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Agenda of 16th July 2007 TAG teleconference
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- Convene
- Chair: Stuart, Scribe: Raman
- Roll call -- Regrets: David,
Rhys, Henry
- Agenda Review
- Next Telcon: Propose: 13th August: Chair Norm -- scribe: DaveO
-- regrets:
- Approve Minutes
from 9th July 2007:
- Norms Action Items
Norm reported
progress on several action items. Proposed dispositions:
- Complete (merit Discussion)
- Complete without Discussion
- Withdrawn without Discussion
- xmlFunctions-34: XML
Transformation and composability (e.g., XSLT, XInclude, Encryption)
Awaiting new draft.
- ultimateQuestion-42:
What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
Awaiting new draft.
- ultimateQuestion-42:
What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
Duplicate and awainting new draft.
- xmlChunk-44: Chunk of XML -
Canonicalization and equality
- accepted
on 12 May 2004 Write up a named equivalence function based on today's
discussion (e.g., based on infoset, augmented with xml:lang/xml:base, not
requiring prefixes, etc.).: Write up a named equivalence function based on
today's discussion (e.g., based on infoset, augmented with
xml:lang/xml:base, not requiring prefixes, etc.).
- proposal
on 28 Jun 2004 See email for details of proposal.
Overtaken by closure of issue.
- xmlChunk-44: Chunk of XML -
Canonicalization and equality
- accepted
on 12 Feb 2007 Norm to review draft finding on xmlChunk-44 to see whether
issue can be closed and finding approved.
Overtaken by closure of issue.
- Continued
- Issue TagSoupIntegration-54
- Issue standardizedFieldValues-51
- Outstanding
- URI based extensibility, head profile attribute and HTML5 (DanC to
motivate more fully).
- Issue httpRange-14 303
issue, request for reopening the discussion (requested by TimBL
- Open TAG Issues without open Actions unlikely to
- Any other business?
Stuart Williams for TAG
$Revision: 1.7 $ of $Date: 2007/09/25 12:59:50 $