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Agenda for 26 August 2002 TAG teleconference

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Note: The Chair does not expect the agenda to change after close of business (Boston time) Thursday of this week.

1. Administrative (15min)

  1. Confirm scribe and Chair (NW)
  2. Roll call. Regrets: DO, TBL, SW
  3. Accept 19 Aug minutes
  4. Accept this agenda
  5. Next meeting? Proposed 2 Sep.

1.2 Completed actions?

2. Technical (60min)

2.1 Priority issues (30min)

  1. httpRange-14: Need to make progress here to advance in Arch Document.
  2. RFC3023Charset-21:
    1. Chris sent information to www-tag. What is necessary to close this issue?
  3. xlinkScope-23
    1. Priority of this?
  4. augmentedInfoset-22:
  5. deepLinking-25
  6. uriMediaType-9: Status of negotiation with IETF? See message from DanC.
  7. Status of URIEquivalence-15. Relation to Character Model of the Web (chapter 4)? See text from TimBL on URI canonicalization and email from Martin in particular. See more comments from Martin.
    1. What should a finding look like for this?
  8. Status of discussions with WSA WG about SOAP/WSDL/GET/Query strings?

2.2 Findings in progress, architecture document (45min)

See also: findings.

  1. Architecture document
    1. Action DC 2002/08/12: Ask www-tag for volunteers to work with TAG (and possibly IETF) on HTTP URI stuff; CRISP. [This action supersedes the previous action: Ask IESG when IETF decided not to use HTTP URIs to name protocols.] Sent. Awaiting reply.
    2. Action TBL: 2002/07/15: Create a table of URI properties.
    3. Action IJ 2002/07/08: Produce WD of Arch Doc. Harvest from DanC's URI FAQ. Deadline 30 August.
    4. Action IJ 2002/08/19: Put back [Cool] in persistence section. Remove comment about children and URIs.
    5. Action SW and IJ 2002/08/19: Work on some language regarding using URI to interact v. specifically to GET.
  2. Internet Media Type registration, consistency of use.

2.3 New issues?

Ian Jacobs, for TimBL
Last modified: $Date: 2002/08/23 15:44:47 $