TAG telcon

01 Mar 2012


See also: IRC log


Robin Berjon, Yves Lafon, Peter Linss, Ashok Malhotra, Larry Masinter, Noah Mendelsohn, Jonathan Rees, Jeni Tennison, Henry S. Thompson
Tim Berners-Lee
Noah Mendelsohn
Henry S. Thompson, Noah Mendelsohn



NM: Regrets from TBL
... F2F in a bit over a month
... Local arrangements page is up
... JAR has published the Call for Change proposals: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/uddp/change-proposal-call.html
... Traffic has started to build

NM: Approving minutes of 2012-02-16. . .

RESOLUTION: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2012/02/16-minutes approved as minutes for 2012-02-16

Actions to be closed w/o discussion

NM: this is a minor procedural change
... as signalled in email

<noah> close ACTION-598

<trackbot> ACTION-598 Publish as a note what had been the FPWD (Raman's draft) on client side state closed

<noah> close ACTION-655

<trackbot> ACTION-655 Check Norm Walsh draft of W3C Note with the TAG, draft cover letter to include with Note, and review that with the TAG closed

<Larry> +1 to closing

<Larry> do we have follow up actions on XML/HTML task force report? I thought we did

<noah> Larry, we have, e.g. ACTION-656 on XML processing, though I think that's substantially addressed with the formation of the XML-ER community group

<noah> (repeating for the record) Larry, more to the point I have ACTION-657 Schedule telcon discussion of possible XML/HTML Unification next steps

<noah> close ACTION-660

<trackbot> ACTION-660 Integrate input from DKA and Yves for note to Jeff, and draft section on CA Due: 2012-10-17 closed

<noah> close ACTION-671

<trackbot> ACTION-671 Respond to Jeff Jaffe, on the public list, using the text agreed on the telcon of 16 Feb 2012 closed

Web Application Storage

NM: Goal today is to commit to a plan for work in this area

AM: I've drafted some email, but haven't distributed it pending feedback from RB

RB: I think it's a good starting point for discussion, yes

AM: What this email will suggest is:
... 1) We have requirements for offline storage
... For example, to be able to run webapps either connected or disconnected, switching
... seamlessly
... And if you run disconnected, any updates you make will get synchronised
... when you connect again, need coherence checks, etc.
... 2) I have private data: medical history, preferences for hotels etc.
... Private, and kept locally, but should be available to apps

AM: and should be able to move it to another device
... 3) All of the above should be possible w/o commitment to any particular browser
... So then two directions to go: what are the architectural issues, and what is the state of play wrt various existing implementations

<noah> Glad to hear focus on architectural issues, as I think that's where the TAG's focus needs to be. In particular, I'd like to see this get back around to how to use Web mechanisms like URIs, how local storage relates to http-identified resources, etc. (I know, I say this every time we have this discussion)

AM: So that's ONE
... Now, TWO: If you have items in local storage, do they have URIs?
... If the do, are they the same as their URIs 'on the web', or are they different?

<noah> Right. Those are key architectural points.

<darobin> "I suspect that the finding we want is something along the lines of stating that using URIs to identify resources is just as good an idea when a Web application runs on local data (and possibly completely locally) as it is in the more traditional case."

<darobin> http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/#id-resources ("Assign distinct URIs to distinct resources.")

<Larry> there is really a question for me about how U a URI for local storage would be

<Larry> How does it work to make a URI for local storage?

<Larry> A URI for remote storage which is served by a local cache is one thing

<darobin> Larry, it's just as U as a URI for a resource that's completely personalised

<Larry> do you use "http:" URIs? or some other scheme?

NM: There's not just connected vs. disconnected, but also the case where an app switches back and forth, in which case the pressure to use the same URI is greater. . .

AM: When looking at for example AppCache, the question comes up: how is it managed? Same as any other cache?

<Larry> are there separate URIs for "dropbox" storage?

<darobin> Larry, yes, everything works the same—you're just getting data from a local DB

<Larry> robin: I don't understand 'works the same', what URI scheme do you use to identify stuff in local storage?

<noah> BTW, the tradition in systems that face this connected/disconnected duality is to wind up with two part identifiers: part1 is location independent, and part 2, if available, tends to be a hint as to where to find a local copy. Lotus Notes does this, and I think CloudDB. Hard to do with URIs, I think.

<Larry> noah: yes, i think that's the question though, what is the nature of the identifiers we're recommended? How does the generic advice actually get implemented in practice?

AM: MNot has suggested things be expired on the basis of the app that cached them, rather than individually

JT: In connection with local storage of private data, and non-browser specific functionality

JT: What about remote storage, but managed a bit similarly

AM: So non-local local storage?

JT: Yes

<darobin> Larry, this is all fuzzy terminology—you're not identifying things in local storage, you're identifying a resource generated from data in local storage

<noah> Larry, I have no idea whether this is up-to-date, but a quick google search for dropbox and URI yields this 2 year old forum entry, suggesting that Dropbox was not at the time using URIs at all http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=13834

<noah> q, say in the Cloud?

<Zakim> JeniT, you wanted to ask about 'unhosted' apps, 'web intents'

<Larry> robin: ok, fine, but give a use case?

<Ashok> Well, perhaps local storage on a Cloud

RB: I think 'web intents' are slightly different - - partly because they're not well-defined yet

RB: but mostly because they're about accessing specific URIs which have a remote existence

LM: I understand the goal, I think, but I'm not coming up with a use case
... E.g. I do understand the case of a URI for a remote object that also works locally, via a cache

LM: But I don't have an example in mind for a local-but-reusable URI

<Larry> if you have a URI for remote storage but you're accessing a local cache, i understand you can still use http: URIs for that, but I am not sure what URI scheme you would use to talk to local storage which isn't a cache of remote storage.

<Larry> do we need new schemes?

NM: Agree that we have well-described use cases

<darobin> this application uses strictly local data: http://robineko.com/course-mobile-apps/diary-bad/diary.html

<darobin> it could have identifiers for individual entries

<darobin> (it doesn't because it's supposed to be demonstrating bad practice)

<Larry> Robin, what would the URI be for an individual entry?

<darobin> Larry, whatever you want, e.g. http://robineko.com/course-mobile-apps/diary-bad/diary.html/entry-foo

<Larry> i'd use things like instance ID URIs, personally

<Larry> and link to the resource using a GUID

<Larry> but i don't know whether the TAG would recommend that architecture

<darobin> I'd use the same URIs that I'd use if the data were stored on the server—where things are stored should be a black box

<JeniT> darobin, so what -- you'd have code that tests whether the content is available in the local storage and if not resolve the URI?

<darobin> JeniT, I'd make use of the History API and some routing mechanism, and then get the data wherever the application dictates that I get it

<JeniT> darobin, I'd like to see that :)

<darobin> Larry, JeniT, it's like this app http://w3c-test.org/framework/app/ It doesn't currently use local data but it's something that it could do—and it would get nice URIs and all

<darobin> Larry, JeniT, if you look at the source, you'll see that for any URI it's the same HTML document that gets served (and in app.js there's a router and all you need). If api.js used local storage it would be transparent

<Larry> Robin, you see why I'm asking for a worked out use case? I wonder if we'd like the details as much as the general principle

NM: So there's a question: can we do everything we need with more-or-less vanilla HTTP caches

NM: Possible counterexample: new document creation during disconnection

NM: Does this push the boundaries of our understanding of HTTP caching beyond where the RFCs are today?
... Or is it really something quite new/different?

NM: Where are we on the Product Page?

NM: Close to the above described email draft?

AM: Could be used for it, yes

<darobin> +1 to Ashok

NM: Sounds like from this discussion you should do that

AM: OK, I will have a try, get agreement from RB

<noah> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/products/clientsidestorage.html

<noah> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/products/clientsidestorage-2012-01-24.html

NM: That's our baseline
... Please move it forward in the obvious way

<noah> ACTION-647?

<trackbot> ACTION-647 -- Ashok Malhotra to draft product page on client-side storage focusing on specific goals and success criteria Due: 2012-01-17 -- due 2012-02-14 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/647

<noah> ACTION-647?

<trackbot> ACTION-647 -- Ashok Malhotra to draft product page on client-side storage focusing on specific goals and success criteria Due: 2012-01-17 -- due 2012-03-06 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/647

<noah> ACTION-647?

<trackbot> ACTION-647 -- Ashok Malhotra to draft product page on client-side storage focusing on specific goals and success criteria -- due 2012-03-06 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/647

<noah> ACTION-572?

<trackbot> ACTION-572 -- Yves Lafon to look at appcache in HTML5 -- due 2011-11-29 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/572

NM: Correctly carried along with Web Storage

YL: AppCache is different from local storage

<darobin> I agree with Yves

YL: Similar mechanisms, but not the same

AM: They collide at the requirement for offline apps
... which is what AppCache does

AM: You are perhaps assuming AppCache works in one particular way

NM: They appear different because AppCache was seen as being about your code (HTML, JS)
... But going offline means taking your code and your data with you
... So I think they go together

YL: Pursue at the same time, sure, but they are not the same subject

<HT:> So I think that means we need two clear use cases that illustrate both the differences and the overlap

NM: Will we have technical work ready to work with for the F2F?

AM: If we can get the Product Page ready quickly, then yes, I hope to have something

HT: I think the discussion we had just before this is very important. If you could give us two clear use cases in which both the differences between AppCache and client-side storage and the parallels are clear

ACTION-572 Due 2012-03-06

<trackbot> ACTION-572 Look at appcache in HTML5 due date now 2012-03-06

W3C Web Site Architecture pages

<JeniT> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2012Feb/0096.html

NM: We agreed in September in Edinburgh that we would help with this
... JT has been the first to do so

<noah> ACTION-610?

<trackbot> ACTION-610 -- Jeni Tennison to draft initial cut at http://www.w3.org/standards/webarch/metaformats -- due 2012-02-14 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/610

NM: Any readers?

<Larry> yes

<Larry> there's IETF RFC for JSON

<Larry> http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627

<JeniT> ok, I can swap that in

<darobin> +1 to it being good and ready to ship

<Larry> should W3C put JSON into webarch?

<noah> Mostly, I think it's great. Minor objection: I don't like equating vocabularies with languages. Also, should provide hyperlink for SGML I think.

<Larry> should we talk about XML vs. JSON for data communication, tradeoffs?

<darobin> JSON is the glue that holds the web together—it should definitely be in WebArch!

<noah> Also, I think for novices, the phrase "RDF is a metaformat, actually a metamodel, ..." will be scary rather than helpful

<Larry> i'd put XML and JSON together, and RDF as example of how metaformats layer

HT: The historical trajectory of the numbers is anybody's guess, but I'm pretty confident that it's still the case that most XML on the Web is produced by machines and is not "documents", it's "data"
... To suggest that XML is primarily more significantly for documents is misleading.

<NM:> Hmmm...there's a lot of open office and OOXML on the Web

<Larry> "XML is a metaformat based on SGML" is kind of scary and confusing if you don't know what SGML is, and also if you do know what SGML is.

JT: I was trying to focus on the differences -- what is special about each of them

<jar> +1 "unique strength"

<Zakim> noah, you wanted to make a few comments

<darobin> I agree that XML is uniquely good at documents

<Larry> i wonder how this relates to Wikipedia entries for those terms :)

NM: I think it conflates the term vocabulary with the term language

<Larry> TIFF is a language

NM: The TAG fought about those words for years, and there are strongly held positions that these are different

<noah> "creating their own languages, often called vocabularies"

<Larry> a vocabulary is a range of values in a protocol element

NM: Vocabularies are useful in creating languages

<Larry> the words are blurry i admit

NM: Would rather say "creating their own languages, or vocabularies for use in those languages"

<noah> "creating their own languages, or vocabularies for use in markup as part of those languages"

<jar> I think "language" is OK as Jeni has it

JT: I can try to unmix them
... There's no deep disagreement here

<noah> Also: suggest a hyperlink for SGML

<Larry> people use these frameworks to create application-specific "languages" without having to reinvent syntax

JT: Give me a URI for SGML and I'll use it :-)

<Zakim> Larry, you wanted to give a take

<darobin> I'm told that http://www.w3.org/TR/xml is "SGML on the Web", if you need a link

LM: I used to say that XML was the best things since bits [?]
... Syntactic properties independent of the vocabulary
... scope, extensibility, unicode

<noah> I think the crucial sentence Jeni has is: "Metaformats offer advantages over creating a custom syntax for a language because they can be processed by generic tools, and languages that use them can be understood by people who have learned about the metaformat."

<noah> I think that's great. Don't change it.

LM: Language is the way you populate a framework

<darobin> I wonder if EXI counts as a metaformat

<Larry> EXI is a serialization of XML

<noah> I feel like Jeni's already offered to take a cut at changing the 'vocab" bit. I'd just be curious to see what she comes up with.

<darobin> Larry, no, EXI is defined as a serialisation of the XDM

LM: Specifically, change "often called vocabularies" into a sentence on its own, along the lines NM and I have suggested.

<noah> "Populate a syntax" seems a bit clumsy to me.

<Larry> noah, I agree it's clumsy

<darobin> you could serialise JSON to EXI

<darobin> (and soon you will!)

<Larry> I'd also take "based on SGML" and turn it into a separate

<JeniT> Metaformats are generic syntaxes that people can adopt when creating their own application-specific languages without having to reinvent syntax. The terms that people use within that syntax are often called vocabularies. Examples of metaformats are XML [1], RDF [2] and JSON [3]. Metaformats offer advantages over creating a custom syntax for a language because they can be processed by generic...

<JeniT> ...tools, and languages that use them can be understood by people who have learned about the metaformat.

JR: Wrt the RDF part, there's no way to describe it that's not harmful
... I don't think the word 'metamodel' is helpful

<Larry> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_Description_Framework

<noah> How about, "The semantic web uses a graph-based model for information on the Web. RDF is a metalanguage for encoding and communicating parts of that graph"

JR: RDF has too much history/is too varied in its historical trajectory

<Larry> meta-data structure

<noah> How about, "The semantic web uses a graph-based model for information on the Web. RDF/XML is a metalanguage for encoding and communicating parts of that graph"

<Larry> data structures & serialization

<noah> N3 is a very different looking metalanguage, also used for communicating RDF graphs."

JT: It is still a meta-something, which you can plug your own vocabulary into

<darobin> you could argue that BSON is also a metaformat, as an encoding of JSON... if we really want to make the metamodel/metaserialisation thing even more complicated

<Zakim> noah, you wanted to point to my proposal

JAR: RDF is a lot like the DOM

<darobin> Yves: I don't know, but it would be useful yes

NM: [reads the above]

JT: I don't want to mention RDF/XML or N3, people don't use them

NM: So use whatever does get used

<Larry> remembering "is Lisp the surface syntax with parentheses, or is it S-expressions?"

<jar> RDF is a family of compatible languages with superficially different surface syntaxes

<darobin> I wonder if all the distinctions that we're making here matter all that much to the target audience...

<Larry> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meta-language

JAR: There's a family of expressions for the RDF

HT: Maybe the metalanguage term is unhelpful.

NM: Um, well, it's the topic of this page

HT: Well, still, maybe we should change it.

NM: I think it's serving us well, except that RDF is confusing.

<Larry> off topic

JAR: I'll try to suggest something for the RDF bit
... But I've never found a good way to explain it

NM: Narrowly, we have a draft, with some offers of help with further work
... and that's good

<Larry> i don't think these pages need to be perfect, just need to be better-than-blank

<noah> ACTION-610?

<trackbot> ACTION-610 -- Jeni Tennison to draft initial cut at http://www.w3.org/standards/webarch/metaformats -- due 2012-02-14 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/610

NM: There are other pages we are on the hook for, but I'm happy to allow them to come up when the come

<Larry> I'm willing to accept wahtever Jeni does and sends off to Ian

<darobin> +1

<ht> -1

<jar> I don't think "metamodel" is useful...

<Larry> I'm willing to accept whatever Henry wants to do with what Jeni has written so far

<jar> RDF is "useful for describing graph structures" in the same way that HTML is "useful for describing a DOM tree"—that's not what HTML is for

<jar> I can't say how to improve on it right now, don't want to just criticize

JT: I'll do what I can based on today's minutes, and see what HST and JAR come up with

<noah> ACTION-610?

<trackbot> ACTION-610 -- Jeni Tennison to draft initial cut at http://www.w3.org/standards/webarch/metaformats -- due 2012-03-13 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/610

NM: OK, that's a plan

<Larry> and main thing is that Henry & Jonathan are on hook to provide acceptable updates

Media-type registration for HTML

<noah> ACTION-642?

<trackbot> ACTION-642 -- Jeni Tennison to with help from Larry to propose plan to liaise with PLH to register HTML media type -- due 2012-01-17 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/642

<JeniT> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2012Jan/0048.html

<noah> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2012Jan/0048.html

<Larry> this action is independent of HTML5, in that the motivation was follow-your-nose for RDFa

<noah> We will work with PLH, in consultation with the HTML WG, to create a W3C-sponsored registry of applicable HTML extensions and their specifications. The W3C-sponsored registry might also include references to other registries of applicable specifications maintained by other groups and organizations. Once the basics and location of the registry is settled, we will work to ensure that this registry is referenced within revised Internet Media Type registrations for text/html and application/html+xml.

<Larry> quote: There is currently no direct path, following definitional specifications, from an HTML document to the specs for extensions such as microdata or RDFa. The goal is to ensure there is such a path to "applicable specifications".

NM: If people are happy with the email, we just need someone to do the work

NM: We would close this action and open another to do the work.

HT: I notice that Mark Nottingham has crafted a document suggesting how IETF can help IANA make registries more effective, and how registries should work. Relates to "happiana" work in IETF.

<Larry> this is the result of the "happiana" work, which was motivated in a significant way by the MIME work

NM: Not just about media types?

HT: No, about registries in general, that's what we're working on, right?

NM: This action was scoped to HTML media type

HST: Well, the proposal is that the W3C create a registry of 'applicable extensions'

HT: The e-mail proposes we create a registry. Mark's document says things about how to do registries well, so it's pertinent in that sense.

HT: My 2nd point is that any registries that anyone creates for short names needs a way to give us URIs that can be used to probe the registry.

<Larry> the registry of HTML applicable specifications called for in this action item doesn't assign short names

JT: Don't think this one is creating short names for things.

JAR: This already exists for XHTML. We're just cloning that, right?

HT: It does?

<jar> This registry already exists, for XHTML - it's the XHTML namespace document

<jar> http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/

<jar> we're just talking about cloning this for HTML, right?

LM: I think this action isn't clear. We're calling it a registry. It's really a list of known extensions. There are no options for them. Every one is allowed. We're just trying to collect them.

<ht> LM: We're just trying to collect a definite list of them, and make it part of the media type registration

HST: I'm done

<ht> OK, interesting, JAR, thanks

Who are we sending this to?

NM: So is http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2012Jan/0048.html an acceptable path forward?

HT: I am happy with what it says

<noah> +1, I think

<JeniT> ht, this is the plan for what we do

<Larry> perhaps just note the discussion today

<Larry> +1 to this plan forward

<ht> +1

<noah> OK, we seem to be agreed on this direction forward.

NM: Who will actually now work with PLH?

JT: I will

NM: Many thanks!

<noah> . ACTION: Jeni to work with PLH to create W3C-sponsored registry of HTML extensions, and get that referenced from HTML media type registration, per http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2012Jan/0048.html

<Larry> "W3C Staff" (most likely PLH)

NM: Chair will help if help is needed

<noah> ACTION: Jeni to work with PLH to create W3C-sponsored registry of HTML extensions, and get that referenced from HTML media type registration, per http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2012Jan/0048.html Due: 2012-05-29 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2012/03/01-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-672 - Work with PLH to create W3C-sponsored registry of HTML extensions, and get that referenced from HTML media type registration, per http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2012Jan/0048.html Due: 2012-05-29 [on Jeni Tennison - due 2012-03-08].

<noah> ACTION-672 Due 2012-05-29

<trackbot> ACTION-672 Work with PLH to create W3C-sponsored registry of HTML extensions, and get that referenced from HTML media type registration, per http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2012Jan/0048.html Due: 2012-05-29 due date now 2012-05-29

<noah> close ACTION-642

<trackbot> ACTION-642 With help from Larry to propose plan to liaise with PLH to register HTML media type closed

<Zakim> Larry, you wanted to note PhiloWeb discussion

<Larry> PhiloWeb at WWW2012

<noah> What's a philoweb?

<jar> philosophy of the web

<noah> Ah... I knew that.

<Larry> http://web-and-philosophy.org/philoweb-2012-www-2012-workshop/

NM: Who's going to Web conference?

Not me.

<Larry> i will be at the web conference


<JeniT> no

<jar> probably not, unfunded

Pending review action items



<trackbot> ACTION-614 -- Jeni Tennison to report on progress relating to RDFa and Microdata -- due 2012-01-06 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/614

I think this should be closed, per (http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2012/01/19-minutes#item05):

OLD RESOLUTION: The draft product page at http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/products/htmldata.html is agreed as the basis on which the TAG closes out it's work on Microdata/RDFa coordination

At that time, ACTION-654 was closed, and Noah was assigned:

ACTION-664 - Announce completion of TAG work on Microdata/RDFa as recorded in http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/products/htmldata.html and to finalize the product page and associated links [on Noah Mendelsohn - due 2012-01-26].

<Larry> +1 to closing


<trackbot> ACTION-664 -- Noah Mendelsohn to announce completion of TAG work on Microdata/RDFa as recorded in http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/products/htmldata.html and to finalize the product page and associated links -- due 2012-01-26 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/664

close ACTION-614

<trackbot> ACTION-614 Report on progress relating to RDFa and Microdata closed


<trackbot> ACTION-641 -- Noah Mendelsohn to try and find list of review issues relating to HTML5 from earlier discussions -- due 2012-03-01 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/641

<noah> In dec I sent this: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2011Dec/0108.html. I sent e-mail http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2012Feb/0099.html with link to pertinent TAG status report http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2010/sum03.html#html and also detailed table of issues: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2009/09/HTMLIssuesRevised.pdf

<noah> Marking this action PENDING REVIEW.

<Larry> or maybe F2F informal discussion?

<Larry> don't know, what do other people think?

<noah> Prefer to start w/ call, assuming F2F time valuable

<Larry> i'll go along with whatever others want to do


<trackbot> ACTION-648 -- Jonathan Rees to post call for change proposals to amend the resolution to httpRange-14 per 4 January 2012 TAG Resolution -- due 2012-02-18 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/648

NM: What and when do we followup.

JAR: Probably at F2F. Could close this, and give me a new one to prep for F2F.

close ACTION-648

<trackbot> ACTION-648 Post call for change proposals to amend the resolution to httpRange-14 per 4 January 2012 TAG Resolution closed

<scribe> ACTION: Jonathan to prepare for F2F discussion of httpRange-14 change proposals Due 2012-03-13 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2012/03/01-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-673 - Prepare for F2F discussion of httpRange-14 change proposals Due 2012-03-13 [on Jonathan Rees - due 2012-03-08].

ACTION-673 Due 2012-03-13

<trackbot> ACTION-673 Prepare for F2F discussion of httpRange-14 change proposals Due 2012-03-13 due date now 2012-03-13


<trackbot> ACTION-662 -- Robin Berjon to redraft proposed product page on API Minimization (http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/products/apiminimization.html) -- due 2012-01-31 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/662


<trackbot> ACTION-665 -- Noah Mendelsohn to follow up with Harry Halpin on 19 January 2012 telcon discussion of CAs -- due 2012-01-26 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/665


close ACTION-665

<trackbot> ACTION-665 Follow up with Harry Halpin on 19 January 2012 telcon discussion of CAs closed

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Jeni to work with PLH to create W3C-sponsored registry of HTML extensions, and get that referenced from HTML media type registration, per http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2012Jan/0048.html Due: 2012-05-29 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2012/03/01-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: Jonathan to prepare for F2F discussion of httpRange-14 change proposals Due 2012-03-13 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2012/03/01-minutes.html#action02]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2012/03/14 02:05:03 $