See also: IRC log
Noah: Lets go through F2F actions
and then through the TAG's backlog
... For those in the backlog we may want to go through them and
indicate whether we'll be working on them or that they should
not expect an update.
... The next call will be in two weeks.
<noah> Alex will scribe on 18 April
<noah> No regrets for the 18th
Noah: Another administrative item was a request for a calendar feed
<noah> Calendar:
Noah: this is experimental, set
up by plinss
... I'll do the updates, you can pull out of it
... TAG F2F in London coming up, start thinking about
<noah> Reminder, please put ACTION-XXX in subject or body of your emails
Noah: beware of cross-posting ACTION- to other lists as there's no namespacing
[no namespacing, how can this be!]
JeniT: I'd like to postpone my action
<trackbot> ACTION-790 -- Jeni Tennison to do new Editor's Draft of fragids spec for approval to publish as CR -- due 2013-04-16 -- OPEN
<trackbot> ACTION-791 -- Alex Russell to redraft proposed "status" section that TAG is suggesting for Polyglot -- due 2013-03-27 -- OPEN
Noah: Has discussion converged?
Yehuda: it seems there were two
... Larry thought Alex' use cases were too narrow and I had
mentioned another use case worth mentioning
... It seemed people were talking past each other via email
<ht> sorry, but I've been busy -- I'd like to review the emails before discussing
Yehuda: easiest would be for Alex to reply to those emails
<noah> OK, Henry
Yehuda: Both Larry and I wanted to expand your wording
Alex: Yes that works for me
Noah: bump due date?
Alex: yes
<trackbot> ACTION-791 -- Alex Russell to redraft proposed "status" section that TAG is suggesting for Polyglot -- due 2013-04-16 -- OPEN
<slightlyoff_> *finally*. Sorry 'bout that
Noah: anything else on Polyglot?
<trackbot> ACTION-793 -- Anne van Kesteren to draft disclaimer text for Authoritative Metadata -- due 2013-04-05 -- OPEN
Anne: Just updated due date, will do it tomorrow.
[Discussing details of note formatting.]
<timbl> It is better to work in the CVS space than to have it at your own private site
Noah: use a date in the URL
... Yehuda, any update on F2F minutes?
Yehuda: one flight away
Noah: The TAG used its own issue
tracking system that had shortnames. That explains
errorHandling-20 and such.
... The first six or so years of the TAG it used issues to
drive its agenda.
... And looked at aspects of them, e.g. error handling in HTML
vs XML.
... Larry expressed frustration with this process and so we
created product pages to have a more overarching goal of what
we're working towards.
<trackbot> ISSUE-34 -- XML Transformation and composability (e.g., XSLT,XInclude, Encryption) -- open
Noah: Lets go through the issues
and see which we can close.
... Processing model of XML. Is there any interest in this?
<ht> xmlFunctions-34
Tim: I'm happy to do things with
XML. This came from when we're talking about XML was processed.
The meaning from XML has to be taken outside-in. Otherwise you
cannot create new XML specifications that interweave with what
... Not clear people noticed that.
<noah> I note that traceker has several status codes we can assign, including OPEN, PENDING, REVIEW, POSTPONED, and CLOSED.
Tim: Henry did a lot more work on that. I don't feel we need to put a whole lot of energy into XML at all. JSON is the new way for me. It's much more straightforward.
<noah> Suggestion: if we think this is now resolved or uninteresting, CLOSE it; if we think it's interesting but not now, then POSTPONED?
Tim: We need another concept besides OPEN/CLOSED. Something like NOT WORKING ON IT.
Noah: It has POSTPONED.
Tim: POSTPONED expresses a feeling of guilt. But there's no guilt.
Noah: It's close enough and I'm not looking forward to changing Tracker.
<Zakim> ht, you wanted to add 0.02USD
Henry: I'm happy to move this to the backburner. I think there's a genuine issue here and of interest to the community but I don't have the bandwidth.
Noah: We need to tell ourselves a
story as to what these codes mean.
... Historically we used CLOSED for "it's in pretty good
Henry: I'm happy with POSTPONED and it's better than CLOSED.
<slightlyoff_> +1 for postponing
<JeniT> +1
RESOLUTION: We mark ISSUE-34 (xmlFunctions-34) POSTPONED
<slightlyoff_> I think this is important, thanks for doing it noah
<trackbot> ISSUE-35 -- Syntax and semantics for embedding RDF in XHTML -- open
<noah> RDFinXHTML-35
Noah: I think it's important
going through these.
... even though it's somewhat boring to do our due diligence
and set expectations.
... I think people were pretty happy with the progress Jeni
made here.
<noah> Propose to CLOSE this one.
<JeniT> +1
<slightlyoff_> +1
RESOLUTION: We mark ISSUE-35 (RDFinXHTML-35) CLOSED, believing that good answers have been developed
<noah> ACTION: Jeni to draft text on closing of issue RDFinXHTML-35 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-794 - Draft text on closing of issue RDFinXHTML-35 [on Jeni Tennison - due 2013-04-11].
<trackbot> ISSUE-46 -- Impact of changes to XML 1.1 on other XML Specifications -- open
PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Mark ISSUE-46 (xml11Names-46) CLOSED because it has been dealt with.
<slightlyoff_> +1
<ht> +1
RESOLUTION: Mark ISSUE-46 (xml11Names-46) CLOSED because it has been dealt with and time has passed.
<noah> close ISSUE-46
<trackbot> Closed ISSUE-46 Impact of changes to XML 1.1 on other XML Specifications.
<noah> close ISSUE-35
<trackbot> Closed ISSUE-35 Syntax and semantics for embedding RDF in XHTML.
<trackbot> ISSUE-47 -- WS-Addressing SOAP binding & app protocols -- open
<noah> Issue description:
<noah> "In a nutshell, it [
<noah> WS-Addressing - SOAP Binding ] requires that the URI in the "Address" component of a WS-Addressing EPR be serialized into a wsa:To SOAP header, independent of the underlying protocol. IMO, a Web-architecture consistent means of doing this would be to serialize it to the Request-URI when using SOAP with HTTP, or the "RCPT TO:" value when using SOAP with SMTP, etc.."
<JeniT> must have been overtaken by events, surely
<timbl> close
<noah> ACTION: Noah to draft text on closing of ISSUE-46 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-795 - Draft text on closing of ISSUE-46 [on Noah Mendelsohn - due 2013-04-11].
Noah: Even the WS community is not using Endpoint References.
Noah: Even the WS community is not using Endpoint References?
Yves: That's my understanding
PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Mark ISSUE-47 (endPointRefs-47) CLOSED because we cannot affect this and code has either been deployed or is dead.
<slightlyoff_> SGTM
<Yves> +1
<JeniT> +1
<slightlyoff_> +1
RESOLUTION: Mark ISSUE-47 (endPointRefs-47) CLOSED because we cannot affect this and code has either been deployed or is dead.
<trackbot> Closed ISSUE-47 WS-Addressing SOAP binding & app protocols.
Noah: Yves, can you draft text to post to the community?
Yves: sure thing
<trackbot> ISSUE-61 -- URI Based Access to Packaged Items -- open
<noah> Description: "The TAG opened an issue, uriBasedPackageAccess-61 [1] to consider URI based access and reference to items within a web accessible package. In addressing a more general problem the TAG expects to cover the requirements of the WAF community who have requested help wrt to their current work on widgets [2] as well other situations that involve reference within and into packaged structures on the web."
<JeniT> I don't know but this looks like it could still be interesting
Anne: SysApps is the new group
that works on stuff like this, I think
... there's an app:// URL thingie
<noah> I agree, I just wanted us to look because I knew that the original issue arose from concerns about a particular component technology that I believe is no longer moving ahead. I agree that it's reasonable to keep the issue open.
Tim: Certainly with a zip file you want to get bits out of it.
Jeni: Coming from the Open Data angle is that we have really big data files, zip them up, and still reference bits inside of it.
Anne: There's different use cases. One is about locally referencing a file. The other one is referencing a file from the outside.
Tim: it would be nice if they could be treated consistently.
Noah: issues track several things usually
Anne: I think they are orthogonal, but I suspect we won't work on it much
<JeniT> looking at
Noah: Okay, lets keep it open, and if we later get more information we can add it to and revisit it
<JeniT> this is stuff marcosc is working on
Tim: can you add that link to ISSUE-61 Anne?
Anne: done
Noah: I think these can be closed
<slightlyoff_> +1 to closing the action
<noah> close ACTION-741
<trackbot> Closed ACTION-741 Check with Norm Walsh on closing out HTML/XML unification work.
<noah> ACTION-782?
<trackbot> ACTION-782 -- Noah Mendelsohn to schedule F2F discussion of polyglot, the TAG's request to HTML WG on polygot, and HTML/XML Unification -- due 2013-03-01 -- PENDINGREVIEW
<noah> close ACTION-782
<trackbot> Closed ACTION-782 schedule F2F discussion of polyglot, the TAG's request to HTML WG on polygot, and HTML/XML Unification.
<slightlyoff_> +1
<noah> ACTION-785?
<trackbot> ACTION-785 -- Noah Mendelsohn to schedule discussion of developer involvement/outreach at F2F -- due 2013-03-04 -- PENDINGREVIEW
<slightlyoff_> I think this should be extended
<slightlyoff_> can we assign marcosc?
<slightlyoff_> hate to volunteer him
<noah> close ACTION-785
<trackbot> Closed ACTION-785 schedule discussion of developer involvement/outreach at F2F.
<noah> ACTION: Marcos to develop new ideas for improved synergy with and outreach to the developer community - Due: 2013-05-20 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-796 - Develop new ideas for improved synergy with and outreach to the developer community - Due: 2013-05-20 [on Marcos Caceres - due 2013-04-11].
<trackbot> ACTION-796 -- Marcos Caceres to develop new ideas for improved synergy with and outreach to the developer community -- due 2013-05-20 -- OPEN
<trackbot> ACTION-787 -- Alex Russell to solicit informal discussion on HTML WG list of clarifying: polyglot doesn't restrict html5 futures -- due 2013-02-25 -- PENDINGREVIEW
<slightlyoff_> it was me
<noah> close ACTION-787
<trackbot> Closed ACTION-787 solicit informal discussion on HTML WG list of clarifying: polyglot doesn't restrict html5 futures.
Alex: I solicited that feedback privately, no follow up
Noah: all pending review actions are dealt with
<slightlyoff_> curious to know if we want to keep pursuing
Noah: overdue actions is a permathread
<slightlyoff_> thanks
Alex: I'm curious to know what happens to actions assigned to outgoing TAG members
Noah: I think it's my task to sort out these overdue actions with outgoing TAG members and then come back to the TAG
Noah: I propose to adjourn the call. Please keep me up to date with requests for the meetings. That'd be very helpful.