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8-10 Dec 2009 (F2F) Next: 7 January 2010
Agenda of 17 December 2009 TAG Teleconference
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- Convene
- Chair: Noah Scribe: Henry Thompson (confirmed)
- Roll call -- Regrets: none
- Note future regrets: none
- Agenda Review - this agenda
- Next Meeting: 7 January 2010 Chair: Noah Mendelsohn
- Future scribes: Dan -> Jonathan -> John
- Minutes of prior meeting(s)
- ACTION-215 on Larry Masinter: Send minutes of 3 Dec TAG teleconference to www-tag for review - due 2009-12-07 - open
- Draft minutes of 8-10 Dec 2009 (the chair would like confirmation that 2 TAG members, other than the scribe, have checked each section, then we will approve)
- Administrative items
- Change of date for March TAG meeting:
- Current official schedule is to meet 17-19 March 2010 @ MIT (per decision at Sept. 2009 F2F) but there was informal agreement at our Dec. F2F to move to 24-26 March 2010 @ MIT if a conflict with team day could be resolved. (per discussion at Dec. F2F). That conflict has been resolved, therefore, the chair will present a motion to change the date of the March F2F to 24th through 26th. (
ACTION-346 on Dan:
Collect March 2010 W3C Team day info - Due 16 Dec 2010)
- HTML 5
- Metadata features in HTML 5
- TAG had filed bug 8220 on HTML 5: "Remove Microdata"
- HTML 5 working group marks as duplicate of HTML 5 bug 7542 which is marked RESOLVED, WONTFIX, but
- The TAG's concern has been escalated and is being tracked as their ISSUE-76
- See also correspondence starting with this message from Noah
- Purpose of this telcon agenda item is to ensure TAG
is aware of and comfortable with the issue status.
- HTML 5 Language Reference / Authoring Specification
- Open Actions:
ACTION-356 on Noah Mendelsohn: Work to schedule followup meeting on xmlnames next week - due 2009-12-18 - open (Carine Bournez has informed the chair that she is looking into meetings to be held in early January, probably during the TAG's usual teleconference timeslot)
ACTION-358 on Noah Mendelsohn: Schedule discussion of 'usage of 'resource' vs 'representation' in HTML 5, CSS, HTML 4, SVG, ...' [note follow-up discussion in www-archive] - due 2009-12-17 - open (we will discuss on this call)
ACTION-364 on Dan Connolly: Ask HTML WG team contacts to make a change proposal re issue-53 mediatypereg informed by HT's analysis and today's discussion - due 2009-12-17 - open
- Pending review actions:
ACTION-283 on Larry Masinter: Update document on version identifiers w.r.t. Cambridge June discussion - due 2009-12-10 - pending review
ACTION-332 on Dan Connolly: Note that the HTML 5 spec has a proposed design for mixing in SVG and MathML, which is said to be the scope of IsSUE-33 mixedUIXMLNamespace-33 - due 2009-11-10 - pending review
ACTION-309 on Henry S. Thompson: draft input to HTTP bis draft re sniffing based on 8 Dec discussion - due 2009-12-09 - pending review
ACTION-359 on Noah Mendelsohn: Communicate TAG resolution to HTML WG - due 2009-12-17 - pending review
- Web Application Architecture
- Open Actions:
ACTION-340 on John Kemp: Review XHR and UMP together and provide comments to TAG as relevant - due 2009-12-15 - open
ACTION-344 on Jonathan Rees: Alert TAG chair when CORS and/or UMP goes to LC - due 2009-12-15 - open
ACTION-352 on John Kemp: Integrate whiteboard drawings into a prose document about ways to distribute applications - due 2009-12-16 - open
ACTION-354 on Ashok Malhotra: Review client side storage apis (web simple storage etc.), looking for architectural issues or other critical problems... or interesting design features the TAG should know about - due 2009-12-16 - open
- Metadata
- Open Actions:
ACTION-337 on Larry Masinter: Prepare material for next phone conf metadata formats/representations - due 2009-12-15 - open
ACTION-347 on Jonathan Rees: Research 303 caching change in HTTPbis - due 2009-12-16 - open
ACTION-348 on Jonathan Rees: Research reasons why browser providers (e.g. Mozilla) aren't willing to meet requests (e.g. from purl) to retain address bar URL following successful redirect - due 2009-12-16 - open
ACTION-363 on Jonathan Rees: Inform SemWeb CG about market developments around webfinger and metadata access, and investigate relationship to RDFa and linked data - due 2009-12-17 - open
ACTION-278 on Jonathan Rees: Draft changes to 2.7 of Metadata in URIs to cover the "Google Calendar" case - due 2009-12-10 - open
- Miscellaneous actions
- Open Actions:
ACTION-343 on Larry Masinter: Discuss petname application to IRI spoofing in public-iri and www-tag - due 2009-12-15 - open
ACTION-351 on Henry S. Thompson: Look into a workshop on persistence... perhaps the June 2010 timeframe - due 2009-12-16 - open
- Pending review actions:
ACTION-163 on Henry S. Thompson: Coordinate with Ted to build a sample catalog - due 2009-12-10 - pending review
- Any other business
Noah Mendelsohn for TAG
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