W3CDOM Level 3 Core Issues List

Individual view

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This list received comments from 2 groups and 12 individuals.

Comments from groups

  1. Internationalization WG [10 issues ]
    1. importNode-1 : adoptNode and importNode [closed]
    2. arnold-25 : byte and character offsets [closed]
    3. yergeau-12 : actualEncoding and xmlEncoding [closed]
    4. yergeau-13 : renameNode and invalid characters [closed]
    5. yergeau-14 : normalize() and character normalization [open]
    6. yergeau-15 : CharacterData methods and character normalization [open]
    7. yergeau-16 : "cdata-sections" default must be false [closed]
    8. yergeau-17 : check character normalization? [closed]
    9. yergeau-18 : Unicode 4.0 [closed]
    10. yergeau-19 : URI/IRIs [open]
  2. XML Core [13 issues ]
    1. aillon-1 : Document.xmlVersion [open]
    2. manian-2 : unspecified standalone [open]
    3. yergeau-1 : nodeName? [open]
    4. yergeau-2 : Attribute values and entity references [open]
    5. yergeau-3 : Entity declarations [open]
    6. yergeau-4 : redundant if? [open]
    7. yergeau-5 : Namespace algorithm [open]
    8. yergeau-6 : actualEncoding vs xmlEncoding [open]
    9. yergeau-7 : xmlVersion mapping [open]
    10. yergeau-8 : notations mapping [open]
    11. yergeau-9 : no namespace and Infoset [open]
    12. yergeau-10 : previous and next sibling mapping [open]
    13. yergeau-11 : CDATA sections and Infoset [open]

Comments from individuals

  1. Andrew Clover [8 issues ]
    1. clover-1 : an application data [closed]
    2. clover-2 : DOM features and plus (+) sign [closed]
    3. clover-3 : renameNode and non-namespace nodes [closed]
    4. clover-4 : logically adjacent and wholeText [closed]
    5. clover-5 : error types [closed]
    6. clover-6 : whitespace-in-element-content [closed]
    7. clover-7 : Text.data [closed]
    8. clover-8 : DOMError severity [closed]
  2. Anjana Manian [3 issues ]
    1. manian-1 : getDOMImplementation(s) [open]
    2. manian-2 : unspecified standalone [open]
    3. manian-3 : whitespaces [open]
  3. Christopher Aillon [1 issue ]
    1. aillon-1 : Document.xmlVersion [open]
  4. Curt Arnold [26 issues ]
    1. arnold-1 : NameList: contains and containsNS [closed]
    2. arnold-2 : attribute name case [open]
    3. arnold-3 : hasFeature and Core 1.0 [closed]
    4. arnold-4 : ordered collection [closed]
    5. arnold-5 : getName vs getLocalName [open]
    6. arnold-6 : exceptions in NameList [closed]
    7. arnold-7 : DOMImplementationSource [closed]
    8. arnold-8 : actual encoding? [closed]
    9. arnold-9 : config or configuration? [closed]
    10. arnold-10 : documentURI and valid URIs [closed]
    11. arnold-11 : recognized XML encoding [closed]
    12. arnold-12 : Requirements of standalone [closed]
    13. arnold-13 : adoptNode and importNode [closed]
    14. arnold-14 : adoptNode return value [closed]
    15. arnold-15 : Attributes and renameNode [closed]
    16. arnold-16 : Position comparison [open]
    17. arnold-17 : getFeature and hasFeature [closed]
    18. arnold-18a : isWhitespaceInElementContent() or isWhitespaceInElementContent ? [open]
    19. arnold-18 : isId() or isId ? [open]
    20. arnold-19 : DOMError.clone() [closed]
    21. arnold-20 : User data and event handling [closed]
    22. arnold-21 : anonymous types [closed]
    23. arnold-22 : XML Schema and DTD types [open]
    24. arnold-23 : nested and anonymous types [open]
    25. arnold-24 : handleErrors [closed]
    26. arnold-25 : byte and character offsets [closed]
  5. Darin Adler [1 issue ]
    1. adler-1 : "negative count" and unsigned counts [open]
  6. Glenn A. Adams [1 issue ]
    1. adams-1 : DOMImplementationRegistry behavior [closed]
  7. Jeffery B. Rancier [1 issue ]
    1. rancier-1 : iterators for DOMConfiguration [open]
  8. Johnny Stenback [1 issue ]
    1. stenback-1 : setting Document.prefix [open]
  9. Petteri Stenius [1 issue ]
    1. stenius-1 : derived types [closed]
  10. Scott Nichol [1 issue ]
    1. nichol-1 : Node.namespaceURI [open]
  11. Susan Lesch [1 issue ]
    1. lesch-1 : isWhitespaceInElementContent or isWhiteSpaceInElementContent ? [open]
  12. Vadim O. Ustiansky [1 issue ]
    1. ustiansky-1 : What exception to raise? [open]

Maintained by DOM Working Group.

Last update: $Date: 2004/02/19 16:25:03 $

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