W3C | TAG | Previous: (Telcon)
13th March 2008.| Next:
27th March
Agenda of 20th March 2008 TAG teleconference
Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list and Issue
Tracker (handling new issues) - www-tag archive - tag archive
- Convene
- Chair: Stuart, Scribe: Jonathan
- Roll call -- Regrets: Dave Orchard, Dan Connolly, Noah Mendelsohn
(at risk).
- Agenda Review - this agenda
- Approval of minutes from 13th March 2008
- Next Telcon: Propose 27th March 2008; Chair: Stuart; Scribe: Ashok
- Future Regrets: 27th March: Noah Mendelsohn
- Approval of Feb F2F Minutes
- Issue
- Related Action Items
ACTION-117 on Tim Berners-Lee to Convey to the authors of the
SWEO group the TAG's resolution - due 2008-03-06, open [STATUS]
- Discussion of "Cool
URIs for the Semantic Web" with the SWEO editors (Leo Sauermann and
Richard Cygniak)
- Issue abbreviatedURI-56 (ISSUE-56)
- Related Action Items
ACTION-100 on Henry S. Thompson to S, with help from JR, to try to
formulate something which pulls our input together - due 2008-02-21,
pending review
- Discuss draft from
Henry and
Jonathan (member-only)
- Issue tagSoupIntegration-54
- Related Actions Items:
on Dan Connolly to Work with Olivier and Tim to draft a position
regarding extensibility of HTML and the role of the validator for
consideration by the TAG - due 2008-03-07, open [CONTINUE]
- ACTION-123 on David Orchard to Send pointers to MS and Ruby
Namespace proposals - due 2008-03-20, pending review [DONE
email and Blog]
- Namespace Support in Browsers (IE-8) [scheduled discussion at Henry's
- ARIA host-language embedding
- Issue UrnsAndRegistries-50
- Issue webApplicationState-60
- Related Action Items
- ACTION-91 on T.V. Raman to Write a finding
about the current state of application state management on the web. - due 2008-02-18, open [CONTINUE]
- ACTION-105 on T.V. Raman to Send email
about growth of context dependence in URI interpretation - due 2008-03-04, open [DISCUSS]
- ACTION-118 on T.V. Raman to Call for review
of "Usage Patterns For Client-Side URL parameters" draft finding after collecting any input for a week -
due 2008-03-06, open [CONTINUE]
- ACTION-119 on Henry S. Thompson to S.
review of "Usage Patterns For Client-Side URL parameters" , preferably this week - due 2008-03-06, open
- ACTION-120 on Dan Connolly to Review of
"Usage Patterns For Client-Side URL parameters" , preferably this week - due 2008-03-06,
pending review [DONE]
- Review of "Usage Patterns For Client-Side URL
- Complete the walk-through started at F2F
- Review next steps: anticipated reviews and publication.
- Any other business
Stuart Williams for TAG
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