W3CWSDL 2.0 Second Last Call Issues List

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This list received comments from 0 groups and 23 individuals.

Comments from individuals

  1. Arthur Ryman (ryman@ca.ibm.com) [1 issue ]
    1. LC362 : Re: new section [open]
  2. Asir Vedamuthu (asirveda@microsoft.com) [4 issues ]
    1. LC350 : Editorial: Part 1, Introduction [open]
    2. LC351 : Editorial: Part 2, XML Namespace Table [open]
    3. LC352 : Bug in RPC Signature Extension Schema [open]
    4. LC353 : What is a valid WSDL component model? [open]
  3. Dan Connolly (connolly@w3.org) [1 issue ]
    1. LC335 : simple case of IRIs for Components in WSDL 2.0 [closed]
  4. David Hull (dmh@tibco.com) [2 issues ]
    1. LC336 : LC ISSUE from WSA: Clarify applicability of wsdx:Interface and wsdx:Binding [open]
    2. LC344 : LC ISSUE: Editorial points [closed]
  5. Dennis Sosnoski (dms@sosnoski.com) [1 issue ]
    1. LC343 : Comments on Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 0: Primer [open]
  6. Felix Sasaki (fsasaki@w3.org) [3 issues ]
    1. LC356 : Comments on WSDL 2.0 (Core, Adjuncts, Soap 1.1 Binding) from the i18n core wg (2) [open]
    2. LC357 : Comments on WSDL 2.0 (Core, Adjuncts, Soap 1.1 Binding) from the i18n core wg (3) [closed]
    3. LC358 : Comments on WSDL 2.0 (Core, Adjuncts, Soap 1.1 Binding) from the i18n core wg (4) [open]
  7. Glen Daniels [1 issue ]
    1. LC363 : WSDL message to SOAP message mapping [open]
  8. Hugo Haas (hugo@w3.org) [25 issues ]
    1. LC301 : {soap action} granularity [open]
    2. LC302 : URI comparison reference [open]
    3. LC303 : Mention IRIs in the primer [open]
    4. LC306 : Definition of the wsdlx namespace [open]
    5. LC307 : Description's {type definitions} mapping [open]
    6. LC308 : Identification of an interface operation [open]
    7. LC309 : Incomplete list of operation styles in Part 1 [open]
    8. LC310 : Part 1: use of ws namespace prefix [open]
    9. LC311 : What is the extension type system URI? [open]
    10. LC312 : Predefined MEPs: typo in the definition [open]
    11. LC313 : Part 2: Mapping from XML Representations to Component Properties [open]
    12. LC314 : Part 2: introduction is incomplete [open]
    13. LC315 : HTTP binding: HTTP Header component's {element} property's declaration [open]
    14. LC316 : RPC style: an example defines a type [open]
    15. LC317 : HTTP binding: Misalignment between IRI style and application/x-www-form-urlencoded serialization, and between Multipart style and multipart/form-data serialization [open]
    16. LC318 : SOAP and HTTP bindings: Editorial reorganization for defaults [open]
    17. LC319 : SOAP and HTTP binding: definition of {soap fault code} and wsoap:code [open]
    18. LC320 : SOAP and HTTP bindings: {parent} property for nested components [open]
    19. LC321 : SOAP binding: clarify that the lack {soap mep} value is an error [open]
    20. LC322 : HTTP binding: Part 2 section 6.3 Default Binding Rules clarification [open]
    21. LC323 : HTTP binding: Use of HTTP accept headers [open]
    22. LC324 : HTTP binding: error in definition of queryParameterSeparatorDefault and queryParameterSeparator [open]
    23. LC325 : HTTP binding: defaultTransferCoding typo [open]
    24. LC326 : HTTP binding: whis is {http authentication scheme} an xs:string? [open]
    25. LC327 : HTTP binding: {http authentication realm} is required [open]
  9. Hugo Haas (hugo@w3.org) [1 issue ]
    1. LC304 : Definition of a IANA media type token [open]
  10. Hugo Haas (hugo@w3.org) [25 issues ]
    1. LC301 : {soap action} granularity [open]
    2. LC302 : URI comparison reference [open]
    3. LC303 : Mention IRIs in the primer [open]
    4. LC306 : Definition of the wsdlx namespace [open]
    5. LC307 : Description's {type definitions} mapping [open]
    6. LC308 : Identification of an interface operation [open]
    7. LC309 : Incomplete list of operation styles in Part 1 [open]
    8. LC310 : Part 1: use of ws namespace prefix [open]
    9. LC311 : What is the extension type system URI? [open]
    10. LC312 : Predefined MEPs: typo in the definition [open]
    11. LC313 : Part 2: Mapping from XML Representations to Component Properties [open]
    12. LC314 : Part 2: introduction is incomplete [open]
    13. LC315 : HTTP binding: HTTP Header component's {element} property's declaration [open]
    14. LC316 : RPC style: an example defines a type [open]
    15. LC317 : HTTP binding: Misalignment between IRI style and application/x-www-form-urlencoded serialization, and between Multipart style and multipart/form-data serialization [open]
    16. LC318 : SOAP and HTTP bindings: Editorial reorganization for defaults [open]
    17. LC319 : SOAP and HTTP binding: definition of {soap fault code} and wsoap:code [open]
    18. LC320 : SOAP and HTTP bindings: {parent} property for nested components [open]
    19. LC321 : SOAP binding: clarify that the lack {soap mep} value is an error [open]
    20. LC322 : HTTP binding: Part 2 section 6.3 Default Binding Rules clarification [open]
    21. LC323 : HTTP binding: Use of HTTP accept headers [open]
    22. LC324 : HTTP binding: error in definition of queryParameterSeparatorDefault and queryParameterSeparator [open]
    23. LC325 : HTTP binding: defaultTransferCoding typo [open]
    24. LC326 : HTTP binding: whis is {http authentication scheme} an xs:string? [open]
    25. LC327 : HTTP binding: {http authentication realm} is required [open]
  11. Jacek Kopecky (jacek.kopecky@deri.org) [8 issues ]
    1. LC328 : editorial comments on WSDL 2 part 1 last call draft [open]
    2. LC329 : editorial comments on WSDL 2 part 2 - adjuncts - last call draft [open]
    3. LC330 : WSDL 2: operation styles should mandate content model [open]
    4. LC331 : WSDL 2: adjuncts description of #any msg content model unclear [open]
    5. LC332 : WSDL 2: HTTP input, output, fault serialization in the wrong place [open]
    6. LC333 : WSDL 2: binding defaults not component model properties? [open]
    7. LC334 : WSDL 2: HTTP binding error reason phrase unnecessary [open]
    8. LC349 : editorial: part 2 section 2 beginning [open]
  12. Jacek Kopecky (jacek.kopecky@deri.org) [1 issue ]
    1. LC359 : binding fault property placement inconsistencies [open]
  13. John Kaputin (KAPUTIN@uk.ibm.com) [1 issue ]
    1. LC355 : Error in Part 2, BindingFault [open]
  14. Jonathan Marsh (jmarsh@microsoft.com) [2 issues ]
    1. LC300 : Infoset refs [open]
    2. LC305 : Notational conventions [open]
  15. Jonathan Marsh (jmarsh@microsoft.com) [1 issue ]
    1. LC342 : Typos (Adjuncts) [closed]
  16. Katy Warr (katy_warr@uk.ibm.com) [3 issues ]
    1. LC339 : Comments on WSDL SOAP Binding Extension section of Adjuncts from WS-Addressing WG [open]
    2. LC340 : Comments on WSDL SOAP Binding Extension section of Adjuncts from WS-Addressing WG [open]
    3. LC341 : Comments on WSDL SOAP Binding Extension section of Adjuncts from WS-Addressing WG [open]
  17. Kendall Clark (kendall@monkeyfist.com) [3 issues ]
    1. LC337 : fault serialization [closed]
    2. LC338 : limitations of {http output serialization} [closed]
    3. LC345 : POST & application/x-www-form-urlencoded serialization [open]
  18. Neil Hudson (nahudson@sqc.co.uk) [1 issue ]
    1. LC361 : What should be declared as a Fault in a WSDL [open]
  19. Pat Hayes (phayes@ihmc.us) [1 issue ]
    1. LC354 : typo in http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl20/#rfc2119keywords [open]
  20. rama krishna (crkrishna29@yahoo.com) [1 issue ]
    1. LC347 : Interface definition [open]
  21. Rogers, Tony (Tony.Rogers@ca.com) [1 issue ]
    1. LC346 : Comments from WS-A on WSDL 2.0 documents [open]
  22. Sanjiva Weerawarana (sanjiva@opensource.lk) [1 issue ]
    1. LC360 : describing a service that returns an image/jpg (for example) [closed]
  23. Thomson, Martin (Martin.Thomson@andrew.com) [1 issue ]
    1. LC348 : Minor errors in adjunct schema [closed]

Maintained by Web Services Description Working Group.

Last update: $Date: 2005/12/09 20:50:55 $

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