ShEx/Obsolete/ShEx/OperationalSemantics Operational semantics

From Semantic Web Standards

Obsolete - please see ShEx Semantics

Operational Semantics

Simplified abstract syntax

We use the following simplified abstract syntax:

   Rule ::= ArcRule(NameClass,ValueClass)
         | AndRule(Rule,Rule)
         | OrRule(Rule,Rule)
         | OneOrMode(Rule)
         | Action(Rule,Action)
         | NoRule

Notice that:

   Option(Rule) = OrRule(Rule,NoRule)
   ZeroOrMore(Rule) = OrRule(OneOrMore(Rule),NoRule)

RDF representation

The operational semantics matches infers a typing for a resource in an RDF graph. We represent RDF graphs as sets of RDF triples, where an RDF triple is (subj,pred,obj) such that subj is a URI or a BNode, pred is a URI and obj is a URI, BNode or Literal.

For our purposes, an RDF graph has the following operations:

   {} = An empty graph
   {t} = Singleton graph with triple t
   t :: g = The graph that results of adding triple t to graph g
   g1 union g2 = Union of graphs g1 and g2
   g.triplesAround(iri) = Selects the triples that contain 'iri' as subject or as object

Operational semantics

The semantics of shape expressions consits of assigning shape typings to nodes in an RDF graph. A shape typing is a map from RDF nodes (iri's or bNodes) to sets of Labels. We define the following operations on shape typings:

   {} = empty shape typing
   iri -> label :: typing = the result of assigning iri to label in typing
   t1 ++ t2 = combination of typings t1 and t2

Match Shape

matchShape(ctx,iri,shape) returns the typing that results of matching a shape iri with the shape expression shape. It has the following definition:

matchShape g.triplesAround(iri)=ts     matchRule(ctx,ts,shape.rule) = t
matchShape(ctx,iri,shape) = iri -> shape.label :: t

Match Rule

matchRule(ctx,g,r) returns the typing that results of matching the graph g with the rule r in the context ctx. The definition of matchRule has the following rules:

AndRule matchRule(ctx,g1,r2)=t1      matchRule(ctx,g2,r2)=t2
matchRule(ctx, g1 union g2, And(r1,r2)) = t1 ++ t2
OrRule1 matchRule(ctx,g,r1) = t
matchRule(ctx, g, OrRule(r1,r2)) = t
OrRule2 matchRule(ctx,g,r2) = t
matchRule(ctx, g, OrRule(r1,r2)) = t
NoRule empty
matchRule(ctx, {}, NoRule)) = {}
OneOrMore1 matchRule(ctx,g,r) = t
matchRule(ctx, g, OneOrMore(r)) = t
OneOrMore2 matchRule(ctx,g1,r) = t1     matchRule(ctx,g2,OneOrMore(r)) = t2
matchRule(ctx, g1 union g2, OneOrMore(r)) = t1 ++ t2
Arc matchName(ctx,triple.pred,n)     matchValue(ctx,triple.obj,v) = t
matchRule(ctx, {triple}, Arc(n,v)) = t


matchName(ctx,pred,n) matches predicate pred with nameClass n in context ctx. It returns a boolean.

NameTerm pred = t
matchName(ctx, pred, NameTerm(t))
NameAny not(matchStems(excl,pred))
matchName(ctx, pred, NameAny(excl))
NameStem matchStem(s,pred)
matchName(ctx, pred, NameStem(s))


   matchStem(stem,iri) is true is iri has stem stem
   matchStems(stems,iri) is true is iri has a stem one of the set of stems stems


matchValue(ctx,obj,v) matches object obj with valueClass v in context ctx. It returns a typing

ValueType obj.type = type
matchValue(ctx, obj, ValueType(type)) = {}
ValueSet set.contains(obj)
matchValue(ctx, obj, ValueSet(set)) = {}
ValueReference matchShape(ctx,obj,ctx.getShape(label)) = t
matchValue(ctx, obj, ValueReference(label)) = t
ValueAny not(matchStems(excl,obj))
matchValue(ctx, obj, ValueAny(excl)) = {}
ValueStem matchStem(s,obj)
matchValue(ctx, obj, ValueStem(s)) = {}


matchType(obj,type) returns true if object obj matches the type type. Notice that obj can be resource, bNode or literal.