Talk:RdfValidationWorkshop/Papers/Coyle Baker
RDF Validation Workshop Papers
Dublin Core Application Profiles
Separating Validation from Semantics
- Souripriya Das - full - technologies and solutions
- It would be interesting for the participants to listen to this alternative to (direct) SPARQL-based specification of constraints
- Harold Solbrig - lightning|full|both - @@category
- @@summary/review
- Antoine Isaac - full - requirements, standards and technology development process
- It seems important that what is presented in this paper is presented at the workshop. This is about years of work from the Dublin Core community, from the observation of requirements to the efforts to tackle them at various levels (model level, syntactic). Even if incomplete, the framework can positively influence the efforts reported in other papers. Also, having some form of input on where the DC community should go is an important agenda point, it could be a very positive result for the RDF validation workshop. I think it needs a full presentation, otherwise the audience could just miss the point (as the framework may be new to many in the RDF community). Note to the authors: there are some sentences that hint that validation on the content of the data is a syntactic issue, but the paper is not so clear on this. Perhaps some clarification/emphasis would help ensuring readers understand the Framework's position on this (this could also be different from what an RDF audience would expect).
- Tom Baker
- I am one of the authors of this paper. Neither Karen nor I will be able to attend in person but are both interested in attending remotely. I can be there on Wednesday, as can Karen, and Karen may also be available on Tuesday. We are discussing with Antoine (one of our reviewers!) about possibly folding his contribution into ours, at any rate for the purposes of presentation, if we are asked to present. Our paper describes an abstract constraint language, and Antoine has concrete examples from Europeana that could be nicely used to illustrate the constraint language. I would be willing to present remotely and could make the talk quite short.