
From Semantic Web Standards


名称:关联数据与图书馆遗留系统 (牧羊人:Keven Liu 刘炜)

所有者:Uldis Bojars


图书馆使用很多系统,目前这些系统大多不支持关联数据。支持关联数据的系统正在出现,W3C的图书馆关联数据孵化小组(W3C Library Linked Data XG)正在收集汇总这些应用系统的用例。





保证遗留系统的用户能够访问图书馆中其它信息系统支持的关联数据。ensure that users of legacy applications get access to and benefit from linked data introduced in other information systems within the library;

帮助系统开发人员参与到图书馆信息系统的开发中,这些系统有些是遗留系统,有些支持关联数据。help system developers evolve a set of library information systems, where some applications are legacy and some - linked data applications.






系统需要目录元数据但系统无法向用户提供(应为元数据是由第三方系统提供,该前端系统无法使用)the system shows catalog metadata required but does not make available to the user the rich data about the entry found (because this data is provided by another system and the front-end was not developed to make use of it); 结果造成用户无法获取其所需要的信息as a result, a user does not have access to rich information sought.


一用户通过前端系统访问由拥有其所需信息(例如:地图)的另一系统提供的丰富信息,即使该前端系统一开始并不支持这个功能。a user [of a front-end application] gets access to the rich information provided by the system that holds the information about resources a user is looking for (e.g. maps) even though the front-end application was not originally built to support this. ---









假设我们的图书馆信息系统中的各个组成部分开始使用/发布关联数据(例如,一个规范数据库,数字报纸和地图应用等),我们该怎样建立/采用图书馆中其他信息系统,一遍利用关联数据?特别地,如果遗留系统作为其他图书馆系统的前端在使用,这个系统如何使用其他系统中的关联数据? 即装即用的系统可能并不支持关联数据,but it would be a waste to create linked data applications (e.g., authority data enriched with additional relations, schemas, linked to other datasets) and then not use them in the primary user-facing system of the library.

问题和局限(可选) 本用例的主要问题是如何从关联数据示范应用系统迁移到图书馆信息系统应用关联数据。


如何改造遗留系统来建立支持关联数据的应用? How to adapt legacy applications to make use of new, linked data -enabled applications?

一旦有了关联数据应用,新老系统中的数据势必要重复,这给数据管理带来了如前所述的复杂性,如果其中之一甚至两个系统中的重复信息发生了改变,系统应该如何进行同步?With the addition of linked data applications, some data may be duplicated between legacy and new applications. This problem refers to managing complexity mentioned earlier in the use case. If information is duplicated and may change in one or both information systems, how is information between these systems synchronized?

例如遗留系统(如图书馆集成管理系统)和关联数据试验应用系统都管理有规范数据,那么图书馆员究竟应该用哪个系统来管理规范数据?如何避免记录在两个系统中都被更新,或如何避免冲突(都被更新)?(原文如此)An example can be authority data which are present / managed both in a legacy application (e.g., an integrated library system) and in an experimenatal linked data application. Which system shall library staff use to maintain authority records, considering that the data in the legacy application need to be maintained while users are using it? How to avoid situation when records are updated in both applications or how to avoid conflicts if they are [updated in both]?

开发人员何时需要用到关联数据作为两个应用之间的界面,以及何时其它方法(如输入数据备份)更被看好?When shall developers use linked data as an interface between applications and when other methods (e.g., importing data dumps) are preferable?


遗留系统在能够被允许二次开发的程度方面,以及开发时间方面可能受到局限。Legacy applications may be limited in what can be changed or how quickly the change can be made.

图书馆可能采用并不利用关联数据的新系统。例如图书馆可能只能根据政策购买现有的、成熟的或主流的系统。知道图书馆关联数据应用系统得到普及和流行,新购买的系统可能又会立即成为“遗留系统”。如果此假设成立,将来整合遗留系统和支持关联数据的系统就会变得非常重要和不可避免。It is possible that new information systems acquired by libraries are not linked data aware. For example, policy may require libraries to acquire existing, proven applications for key library information systems. Until library linked data applications are ubiquitous, new purchases may also be "legacy" applications. If this assumption is true, the need to integrate legacy and linked data -enabled applications will be important for some time.

本部分说明为什么本情境描述比较难以实现的理由This section lists reasons why this scenario is or may be difficult to achieve, 包括无法满足的前提条件、技术障碍等。请在这里明确列出本用例的技术挑战,这将有助于形成克服这些挑战的路线图的形成。including pre-requisites which may not be met, technological obstacles etc. Please explicitly list here the technical challenges made apparent by this use case. This will aid in creating a roadmap to overcome those challenges.


Use Case Authority Data Enrichment - 描述丰富现有规范数据的做法describes enriching existing authority data

Use Case NDNP (National Digital Newspaper Program) - 应用关联数据建立数字报纸档案use of linked data in a digitized newspaper archive

Use Case NLL Digitized Map Archive - 应用关联数据建立数字地图档案use of linked data in a digitized map archive

The scenario above describes a particular case of using linked data. However, by allowing this scenario to take place, the likely solution allows for other use cases. This section captures unanticipated uses of the same system apparent in the use case scenario.


回到: 图书馆关联数据用例解读目录 LLD Use Cases Chinese Shepherd http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/wiki/LLD_Use_Cases_Chinese_Shepherd