Abstract Global Element
- State:
- Product:
- Advanced
- Raised by:
- Jonathan Calladine
- Opened on:
- 2006-11-03
- Description:
Proposed Advanced Pattern: <xs:element name="foo" abstract="true"></xs:element> on a global element forbids its use in an instance document and implies the use of one of the elements from its associated substitution group. The use of substitution groups we have made an advanced pattern. So while not evil on its own can only be used with evil intent... pattern: ./xs:element[@abstract='true']/(@abstract)
- Related emails:
- ISSUE-81: Abstract Global Element (from on 2006-11-03)
- RE: ISSUE-81: Abstract Global Element (from on 2006-11-03)
- Agenda: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding telcon 7 November 2006 (from on 2006-11-07)
- Minutes: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding telcon 7 November 2006 (from on 2006-11-07)
Related notes:
No additional notes.