W3C | TAG | Previous teleconference: 21 Nov. | Next teleconference: 19 Dec.

TAG face-to-face meeting, 11-13 December 2006, Cambridge, MA, USA

Nearby: issues list - findings - www-tag archive - tag archive - pending actions



1. Logistics

Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
32 Vassar St.
Cambridge, MA 02139

Directions, more directions, map

Tel: +1 (617) 253 2613

We will use two meeting rooms:

Monday 11 Dec.: 9:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 12 Dec.: 9:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 13 Dec.: 9:00 - 15:00

2. Recommended readings

3. Agenda

3.1. Administrative

Convene, take roll, review agenda

Regrets: TV, Norm will participate remotely on Monday, Dave will arrive around 11:30 on Monday

Appoint scribes for the three days:
Mon am: NM, pm: ER, Tue am: HT, pm: DC, Wed am: NW, pm:TBL

Approve minutes of previous teleconference (21 Nov.)

Next teleconference: 19 Dec. regrets: ?, scribe (propose Noah)

Next f2f: should we pencil a date (around mid-March 2007) and a location before the election of new members?

Accept this agenda?

TAG participation in the Workshop on Web of Services for Enterprise Computing

3.2. Issue passwordsInTheClear-52

Discussion of the latest draft finding (11 Dec. 06)

Suggestion from Noah for new section.

Pending action:

3.3. Issue metadataInURI-31

New draft finding (4 Dec. 2006), announcement -- reviewers: Dan, Ed.

Could we approve this as the final version?

Pending actions:

3.4. Issue whenToUseGet-7

See WS-Transfer Submission

See also issue endPointRefs-47

Last action (24 Oct. 2006): message from Tim, WS-Transfer and HTTP, re TAG Issues whenToUseGet-7 & endPointRefs-47

What is the next step?

TAG participation in the Workshop on Web of Services for Enterprise Computing

3.5. Issue XMLVersioning-41

How to resume progress on this issue? We could consider breaking up the draft finding (29 Sep. 2006)

Pending actions:

3.6. Issue TagSoupIntegration-54

Anything new on this issue? What happened at the Backplane meeting?

Last discussion: 7 Nov. 2006

3.7. Issue namespaceDocument-8

How to get organized to make progress on the draft finding?

See draft finding Associating Resources with Namespaces (13 Dec. 2005, Norm ed.)

See proposed update from Norm

See RDDL: new natures and thread (new natures document)

See latest discussion and request from the GRDDL WG: "follow your nose from XML documents to namespace documents?"

Pending actions:

3.8. Issue xmlFunctions-34

Could we start drafting a TAG finding on this issue?

Pending actions:

3.9. Issue RDFinXHTML-35

What is the next step on this issue?

Not much discussion in the TAG during the last 12 months.

See Note from Dan

3.10. Semantic Web Architecture

We need to get the TAG to focus more on the semantic Web. What could be done in addition to the above issues?

See Data on the Web by Norm

3.11. Issue xml11Names-46

Status update

Last discussion: 31 Jan 2006

Pending actions:

3.12. Priorities and plans

What are our priorities for the next months?

A few people may be leaving in February. Could we try to finish the work they are involved in?

Review pending actions

Reassign issues owned by those who will be leaving.

Vincent Quint for TAG
$Revision: 1.39 $ of $Date: 2006/12/19 17:46:23 $