W3CTAG Issues List for Last Call of 9 December 2003 Webarch

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  1. hammond1: 1 action
  2. hammond2: 1 action
  3. harold1: 1 action
  4. karr1: 1 action
  5. ducharme1: 1 action
  6. worthington1: 1 action
  7. booth1: 1 action
  8. stickler2: 2 actions
  9. stickler3: 1 action
  10. stickler4: 1 action
  11. stickler5: 1 action
  12. stickler6: 1 action
  13. stickler8: 1 action
  14. stickler9: 1 action
  15. stickler10: 1 action
  16. hawke1: 1 action
  17. hawke2: 1 action
  18. hawke3: 1 action
  19. hawke7: 1 action
  20. hawke9: 1 action
  21. dhm1: 1 action
  22. dhm2: 1 action
  23. dhm3: 1 action
  24. dhm4: 1 action
  25. dhm5: 1 action
  26. dhm6: 1 action
  27. dhm7: 1 action
  28. weitzner1: 1 action
  29. kopecky1: 1 action
  30. kopecky2: 1 action
  31. kopecky3: 1 action
  32. kopecky4: 1 action
  33. kopecky5: 1 action
  34. duerst1: 1 action
  35. duerst2: 1 action
  36. diwg1: 1 action
  37. diwg2: 1 action
  38. diwg3: 1 action
  39. diwg4: 2 actions
  40. clark1a: 1 action
  41. clark3: 1 action
  42. clark4b: 1 action
  43. clark5: 1 action
  44. clark6: 1 action
  45. clark7: 1 action
  46. clark8: 1 action
  47. clark11: 1 action
  48. clark12: 1 action
  49. laskey1: 1 action
  50. laskey2: 1 action
  51. gilman1: 1 action
  52. gilman2: 1 action
  53. lesch1: 1 action
  54. schema1: 1 action
  55. schema4: 1 action
  56. schema13: 3 actions
  57. schema14: 1 action
  58. schema17: 1 action
  59. schema18: 1 action
  60. schema19: 1 action
  61. schema20: 1 action
  62. schema21: 1 action
  63. msm3: 1 action
  64. msm9: 1 action
  65. msm10: 1 action
  66. msm13: 2 actions
  67. parsia7: 1 action
  68. klyne11: 1 action
  69. klyne12: 3 actions
  70. klyne15: 1 action
  71. klyne19: 1 action
  72. klyne20: 1 action
  73. klyne21: 1 action
  74. manola19: 1 action
  75. manola29: 1 action
  76. manola30: 1 action
  77. i18nwg8: 1 action
  78. i18nwg10: 1 action

hammond1: Distinguish normative/informative references? [link to this issue]


hammond2: Editorial comments [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 7 May 2004

    Propose editorial response.

  • proposal on 7 May 2004


    • Section 5: Maybe missing some terms? Would be useful to see 'Web' (and 'WWW', 'World Wide Web'), 'URI' (as a 'see Unifo...' cross-reference), 'Data Format', 'Media Type' (maybe).
    • Sect 2.4.1, 2nd para, 3rd bullet, 'One should not expect...' - suggest change from 'will do anything useful with URIs of this scheme' to something like 'will do anything with URIs of this scheme beyond comparison' or some other wording.
    • Section 4.1. Suggest to interchange 1st and 2nd paras to reflect order in section title.

    Did not implement: "Sect 4 is entitled 'Data Formats', and Sect 1, 3rd bullet has 'Formats'. Would suggest that both should be changed to 'Representation' in keeping with the 3 bases articulated in the Abstract (identification, interaction, representation). This shift in gears from representation to data formats is potentially confusing. Maybe within the section one could talk of data formats (as a more concrete realization of the abstraction 'representation'), but I think the section (and bullet) are better labeled at the more generic/abstract level." Rationale: We used to have that and then chose the current organization instead."

    Did not implement: "Almost all the Story examples seem to make use of HTTP URIs. Any chance of sneaking in some other URI schemes just here and there just to reinforce that the fact that this is a democrarcy not a monarchy? Perhaps even just a mailto, or urn, or something more exotic?" Rationale: "We have examples of other schemes. No need to use exotic schemes if not motivated by story.

    Did not implement: "Sect 2.4, 3rd para, 1st sentence, 'While the Web architecture...' - change 'is costly' to 'can be costly'?". Rationale: Not sure about this change.

    Did not implement: "Sect 2.4, 3rd para, 3rd sentence, 'Introducing a new URI scheme...' - change 'requires' to 'may require'?" Rationale: Not sure about this change.

    Did not implement: "Sect 2.4, last para, last sentence - 'When an agent does not handle a new URI scheme, it cannot retrieve a representation.' This seems prejudicial, as if the only intersting operations are retrieval. An agent can already make use of the identitiy afforded by a URI and comparison of URIs in applications such as merging of RDF graphs or of merging Topic Maps which identify resources by means of URIs." Rationale: Nonetheless, the statement is true.

    Did not implement: "Sect 3, last para ('Note') before Sect 3.1. I would strongly query the sentence 'Informally, a resource is "on the Web" when it has a URI and an agent can use the URI to retrieve a representation of it ...'. I would rather say that a resource is "on the Web" when it is referenced by means of a URI. That would seem to me to be a full and sufficient condition. A resource referenced by a URI participates within the Web information space and assertions can be made about that resource." Rationale: The TAG did not agree to that definition.

    Did not implement: "Sect 3.6.2, 1st para. Should clarify here that 'URI persistence' actualy refers to persistence of the referenced resource, not to the URI. (That point is made in the [Cool] reference entry but should be made here and not in the refrence section.)" Rationale: Having reread the sentence, I don't believe that's necessary. It's defined clearly.

    Did not implement: "Sect 4.5.5, 1st para, 2nd sentence. 'A qualified name is a pair consisting of a URI,..., and a local name...' Surely the qualified name itself consists of a 'prefix' which represents the URI (i.e. is a URI placeholder), and a local name?" Rationale: I think that's a qname rather than a qualified name.

harold1: Title of URI uniqueness constraint [link to this issue]


karr1: What does "authority component" mean? [link to this issue]


ducharme1: Editorial comments [link to this issue]


worthington1: Simplify the text and separate the W3C politics [link to this issue]


booth1: Definition of "Web Agent" [link to this issue]


stickler2: Sections 4.5.4, 5: Namespace document [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 2 Mar 2004

    Incorporated editorial suggestions.

  • proposal on 10 May 2004

    Substitute "namespace representation" for "namespace document". The TAG discussed this edit briefly at their 12 May 2004 ftf meeting. There was no resolution, but the editor suspects that the change will be undone in subsequent drafts along with other changes regarding "information resources".

  • accepted on 8 Jun 2004

    New proposal

  • proposal on 8 Jun 2004

    First two paras edited so description of XML Namespaces has changed.

stickler3: Section 5: Dereference a URI [link to this issue]


stickler4: Section 3.6.1 Proposed removal of good practice note [link to this issue]


stickler5: Section 3.6, para 1: Fix "resource is unreliable" [link to this issue]


stickler6: Section 3.5.1: POST requests and URIs [link to this issue]


stickler8: Section 3.3.1, last para, last sentence: Nature of secondary resource not known through URI [link to this issue]


stickler9: Good practice note on URIs without fragids? [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 3 May 2004

    Respond to reviewer's comment that HTTP PUT/POST/DELETE do not work with URIs with fragment identifiers since HTTP does not give access to the secondary resource.

  • proposal on 10 May 2004

    In section 3.3.1, included "Note also that since dereferencing a URI (e.g., using HTTP) does not involve sending a fragment identifier to a server or other agent, certain access methods (e.g., HTTP PUT, POST, and DELETE) cannot be used to interact with secondary resources."

  • accepted on 13 May 2004

    At their 13 May 2004 ftf, the TAG rejected the proposed text and asked the Editor to remove the sentence from the document.

stickler10: Section 5: Secondary resource [link to this issue]


hawke1: Proposed good practice note on looking inside protocol interactions [link to this issue]


hawke2: Section 2: Full agreement not required for communication [link to this issue]


hawke3: 2.2 UUID/MD5 not registered URI schemes [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 7 Jun 2004

    Remove the middle bullet from 2.3.

  • proposal on 8 Jun 2004

    No more large number discussion. Left in mid/cid as examples where there is hierarchical delegation. Note the rationale for establishing uri/social entity relationship: "It is useful for a URI scheme to...". Not sure if that is sufficient....

hawke7: 2.7.2. Assertion that Two URIs Identify the Same Resource [link to this issue]


hawke9: 3.2. Messages and Representations [link to this issue]


dhm1: 1.1.3. Principles, constraints and good practices [link to this issue]


dhm2: "Silent recovery from error is harmful" [link to this issue]


dhm3: "Language extension" definition [link to this issue]


dhm4: 1.2.4 Protocol based interoperability [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 12 May 2004

    Add a second paragraph to 1.2.4 explaining what TBL said about resilience as typical design goal in protocols.

  • proposal on 8 Jun 2004

    Modified first paragraph to talk more about large-scale protocols v. traditional software APIs.

dhm5: 4.1 Prevalence of Unicode [link to this issue]


dhm6: Use of "server" in "...authoritative server metadata..." [link to this issue]


dhm7: Webarch conformance model, subjects of GPNs [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 7 May 2004

    Propose editorial response.

  • proposal on 7 May 2004

    Attempted to following reviewer's suggestions. Eliminated "resource owner" in favor of "URI owner". Similarly, changed "user agent" to "agent" in GPNs. Changed "author" to "content author", "server manager" to "representation provider", and "developer" to "software developer". In the GPNs, changed "language designer" and "format designer" to "Specification" (as the subject). Moved note about format v. language to section 1.1.1 and introduced phrase "specification designer" as an encompassing term. Reviewer satisfied.

weitzner1: Proposed summary format [link to this issue]


kopecky1: Proposed to drop stories [link to this issue]


kopecky2: 3.1 Reference or Identify? [link to this issue]


kopecky3: 4 application/xml [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 14 May 2004

    IJ and CL to draft a proposal to address this issue. (No clear direction from 14 May 2004 minutes, but there was discussion about whether the content was "designed for presentation".)

kopecky4: 4.5.3 use of "understand" [link to this issue]


kopecky5: 4.5.5 More info on qnames, fragids, ns docs [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 7 Jun 2004

    Address reviewer's comments (see DC action).

  • proposal on 8 Jun 2004

    Added "One particularly useful mapping in the case of flat namespaces is to combine the namespace URI, a hash ("#"), and the local name; see the section on XML namespaces for more examples."

duerst1: Principle and constraint titles [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 7 May 2004

    Propose editorial response.

  • proposal on 7 May 2004

    Changed titles of GPNs that reviewer wished changed. Now only using principle, constraint, good practice (in that order). Also highlighted in abstract.

duerst2: WebArch and RFC2396bis: URIs and Fragids [link to this issue]


diwg1: Add scenario(s) with dynamically generated URI [link to this issue]


diwg2: Don't communicate language info in URIs (in example) [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 7 May 2004

    Propose editorial response.

  • proposal on 7 May 2004

    No change. It is probably useful to have a URI for a resource where language is content-negotiated, but it is also useful to have a URI for the "resource in language L".

  • accepted on 7 May 2004

    Add some text that talks about content negotiation in addition to leaving the distinct URIs (one per language resource).

  • proposal on 8 Jun 2004

    Deleted the language-specific URIs since they do not identify the same resource. Deleted the example but augmented the discussion of content negotiation per the 14 May ftf meeting.

diwg3: Suggest discussion of accessing different representations (transformed) of the same resource [link to this issue]


diwg4: Suggest discussion of the limitations of Internet media types as the prime mechanism for selecting between different representations of a resource. [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 14 May 2004

    Add text to the document about media type limitations, versioning, and link to issue mediaTypeManagement-45.

  • proposal on 8 Jun 2004

    Added: "Internet media type mechanism does have its limitations. For instance, media type strings do not support versioning or other parameters. The TAG issue mediaTypeManagement-45 concerns the appropriate level of granularity of the media type mechanism."

clark1a: Fragment Identifier Semantics [link to this issue]


clark3: Willy-Nilly Resource Change [link to this issue]


clark4b: "Expected UI Paradigm"? [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 14 May 2004

    Incorporate DC suggested tweak for section 2:"Formats that allow content authors to use URIs instead of local identifiers foster the "network effect": the value of these formats grows with the size of the deployed Web."

  • proposal on 8 Jun 2004


clark5: Silent Error Recovery Always Harmful? [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 7 May 2004

    Propose editorial response.

  • proposal on 7 May 2004

    Good practice note in section 1.2.3 no longer talks about "silent recover" but rather recovery "without user consent". Added text from finding: "Consent does not necessarily imply that the receiving agent must interrupt the user and require selection of one option or another. The user may indicate through pre-selected configuration options, modes, or selectable user interface toggles, with appropriate reporting to the user when the agent detects an error." Updated GPN in section 3.4.1 as well.

  • accepted on 8 Jun 2004

    Updated proposal

  • proposal on 8 Jun 2004

    Distinguish error correction from error recovery.

clark6: Separating Presentation From Content [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 14 May 2004

    Propose additional text regarding separation of content and presentation that includes more about tradeoffs.

clark7: More Ambiguity [link to this issue]


clark8: Section 3.4.'s Unmotivated Paragraph [link to this issue]


clark11: The "great power" of URIs and their "vastness of choice" [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 7 May 2004

    Propose editorial response.

  • proposal on 7 May 2004

    Edited sentence in section 2: "Formats that allow content authors to use URIs instead of local identifiers foster the "network effect": the value of these formats grows with the size of the deployed Web."

clark12: Needless Propagation of URIs? [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 7 May 2004

    Propose editorial response.

  • proposal on 7 May 2004

    In section 2.1.1, added last paragraph: "When a URI alias does become common currency, the URI owner should use protocol techniques such as server-side redirects to connect the two resources. The community benefits when the URI owner supports both the "unofficial" URI and the alias.".

laskey1: Editorial comments on WebArch [link to this issue]


laskey2: What determines URI uniqueness? [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 8 Jun 2004

    The Editor believes this question is answered by the draft.

  • proposal on 8 Jun 2004

    The Editor believes this question is answered by the draft: The string is compared character for character, and a URI string can include a fragment identifier.

gilman1: 'legal requirement' as justification for 'particular presentation' misses 'leading Web to highest' mark [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 7 May 2004

    Propose editorial response.

  • proposal on 7 May 2004

    Removed contentious text from section 4.3. Text now reads: "Of course, it may not always be desirable to reach the widest possible audience. Designers should consider appropriate technologies for limiting the audience. For instance digital signature technology, access control, and other technologies are appropriate for controlling access to content."

gilman2: orthogonality is not the answer [link to this issue]


lesch1: Editorial comments [link to this issue]


schema1: [1.2.3] "Silent recovery from error is harmful." [link to this issue]


schema4: [3.3 Good practice: Fragment Identifier Consistency] [link to this issue]


schema13: [4.2] Overly simplifies a complex problem [link to this issue]


schema14: [4.2.3] Must * rules in instance v. documentation [link to this issue]


schema17: [4.5.3] Statement about XMLNS and unique names false [link to this issue]


schema18: [4.5.3] Clarification on "type" in XML Schema [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 7 May 2004

    Propose editorial response.

  • proposal on 7 May 2004

    Adopted reviewer's proposal in section 4.5.3 to use "xsi:type".

  • accepted on 14 May 2004

    Make changes to point to XML Schema spec (possibly with the xsi ns URI in text).

  • proposal on 8 Jun 2004

    Para now starts: "The type attribute from the W3C XML Schema Instance namespace "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ([XMLSCHEMA], section 4.3.2) is an example of a global attribute. It can be used by authors of any vocabulary to make an assertion in instance data about the type of the element on which it appears. As a global attribute, it must always be fully qualified. "

schema19: [4.5.3] Element type/instance confusion [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 7 May 2004

    Propose editorial response.

  • proposal on 7 May 2004

    Adopted reviewer's proposal in section 4.5.3: "An attribute that is "global," that is, one that might meaningfully appear on elements of any type, including elements in other namespaces, should be explicitly placed in a namespace. Local attributes, ones associated with only a particular element type, need not be included in a namespace since their meaning will always be clear from the context provided by that element."

schema20: [4.5.6] Flavors of ID not discussed [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 22 Apr 2004

    Clarify that this is an open issue.

  • proposal on 7 May 2004

    In section 4.5.6, added note: "The TAG expects to continue to work with other groups to help resolve open questions about establishing "ID-ness" in XML formats." Also added fourth bullet per reviewer's suggestion.

  • accepted on 14 May 2004

    Adopt text per TAG resolution.

  • proposal on 8 Jun 2004

    New fourth bullet: "In practice, applications may have independent means (such as those defined in the XPointer specification, [XPTRFR] section 3.2) of locating identifiers inside a document."

schema21: General editorial comments [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 7 May 2004

    Propose editorial response.

  • proposal on 7 May 2004

    Adopted editorial suggestions except:

    • [Section 1] The initial part of section 1 is good, but section 1.1 is very jarring following it. It doesn't flow well at all.
    • [3.5.1] We are surprised to not see a best practice recommendation here.
    • [4.5.3] (And elsewhere) If namespace prefixes are used, there should be a table indicating their bindings to URIs.
    • [4.5.6] and [4.5.8] highlight a lot of problems, but make no recommendations about what to do about them.

msm3: WD-webarch-20031209, 1.2.1 para 1: Assigning identifiers without knowing about representations [link to this issue]


msm9: WD-webarch-20031209, Section 2 para 3: The vastness of URI space [link to this issue]


msm10: WD-webarch-20031209, Section 2: Assigning URIs to resources others will expect to refer to [link to this issue]


msm13: WD-webarch-20031209, Section 3.3.2, para 3: Consistency of fragment identifiers [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 13 May 2004

    Revise the text of section 3.3.2 per the resolution. The editor notes that the future of the GPN in that section is uncertain.

parsia7: LC Comment, Section 2: On requirement to assign a URI to a resource [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 12 May 2004

    Replace constraint at beginning of section 2 with a new principle and constraint:

    • [Principle] URI assignment: global naming leads to beneficial network effects.
    • [GPN] It is beneficial to assign a URI to a resource because then others can then refer to it by URI.

klyne11: Change "will result" to "will necessarily result" [link to this issue]


klyne12: Proposal to drop paragraph on inconsistent frag ids [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 3 May 2004

    Improve text regarding responsibility for inconsistent frag id semantics (looking at new RFC2396 text).

  • accepted on 13 May 2004

    Rewrite story at beginning of 3.3.1. See resolution to delete "Note..." to end of the paragraph.

klyne15: Lack of separation between owner of a resource and authority for a part of URI space used to identify a resource? [link to this issue]


klyne19: Unclear statement about mixing RDF vocabularies [link to this issue]


klyne20: Say something about relationship between Hypertext Web and Semantic Web? [link to this issue]


klyne21: Add statement about scalability concerns [link to this issue]


manola19: Please provide qualifying context about the nature of the Web [link to this issue]


manola29: What are "language instances"? [link to this issue]


manola30: Difference between "setting expectations" and "specifying"? [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 14 May 2004

    Delete "As part of defining ..." sentence.

  • proposal on 8 Jun 2004

    Deleted "As part of defining an extensibility mechanism, specification designers should set expectations about agent behavior in the face of unrecognized extensions."

i18nwg8: Sentences seem contradictory [link to this issue]


i18nwg10: Don't recommend organizing information by language. [link to this issue]

  • accepted on 14 May 2004

    Merge sections 2 and 2.1

  • proposal on 8 Jun 2004

    Deleted the example since these two URIs identify two different resources. This was part of a series of other changes to these early subsections of section 2. However, see section 3.3.2 for additional information on content negotiation.

Last update: $Date: 2004/08/10 13:11:54 $

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