See also: IRC log
<skw> Scribe: Dan Connolly
<jar> i'm here
PROPOSED: to accept
RESOLVED to approve version of 2008/11/14 12:40:01
27th Nov cancelled
RESOLUTION: to meet 4 Dec, Noah to scribe
<trackbot> ACTION-188 -- Dan Connolly to investigate the URL/IRI/Larry Masinter possible resolution of the URL/HTML5 issue. -- due 2008-11-19 -- OPEN
(scribe is negligent at this point; needs help)
<skw> DanC demonstrates his progress on issue-188 by reference to the above page.
<skw> Presents Javascript parsing of ABNF grammar to construct exploded grammar(??)
<skw> Headed toward compiling to a regexp.
<skw> ht: CMSMCQ started along a similar path a year or two back
<skw> Some discussion of prgamatics - and multiple parsing of ??
<skw> danc: TAG visted HTML-WG to discuss splitting the spec.
<skw> ... Ian Hickson has offer estaimates of workload/expertise to split the editing task.
<jar> I fear I don't have enough of a big picture view to understand why 2.5.2 and following are so hairy. But no one would do this voluntarily, so something must be going on.
<skw> danc: thinks that good technical writers can add alot to a document without being subject experts.
<ht> HST notes that "Legacy extended IRIs for XML resource identification" is relevant here
<skw> ht: Ian Hickson agreed that the LEIRI spec addresses the promblem of spaces in URI, but not the problem of document character encoding inparameter strings
<Zakim> DanC, you wanted to note james clark's
<jar> The strings "html" and "browser" do not occur in the jclark post
<skw> You can find him at: jeremy (at)
<trackbot> ACTION-188 -- Dan Connolly to investigate the URL/IRI/Larry Masinter possible resolution of the URL/HTML5 issue. -- due 2008-11-20 -- OPEN
action-188 due 31 Dec 2008
<trackbot> ACTION-188 Investigate the URL/IRI/Larry Masinter possible resolution of the URL/HTML5 issue. due date now 31 Dec 2008
<trackbot> ACTION-188 -- Dan Connolly to investigate the URL/IRI/Larry Masinter possible resolution of the URL/HTML5 issue. -- due 2008-12-30 -- OPEN
action-188 due 27 Nov 2008
<trackbot> ACTION-188 Investigate the URL/IRI/Larry Masinter possible resolution of the URL/HTML5 issue. due date now 27 Nov 2008
DanC: Mike's action from the joint ftf is now done.
<skw> danc: Mike Smith as completed his HTML-WG action itemto motivate HTML WG discussion of spec modularization.
HT: the public-html thread includes discussion of XML error handling
(mike smith's action, to wit: )
<ht> Here's pointer to (near) the beginning of the error handling thread:
<skw> partial survey:
earlier discussion;
<DanC_> ZIP-based packages and URI references into them ODF proposal Larry Masinter (Friday, 31 October)
<skw> Found:
<DanC_> "DanC: and the fact that it's not easily guessable
<DanC_> ... if that it's not easily guessable is a requirement
<DanC_> ... then that rules out domain names."
<DanC_> MC: we want to finish this within 3 months.
<DanC_> DanC: are there any test cases for this?
<DanC_> MC: no
<DanC_> ... we're starting an implementation now"
<scribe> ACTION: stuart to notify webapps wg that TAG is unlikely to meet the 3 month timeframe and ask for notification when tests relevant to widget URIs become available [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-196 - Notify webapps wg that TAG is unlikely to meet the 3 month timeframe and ask for notification when tests relevant to widget URIs become available [on Stuart Williams - due 2008-11-27].
<timbl> Zaim, mute whoever is making noise
<noah> Noah joins the call.
timbl: the "access control spec"
has a misnomer for a name
... I'm not sure adding domains to the model improves
<jar> I'm totally confused on the relation between the W3C effort on safe javascript, Crockford, and Google (Mark Miller / Caja).
DanC: thanks for getting some
requirements in the access control spec
... DaveO
TimBL: yes, that 1st bullet is a sentence; read a comma before "this"
DanC: OK.
"If the contacts part of an e-mail application allows a social networking site to add contacts, this could be done through a cross-site PUT requests."
(timbl has told me a story about fedex and that I grokked on some days.)
<timbl> Pointer to survey?
SKW: we have one more pre-ftf
telcon, 4 Dev
... agenda is due at T-14 days, 27 Nov
<trackbot> ACTION-194 -- Noah Mendelsohn to revise Self-Describing Web Draft Finding in response to September 2008 F2F meeting -- due 2008-11-25 -- OPEN
<jar> nov 25 = 2 weeks before f2f
<Ashok> Sorry, guys .... gotta go!
action-194 due 5 Dec 2008
hello? trackbot?
<trackbot> ACTION-194 Revise Self-Describing Web Draft Finding in response to September 2008 F2F meeting due date now 5 Dec 2008
<timbl> The Abstract and Intro of aCaja look actually rather interesting. "Caja represents our discovery that a subset of JavaScript is an object-capability language"
<jar> The Caja principal (Mark S Miller) is involved in Ecmascript standards process...
ACTION-183 due 2 Dec 2008
<trackbot> ACTION-183 Incorporate formalism into versioning compatibility strategies due date now 2 Dec 2008
<jar> I think it would be a mistake for the web apps WG to overlook Caja
Caja... quite... pls note that in a comment in the survey
<timbl> "Caja is an enforced subset of JavaScript we designed to make as
<timbl> little impact as possible on regular JavaScript programming.."
<jar> OK, thanks