1 Introduction
2 Redland and Raptor
3 Semantic Web Data Scalability
4 A solution for part of the problem -
Redland Contexts
A References
B Changes
This deliverable reports on work done on implementing a scalable and efficent semantic web storage system based on the Redland RDF Application Framework[REDLAND-DI] developed at ILRT, University of Bristol over several years. The scalablility requirement needed developing a major new feature - contexts and consequent re-design and implementation of core parts of Redland to enable it.
Redland[REDLAND-SW] as described in Designing and Building the Redland RDF Application Framework[REDLAND] is a C library implementing the RDF triple-based graph model designed for portability, flexibility and performance. It has been developed since 2000 and the C API[REDLAND-API] now has several high-level language interfaces which allow rapid development of RDF systems using the API:
Redland uses a related but separate library Raptor[RAPTOR-SW] also developed at ILRT which deals with the parsing of RDF syntaxes - RDF/XML[RDFXML] and N-Triples[N-TRIPLES]. These two syntaxes are managed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)[W3C] by the RDF Core Working Group (RDF Core)[RDF-Core] and the two draft standards are co-/edited by this report author who has been a member of that group since May 2000. Redland and Raptor have also provided implementation experience and feedback to this W3C standardisation activity in terms of what could be designed and implemented efficently.
Redland was designed to implement the Web Search Environments Project[WSE] for ILRT, as described in Web Search Environments - Web Crawling High-Quality Metadata using RDF and Dublin Core[WSE-PAPER]. This is still under development as a web searching and semantic web project for feedback into future digital library developments.
There are several other known Redland and Raptor applications[REDLAND-APPS] and others not publically announced, since they are free software requiring no registration or notification.
The most recent prominent use of Redland one is the server part of the MEG Registry Project[MEG-REGISTRY] The MEG Registry and SCART: Complementary Tools for Creation, Discovery and Re-use of Metadata Schemas[MEG-PAPER] which created an educational metadata schema registry server and client using Redland for the server. This has also been further developed for the CORES Registry[CORES-REGISTRY] for the CORES Project funded by IST under KA3.
Edd Dumbill created a software agent FOAFBot[FOAFBot] using Redland as described in Finding friends with XML and RDF[FOAFBot-ART] to aggregate personal RDF descriptions in a vocabulary called Friend of a Friend (FOAF) collected as the agent wandered the semantic web of relationships between people and their resources (documents, interests, ...). Each of the items being read from the different web sites was tracked and checked with a digital signature and extra effort was made to enable updates of particular RDF sites to work more efficiently.
Most of the projects described above use Redland to manipulate and especially aggregate semantic web data from various sources. This meant managing a large aggregrate graph built from descriptions taken from various other places, that can be updated at different rates. This graph merging/updating problem has been variously solved by throwing away all the data and building a new graph from the aggregate - but this is not scalable or efficient. It was required that the triples were in some form tracked so that when the original source modified them, the older triples could be removed and updated, without requiring a re-indexing of the entire data set. This has been called tracking the provenance of the data.
In order to mark each triple from a source with its original location, that could be done by using RDF reification on the triples, which turns each triple into 4, giving them each a unique identifier. This would make the scalability problem even worse. This does have the advantage of being a solution inside the RDF graph, where all the provenance information could be tracked. It was therefore necessary to consider outside-RDF graph solutions to solve this scalability problem.
This feature allows a Node to be given whenever a statement is added to a model which can can be retrieved from any model query that returns answers as an Iterator of Nodes or a Stream of Statements. Both of these classes gained a new method get_context that returns the original Node that was given when the statement corresponding to the answer was added to the model.
The context node can also be used to add and remove sets of statements to/from a model, and each statement with a given context node can be listed as a stream of statements.
Adding this feature required substantial internal changes to these two classes and the internal storage apis and implementations along with moderate code changes at the application level, which are described below.
This feature can be used for the following (not an exhaustive list):