Semantic-Web Best Practices and Deployment (SWBPD) Working Group
Kick-off meeting Tech Plenary Cannes, 4-5 March 2004

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This is an agenda for a W3C Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group [charter] face-to-face meeting during the W3C All Working Group Meeting week.


Venue: Hotel Royal Casino, Cannes-Mandelieu FRANCE. Meeting room Iles A (see room allocation).

Meeting starts at 9am on Thursday and ends Friday 3pm.

Attendance is expected of WG participants. People who want to act as an observers can send a request to chair or team contact (see end of this page).

See also the W3C Tech Plenary page and registered participants.

Agenda (subject to change) port 6665 channel #swbp

Thursday 4 March

[irc log]

Morning session:

9.00 - 9.15 Welcome by Guus Schreiber (chair) and Ralph Swick (team contact)
9.15 - 10.00 Introductory round (all participants)
10.00 - 10.30 What is expected of this Working group? Introduction into some relevant W3C process issues (see also the reading material). (Ralph Swick) [slides]
10.30 - 11.00 Coffee break
11.00 - 12.30 Flash talks by participants. Partcipants are asked to prepare a very short (5 min) talk on their top-three priority list for this BPD Working Group. (all)
  1. Aldo Gangemi
  2. Bernard Vatant [mail]
  3. Alain Leger & Marco Nanni
  4. Libby Miller [mail]
  5. Noboru Shimizu
  6. Chuck Myers
  7. Dan Brickley [slides]
  8. Jos De Roo [slides]
  9. Jeremy Carroll
  10. Oscar Corcho [mail]
  11. Mike Uschold
  12. Chris Welty [slide]
  13. Dave Beckett
  14. Dan Connolly [slide]
  15. Yoshio Fukushige
  16. Ivan Herman
12.30 - 12.45 Creative Commons use of RDF (Ben Adida)
12.45 - 14.00 Lunch break

Afternoon session:

14.00 - 14.45 Focus 1: Supporting initiatives for publishing ontologies / vocabularies
14.45 - 15.30 Focus 2: FAQs and how-to-do-it guidelines
15.30 - 16.00 Coffee break
16.00 - 16.45 Focus 3: Repository of tools and demo applications
16.45 - 17.30 Focus 4: Links to related techniques

Friday 5 March

[irc log]

Morning session: discussion on short-term task forces:

straw poll
importance will participate task force
8 6 Demos and applications (ongoing?)
6 3 WordNet ontology conversion support [content]
5 5 World-view note - explain diff between owl, rdf, ...
5 5 Porting thesaurii to the Web
5 4 Ontology Design Issues
4 2 Units and Measures
4 1 Tools Page
4 1 Style conventions
4 1 Link to TopicMaps
4 4 Design Patterns [pragmatic modelling]
3 2 XML Schema Datatypes
1 0 Time Ontology
1 2 Links to related techniques: MPEG, etc.
1 0 Link to UML
1 0 Education
0 0 MusicBrainz
0 0 Getty Thesaurus ontology conversion support
09:00 - 10:30 RDF-XHTML task force.
  • old task force status - Dominique Hazaël-Massieux
  • XHTML and RDF - Mark Birbeck
  • GRDDL - Dominique Hazaël-Massieux / Dan Connolly
10.30 - 11.00 Possible task force: Porting Thesaurii to the Semantic Web (45 min)
11.00 - 12.30 Task force TBD from Thursday afternoon (45 min)
12.30 - 14.00 Lunch break

Afternoon session: planning session for

14.00 - 15.00
  • task forces
  • telecons
  • next f2f

list of task forces that had interest and support from those present at the meeting

use subject key ALL for messages intended for everyone in the WG

task force lead/coordinator volunteer subject key
Demos and applications (ongoing?) [pragmatic examples] APPS
World-view note - explain diff owl, rdf, xml [hi] [action Guus] WVN
Porting thesaurii to the Web DanBri PORT
Ontology Patterns and Engineering ChrisW, DebM OPEN
WordNet ontology conversion support [content] AldoG WNET
RDF+XHTML DanC (short-term) XHTML
Units and Measures UNITS
XML Schema Datatypes JeremyC [after May] XSCH
Links to related techniques: MPEG, etc. MarcoN MPEG
Tools Page OscarC (or Education) TOOL
Style conventions STYL
Link to TopicMaps BernardV TMAP
Time Ontology TIME
Link to UML UML
Education OscarC (or Tools) EDU
MusicBrainz MUSIC
Getty Thesaurus ontology conversion support GETTY

Background reading material

Guus Schreiber
Ralph Swick
$Id: 04-SWBPD.html,v 1.75 2004/03/18 14:24:30 swick Exp $