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Agenda for 30 June 2003 TAG teleconference
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Note: The Chair does not expect the agenda to change
after close of business (Boston time) Thursday of this week.
1. Administrative (15min)
- Confirm Chair (SW), Scribe (IJ). Regrets: DO, PC. Possible
regrets: NW, RF
- Accept minutes of 30 Jun
- Accept this agenda?
- Next meeting: 7 July?
- Next meeting with Voice WG?
- Proposed three-week summer break: No meeting 18 Aug, 25 Aug, 1 Sep
2. Technical (75 mins)
2.1 Architecture document (10 minutes)
27 June 2003
Working Draft of Arch Doc published.
- Action RF 2003/06/02: Rewrite section 5. Section 5 is expected to be
- Action DO 2003/06/02: Write up a couple of paragraphs on extensibility
for section 4.
- Action IJ 2003/06/16: Attempt to incorporate relevant bits of "Conversations and
State" into section to be produced by RF.
- Action PC 2003/06/16: Send second draft of AC announcement regarding
TAG's last call expectations/thoughts and relation to AC meeting
2.2 Findings (20 mins)
See also: findings.
Next steps on these findings:
The TAG does not expect to discuss the following at this meeting:
2.3 Issues the TAG intends to discuss (45 mins)
The TAG expects to do a walk-through of the open and pending issues in order to determine:
- Is this issue nearly closed?
- Do we want to close this issue before going to last call?
- Do we want to discuss this issue at the face-to-face meeting?
2.4 New issues?
The TAG does not expect to discuss new issues at this meeting.
- Summary
from Stuart
2.5 Issues that have associated action items
- rdfmsQnameUriMapping-6
- Action DC 2003/02/06: Propose TAG response to XML Schema
desideratum (RQ-23).
- namespaceDocument-8
- Action TB 2003/04/07: Prepare RDDL Note. Include in status section
that there is TAG consensus that RDDL is a suitable format for
representations of an XML namespace. Clean up messy section 4 of RDDL
draft and investigate and publish a canonical mapping to RDF. See
TB's 1 June
- Action PC 2003/04/07: Prepare finding to answer this issue,
pointing to the RDDL Note. See comments
from Paul regarding TB theses.
- Refer to draft TAG opinion
from Tim Brayon the use of URNs for namespace names.
- RF: Folks assume that because the specs say so, URNs will be
persisitent. But persistence is a function of institutional
commitment and frequency of use.
- uriMediaType-9
- IANA appears to have responded to the spirit of this draft (see email
from Chris Lilley).What's required to close this issue?
- Action CL 2003/05/05: Propose CL's three changes to registration
process to Ned Freed. [What forum?]
3. Other actions
- Action IJ 2003/02/06: Modify issues list to show that actions/pending
are orthogonal to decisions. IJ and PLH making substantial progress on
this; hope to have something to show in May.
Ian Jacobs for Stuart Williams and TimBL
Last modified: $Date: 2003/06/30 15:11:45 $