowed the constructs and mutated the semantics as needed
<timbl> "OCL is very bound to objects -- are you limitingto that interp?" -- no.
Q: does this (PRR?) enable (rational rose, XSB, etc. ) do rule modeling?
A: yes
(arrg.. cant hear)
Q: When is UML2 comming out?
A: almost out now.. the production core is not out and it relates (?) to PRR.. we're expecting this to be out next year
Q: Why arent we considering event condition action rules?
A: general view that ECAR can be a subset of the work we're doing
Q: what does execution mode have to do with rule modelling?
A: it determines the scope of what I can represent with the rules
scribe: also, you can think of this within the model of defining hints to engine
Q: I hear you have to do things "beyond the web"
scribe: could we simply webify the system and more or less leave things unchanged?
... is there something special 'doing things outside the web'?
A: in short, no
scribe: if there is commercial interest, this would be on the checklist
we dont see PRR being special / different for a web standard.. but whatever the interop standard is we'd like to ease this transition from PRR to ...
<scribe> .... (new speaker) ...
Daniel Selman - Java Community and Rule Engine Standards
scribe: hope to bridge gap between business and KR communities
... quite a lot of java rule engines and interest
JSR94 - only java standard in this area
JSR-94 - Java Rule Engine API
-> http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=94
40+ Open Source and commercial java rule engines - http://www.javarules.org
integration with Spring framework
Specification does not define the behavior of the rule engine (explicitly ruled out of scope)
scribe: but remains a contentious issue
equiv JDBC without SQL
waiting for standard underlying rule language
"I want to write a ruleset.. i want to run the same set on jrules and blaze"
Jess is the reference implementation for JSR-94
<DanC_DCA> AT&T Labs Research - R++
Q: why not simply extent the Java languge to support rules (e.g. ATT's R++ to C++)
A: Sun is reluctant to extend java
(missed other answer)
<DanC_DCA> other answer: R++ is not the architecture that Java rules vendors have used
Q: whats the relationship to APIs with what W3C should standardize?
<DanC_DCA> R++ patent
bingo, thanks..
A: in most vendor systems, rule sets are monolythic things.. we can imagine this being more dynamic and recombined from many parts of the web
Q: can you take JSR94 and take 2 different rule sets on 2 diff platforms
A: (thinks the answer is) yes, but at the API level only
(missed question)
<scribe> ... new speaker ...
Donald Chapin, Business Rules Team - Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules
important to separate business modeling and information system modeling
SBVR: A synthesis of 4 disciplines
- vocabulary standard (ISO 1087 terminology standard)
- business proactices
- formal logics
- linguists and communication
<sandro> SBVR == Semantic Beaver
SBVR - includes among other things logic (FOPL with some limited extensions)
Key SBVR New Contribution - Semantic Formulation
- language for talking about meaning and concepts of rules
a way of structuring the meaning of definitions, rules, question / queries
optimized for peoople and natual language - not for machine processing
<sandro> Deontic and Alethic logics, plus temporal
in the submission document, there are examples in structured english
SBVR - what can it contribute to / require from rule language for interoperability
q: has anyone done the SBVR -> RDF/OWL transformation
a: not yet
q: (more of a statement) if we can have these SBVR -> tranformations in place, this gives us useful set of examples, requirements, input to the Rules community
a: absolutely
<DanC_DCA> "you're establishing a common ground so that your computers can communicate on your behalf"
<DanC_DCA> that ability to say "oh, I don't understand that part, so I'll ignore it" is a core semantic web principle: partial understanding. It seems to clash pretty badly with negation-as-failure, as far as I can tell.
<DanC_DCA> meta-comment: lots of people have looked at this metro diagram on the web and haven't had the benefit of the explanation
<DanC_DCA> timbl: there's a video version for the royal [something]
<DanC_DCA> WWW Past & Future - Berners-Lee - Royal Society
<DanC_DCA> webcast
<DanC_DCA> dan demo'd sparql, starting at the WG page http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/
<DanC_DCA> then going to http://esw.w3.org/topic/DawgShows
<DanC_DCA> then to sparqler http://sparql.org/query.html
<DanC_DCA> c = [ is math:sum of (a b)]
<DanC_DCA> { ?C math:sum (1 2 4) } => { ?C a Answer}
<sandro_post_hoc> scribe: Eric Miller
<sandro_post_hoc> scribeNick: em