See also: IRC log
<noah> As noted in my regrets, I have some conflicts with today's call, but I'll try to keep an occasional eye out for IRC, and dial in if something comes up for which I am needed. Thank you.
<scribe> Agenda:
SW: Other topics?
DC: Assume that package URIs stuff would come up some time
SW: Issue 61? We will add this
SW: Minutes from 16 October:
... and 6 Nov. f2f:
<DanC> +1 approve
RESOLUTION: Approved as circulated
<DanC> (noah, you're ok to scribe 20 Nov?)
Meet next on 20 November, scribe duty to Noah, whom failing DanC
Meeting of 27 November is cancelled
NW: I've reviewed this, and as far as I understand it, I think they are using proxies in the way they are meant to be used
SW: What about relation to Generic Resources?
NW: Didn't see that explicitly, but any transformation gives a new representation
DC: Are there multiple URIs?
NW: I think not
DC: TV, any thoughts on that?
TVR: Not at the moment
SW: Anything we need to push
... Last Call has actually expired
NW: I see no need to do anything other than say "Fine"
DC: Can you tell me a typical use case story?
NW: There are proxies set up so that e.g. a rich web site goes through the proxy and is transformed to something viewable on your mobile -- I think sidekick exploits this
DC: Any good recommendations
NW: Well, yes, don't change request headers was one bit
DC: Ah, perhaps the HTTP working party should look at this
NW: Good idea
SW: I will send a courtesy message saying we have nothing to say. . .
DC: HST has the ball
HST: I foresee progress in the
new year
... So we could close the issue w/o completing the action
<DanC> ACTION-23 due 2008-02-01
<trackbot> ACTION-23 track progress of #int bug 1974 in the XML Schema namespace document in the XML Schema WG due date now 2008-02-01
DC: The two are now linked, via the Issue being in state Pending Review
SW: Some items already suggested:
Self-describing Web, Uniform Access to Metadata,
... Wrt UAM, JR has an action to produce some words, but not
due until next year
JR: I will try to get something before us -- at least some slides
<noah> I remain somewhat optimistic of having a new Self-Describing Web draft. Bad news: unlikely to be as far ahead of F2F as I would like; Good news: I would expect changes to be well-isolated and easy to review, given thorough discussion we had in Bristol.
SW: DO, what about Versioning?
DO: I hope to get to it next week or the week after
JR: I believe I'm waiting for some input from DO
DO: I believe I'm waiting for JR
SW: Sounds like you should talk
<DanC> action-181?
<trackbot> ACTION-181 -- Jonathan Rees to update versioning formalism to align with terminology in versioning compatibility strategies -- due 2008-10-16 -- OPEN
<DanC> action-182?
<trackbot> ACTION-182 -- David Orchard to provide example for jar to work into the formalism -- due 2008-10-23 -- OPEN
<DanC> action-183?
<trackbot> ACTION-183 -- David Orchard to incorporate formalism into versioning compatibility strategies -- due 2008-10-23 -- OPEN
<DanC> (indeed, the tracker state looks like... or is consistent with... deadlock)
SW: JR, DO will talk offline
SW: I have suggested giving each
member a slot to motivate a topic, one they care about, either
new, ongoing or forgotten
... HST, URNsAndRegistries?
HST: Yes, I will have new prose in time for f2f
<DanC> on tagSoup:
DC: Mike Smith is working on a
language spec. document for HTML 5
... ref. TagSoupIntegration
... New W3C travel policy would mean I might get this trip and
no others until TPAC
SW: So you are asking if we should meet?
DC: Yes
HST: I had assumed we would meet, planning to buy tickets soon
SW: NW and TVR will not be there, DO uncertain. NW and DO will join by 'phone
HST: I believe we will have enough people to do useful work
SW: We will meet, HST can buy
... I would request more responses when I ask for agenda
<noah> I will be at the December meeting (which if course is convenient for me).
SW: Let's look at the list of
open actions, by issue:
... Is ACTION-24 a worthwhile thing for Tim to pursue?
DC: Well, TBL does say when asked
that we should keep this open
... I proposed to close on the basis of the XQuery spec.
... and there's the HTML5 spec's new input on this
SW: So the topic title asks a question
DC: That's overtaken for sure:
W3C specs do support IRIs
... What's at the heart of WebArch, IRIs or URIs -- answer
<DanC> ACTION-188?
<trackbot> ACTION-188 -- Dan Connolly to investigate the URL/IRI/Larry Masinter possible resolution of the URL/HTML5 issue. -- due 2008-10-31 -- OPEN
SW: Anyone want to work on this?
DC: Even if not, OK to have the issue there as a marker
SW: ISSUE-30 / ACTION-176 -- NM, DO, any progress?
<DanC> action-176?
<trackbot> ACTION-176 -- Noah Mendelsohn to work with Dave to draft comments on exi w.r.t. evaluation and efficiency -- due 2008-09-30 -- OPEN
DO: I think NM has made some progress, I request to be released from this, too much load elsewhere
<DanC> (noah, are you OK to keep ACTION-176 open without Dave?)
HST: Yes, it will happen someday
DC: Namespace doc't has been updated
SW: If you think it can be closed, please do so, leave a pointer to where the action is addressed
... What about the issue?
<DanC> action-130: rev 2008/10/14 22:08:29
<trackbot> ACTION-130 Consult with Dan and Ralph about the gap between the XHTML namespace and the GRDDL transformation for RDFa notes added
SW: XHTML + RDFa has done it, right?
<DanC> close action-130
<trackbot> ACTION-130 Consult with Dan and Ralph about the gap between the XHTML namespace and the GRDDL transformation for RDFa closed
HST: As long as the issue is XHTML, we're good
TVR: RFDa works fine with HTML
HST: I dispute the 'fine'
SW: and I wonder about the 'works'
[TagSoup digression]
SW: Propose to close ISSUE-35
TVR: By pointing to RDFa
<DanC> (indeed, -1 on the empty proposal to close; we need a technical decision.)
RESOLUTION: Close ISSUE-35 on the basis the RDFa and GRDDL provide the desired solution
HST: We need an action to explain the resolution to the public
DC: I will take it
trackbot, status?
<DanC> ACTION: Dan announce decision on rdf-in-html-35 and invite feedback [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-191 - Announce decision on rdf-in-html-35 and invite feedback [on Dan Connolly - due 2008-11-20].
<scribe> ACTION: Dan to close ISSUE-35 with a public explanation [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-192 - Close ISSUE-35 with a public explanation [on Dan Connolly - due 2008-11-20].
<noah> Am I right that we instructed me to include in next draft of Self-describing Web a story on how you could follow your nose from HTML media types to RDFa?
SW: ISSUE-41 / outstanding
... Assuming there will be progress by the F2F
JR: Yes
<DanC> close action-192
<trackbot> ACTION-192 Close ISSUE-35 with a public explanation closed
<DanC> action-192: dup of 191
<trackbot> ACTION-192 Close ISSUE-35 with a public explanation notes added
trackbot, close ACTION-189
<trackbot> ACTION-189 S. Send public comment to www-tag about the XRI proposal and the establishment of base URI. closed
HST: Others are indeed open
... Finding published
... and announced
<DanC> action-150: done. see
<trackbot> ACTION-150 Finish refs etc on passwords in the clear finding [inc post Sept 2008 F2F updates] notes added
<DanC> issue-52: finding:
<trackbot> ISSUE-52 Sending passwords in the clear notes added
trackbot, close ACTION-150
<trackbot> ACTION-150 Finish refs etc on passwords in the clear finding [inc post Sept 2008 F2F updates] closed
DC: Did we hear back from anyone? Is there anyone we should be waiting on?
SW: We could ask Ed Rice?
DO: I will do so
DC: Do we have any recent input from Security Context?
SW: Not from the group, no
DO: We did our best to address several individual comments
SW: Any response to the publication announcement?
DO: Not that I'm aware of
<DanC> issue-52?
<trackbot> ISSUE-52 -- Sending passwords in the clear -- RAISED
<DanC> close issue-52
SW: Close the issue now? Wait for Ed?
<DanC> issue-52?
<trackbot> ISSUE-52 -- Sending passwords in the clear -- CLOSED
TVR: Not necessary, close it and notify him as a courtesy
SW: ISSUE-54 / three actions wrt TagSoup
DC: Recent progress on validator, some of it public. . .
<DanC> action-7:
<trackbot> ACTION-7 draft a position regarding extensibility of HTML and the role of the validator for consideration by the TAG notes added
DC: Blog posting by Olivier Théreaux, which has attracted favourable comment
SW: Waiting for Tim on the other two
<DanC> ACTION-188 due 20 Nov 2008
<trackbot> ACTION-188 Investigate the URL/IRI/Larry Masinter possible resolution of the URL/HTML5 issue. due date now 20 Nov 2008
HST: Wrt ACTION-145, I still hope TBL will produce a publication from the positive parts of his paper and his TPAC slides
DC: I'm about to get going on ACTION-188
<DanC> (I'd like us to keep due dates in the future; if the chair expects tbl to continue work on 116, let's give it a due date in the future... e.g. the ftf agenda timeframe...)
SW: ISSUE-57 / three actions
<DanC> action-116 due 1 Dec 2008
<trackbot> ACTION-116 Align the tabulator internal vocabulary with the vocabulary in the rules, getting changes to either as needed. due date now 1 Dec 2008
JR: ACTION-184 is about to be done
SW: We're expecting something on
ACTION-178 for the F2F
... ISSUE-58 / ACTION-163
NW: I still hope to work with Ted Guild on this, it is important
SW: ISSUE-60 / three actions
NW: I have sent TVR a review
SW: I will do ACTION-143 at some point
<DanC> (possible ftf fodder: the iphone urls thread: )
NW: No progress, but I will try to get that ready for the f2f
SW: I have done ACTION-190
trackbot, close ACTION-190
<trackbot> ACTION-190 Make the above resolution visible on www-tag closed
<Stuart> close action-190
<trackbot> ACTION-190 Make the above resolution visible on www-tag closed
ACTION-106: NW sent comments to TVR privately
<trackbot> ACTION-106 Make a pass over the WebArch 2.0 doc't which adds a paragraph, and connects up to issues list notes added
trackbot, close ACTION-106
<trackbot> ACTION-106 Make a pass over the WebArch 2.0 doc't which adds a paragraph, and connects up to issues list closed
TVR: I'm not sure about how to
take this forward
... I don't plan to pick it up, except to possibly add new
... I don't see how to get it to the right audience. . .
SW, DC: Is there a blog article in there?
<DanC> found it...
TVR: Perhaps. . .
DC: Maybe I'll try to adapt it
TVR: I will help
<scribe> ACTION: Dan to try to draft a blog posting adapted from, with help from TVR [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-193 - Try to draft a blog posting adapted from, with help from TVR [on Dan Connolly - due 2008-11-20].
<Stuart> issue-61?
<trackbot> ISSUE-61 -- URI Based Access to Packaged Items -- OPEN
SW: We will discuss that next week
DC: HTML5 and URLs, reread Doug
Crockford's safe JavaScript
... He's added a mode to JSLINT which verifies this
... He's very critical of the work on cross-site access
... He has an alternative, namely JSON-request
... What could be the improvement, by using JSON instead of
... We could study that space, perhaps
TVR: I tried to find the answer to that question, but didn't see it
SW: DC, could you assemble a
reading list?
... If we scheduled this at the right time, could you join us
by phone, TV?
TVR: No, sorry, I will be travelling on the 11, and preparing on the day before -- Tuesday might be possible.
SW: Sounds like a good idea in any case, DC, reading list please
<DanC> iphone urls thread:
DC: There there's the iphone: URL
... I can't get this started yet
... MNot says [tongue in cheek?] "We need an Arch Group for
this sort of thing"
... I like tel: . . . blog entry: ???
SW: We can talk about this on a call -- let's find a slot on one of the next two calls
<DanC> (blog entry that celebrates tel: support )
TVR: We should maybe write down URI schemes we know about
<DanC> (I try to garden somewhat actively)
TVR: [lists some]
... It does help to look at these
<HST> HST does review the registered and unregistered schemes lists with some regularity
DC: p2p ones are not lookup +
... I am bored by proposals which suggest replacing DNS
... but these don't do that
TVR: There are 4 parts to a URI:
protocol, host, path and port
... But consider ??? -- doesn't change the host/DNS part, but
changes the handler
... Or ado:, as a protocol identifier for local work [missed
<DanC> (ado isn't among the list in . hmm.)
<Norm> Yes, the fact that protocol handlers are easy to register is the interesting angle to me
<Stuart> kind of browser architecture stuff... maybe html5 should say something about plugin handlers...
DC: SchemeProtocols is a good area to wander around periodically, not necessarly to try to draw hard conclusions