W3C | TAG | Previous: 27th September 2007. | Next: 11th October 2007
Agenda of 4th October 2007 TAG teleconference
Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list and Issue
Tracker(handling new issues) - www-tag archive - tag archive
- Convene
- Chair: Stuart, Scribe: DaveO
- Roll call -- Regrets: Raman, Noah(possible)
- Agenda Review
- Next Telcon
- Propose: 11th October 2007: Chair Stuart -- scribe: Rhys
- Any known regrets?
On record are: 11th Oct - Noah; 18th Oct - Raman; 25th Oct - Raman, Norm; 8th Nov - Norm
- Approval of Minutes
- Tech-Plenary
- Draft Exec Summary for AC meeting
- Initial (member only) Draft checked in - TAG comments and
feedback please.
- Issue binaryXML-30 (ISSUE-30)
- Action Items pending Review
- ACTION-60 Suggest to Steve that Binary XML be put on plenary
agenda Tim Berners-Lee
- Issue XMLVersioning-41
- Action Items to discuss:
- ACTION-38 on Norman Walsh to review the XML part again - due
2007-10-04, open
- ACTION-48 on Henry S. Thompson to Produce an exemplary
implementation of XHTML Modularization using substitution groups for both bottom-up extensibility and top-down
modularity - due 2007-09-24, open
- ACTION-51 on David Orchard to And Dan work together to
articulate the story that the TAG wants to tell. - due 2007-10-04, open
- Action Items to continue:
- ACTION-16 on David Orchard to Incorporate the NVDL text into
the findings. - due 2007-10-31, open
- ACTION-28 on Noah Mendelsohn to draft a blog item for review
and, pending creation of a TAG blog mechanism, post it. - due 2007-09-06, pending review
- Issue httpRedirections-57
- Action Items to discuss:
- ACTION-46 on Norman Walsh to review Cool URIs for the
Semantic Web - due 2007-09-24, open
- ACTION-47 on Tim Berners-Lee to Review the 14 Sep draft of
the Cool URIs for the SemWeb document on behalf of the TAG and bring the comments back to the TAG - due 2007-09-24,
pending review
Ensuing threads:
- ACTION-52 on Norman Walsh to Relay comments as constructed
today to the SemWeb EO IG editors of "Cool URIs..." - due 2007-09-26, pending review
Ensuring thread Comments on "Cool
URIs for the Semantic Web"
- Any other business?
Stuart Williams for TAG
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