TAG Product: Publishing and Linking on the Web
The goal of this work is to promote understanding between those who draft, approve, and enforce laws relating to copyright and publishing with the technical community responsible for Web technologies and their use. Specifically, we will:
- Clarifying the ways in which the Web's technical facilities operate to store, publish, and retrieve information
- Clarify pertinent terminology that's used by the Web technical community, and where pertinent, clarify points
of confusion with respect to similar terminology used elsewhere (esp. in the law)
- Clarify the technical and operational impact that results or would result from current or potential
legislation that might be drafted to restrict publishing, linking, or transformation on the Web.
Success criteria
- The TAG produces a W3C Recommendation (using the usual W3C consensus process) addressing the points listed above.
- The TAG's work in this area proves valuable to those who set policy and who make law.
Key deliverables with dates:
- TAG W3C Proposed Recommendation: June 2012
- Preliminary legal review between draft editors, W3C legal staff (Rigo?) others (Thinh Nguyen)
- TPAC Breakout
- First public working draft in November
TAG Members assigned:
Jeni Tennison, Dan Appelquist
Working documents:
TAG Issues, Actions and Tracker Product Page
- ACTION-541: on - Jeni Tennison - Helped by DKA to produce a first draft of terminology about (deep-)linking etc.
- Noah to add issue link