W3C | TAG | Previous: 10 May 2005 | Next: 7 June 2005
Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list (handling new issues) - www-tag archive - tag archive - pending actions
Chair: Vincent, Scribe: Norm (next on the list: Dan, Ed)
Accept this agenda?
Date of Next telcon: 7 June (conflict with AC meeting?)
Approve minutes of last 2 telcons: minutes of 3 May, minutes of 10 May
A Summary of the TAG's activity has been prepared for the AC meeting and submitted. Dave Orchard will be giving the presentation.
Goal: help Dave with the content of the presentation, and ensure that he has everything he needs to proceed.
Reply to Dan's questions
Goal: decide on whether to give feedback to the XQuery group (Dan reports he had assumed that lack of responses so far implied "no", don't send.)
Refer to last telcon:
Time remaining will be spent on further explorations of httpRange-14.
Goal: Decide whether an http scheme URI of the form http://example.org/someResource (I.e. with no "#") necessarily refers to an information resource, or whether it might refer to a broader range including, e.g. automobiles.