RDF Validation Workshop Papers
Experiences with the Design of the W3C XML Schema Definition Language
Noah Mendelsohn Tufts University
- Dave Reynolds - full - standards and technology development process
- Clear summary of issues and lessons from the development of XML Schema that might arise in analogous form in developing an RDF validation standard.
- Antoine Isaac - full - standards and technology development process
- Really interesting effort, presenting lessons that should influence the design of RDF validation mechanisms. It can complement other papers very well. Food for thought for the workshop itself: the paragraphs on "what gets validated" and substitution groups could be tied to considerations on what could possibly count as "RDF dataset", and on whether/how RDF validation should only consider explicit statements vs. include reasoning in the loop. For example, some XML Schemas (e.g. the Dublin Core one) use substitution as a means to do validation that is aware of RDFS sub-classes/sub-properties axioms.