W3C | TAG | Previous: 7 February 2005 | Next: 22 February 2005
Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list (handling new issues) - www-tag archive
Future Regrets:
Extensibility and Versioning Panel Session (see draft TP
Agenda for details)
Panelists: Dan, Noah, DaveO, Henry, Mark Baker (CDF), to be confirmed:
Hoylen Sue (XML Schema), Chris Lilley (TAG/SVG), Tim Boland (QA-WG)
Where XML is Going Panel Session, Noah is on the panel
Review other proposed sessions (see draft TP agenda)
Need a meeting page (Vincent)
Need an Agenda (Vincent)
Negotiated slots - see tracking table - Confirm slots with "TAG??"
No meeting with QA-WG
CDF-WG : current proposal is Monday 3pm.
Reminder: This is a joint telcon with XML Schema (logistics). Unless anyone feel there is any other urgent matter, the technical discussion should focus on the topic agreed with XML Schema:
Extensibility and Versioning (XMLVersioning-41)
Pre-Reading Resources: