Author: Joseph Reagle
Date: 13 November 2002
Audience: Members at Open Spectrum hosted by Harvard Law School
Issue: Introduction to W3C
Considering Standards Organizations
- Goal - interoperability, guidelines, research
- Decision Making - meritocracy, voting, consensus
- Certification - statement of compliance
- Funding sources - volunteered, sponsored, funded
- Context - adversarial, good faith
- Intellectual Monopoly Rights - proprietary, RAND, RF
- Efficacy/Quality
- Speed
- Adoption
- Legitimacy
World Wide Web Consortium's Mission
"... to lead the Web to its full potential."
W3C's Role: Vision, Design, Standards, Guidelines
Goals and Principles: Accessibility, Meaning, Trust,
Interoperability,Evolvability, Decentralization, Cooler Multimedia,
Developing Standards and Guidelines at W3C (1)
Developing Standards and Guidelines at W3C (2)
- Strong Process
provides governing framework:
- Toward goals and design principles
- Web architecture
- Vendor neutral
- Coordination and consensus
- W3C Recommendations should be royalty-free, open
Organization of the World Wide Web Consortium
Starting W3C Activities
- W3C follows the W3C
Process Document.
- Possible outcome of the workshop: creation of a new Activity (Activity
proposal) and of a Working Group (charter).
- Needed resources: W3M Domain Leader, W3C Team Contact, Chair, Editors,
Technology development cycle:
- Working Draft -- Intermediate steps
- Last Call Working Draft -- WG thinks its addressed its requirements
- Candidate Recommendation -- Implementation/interop.
- Proposed Recommendation -- referred to W3C Advisory Committee (AC)
- Recommendation -- Recommended by W3C Director.
W3C: The Domains and Activities

The Technology Layering