RDF Validation Workshop Papers
Europeana and RDF data validation (A short expression of interest from a vocabulary owner)
Antoine Isaac, Europeana
- Martin Alvarez - Lightning talk -
- The author explains the difficulties to deal with a RDF-based management of multi-source information due to the lack of validation mechanisms. Even though Europeana people are Linked Data enthusiasts, they faced with validation problems and they use alternative solutions based on XML validations. Willing to test and adopt other proposed RDF mechanisms.
- Noah Mendelsohn - Full talk - Use caes
- I'm recommending Full Talk, but it's a close call. Reason: the paper itself doesn't go into great detail, and indeed talks as much about XML-based workarounds as about detailed RDF validation requirements. That said, this seems to be an example of a group that's doing real and important work, and that can be part of a discussion of detailed use cases and requirements. I think a full talk slot, with lots of time for discussion and Q&A would provide an opportunity to probe on what's really needed to meet their needs.
- Makx Dekkers - Lightning talk
- This paper contains an interesting description of a practical approach in the absence of RDF validation, but the details of the actually implemented XML solutions seem to be out of scope for the workshop. Nevertheless, the paper could make a useful contribution if the author could summarise, e.g. in a final section of the paper, the set of requirements that could be formulated based on their experiences.