See also:
idea: work on bugs like log:includes { _:x p _:x} isn't working with DanK.
In connection with the PAW project, we have paw/cwm dev meetings starting 9 Mar at 11:00ET for 90 mins and every 2nd week on Thursday thereafter until further notice. .
Meetings were held 31 Aug, 15 september, 28 September, 12 Oct, and 26 Oct, and 28 Oct (all paw-team meeting), 4 Nov (no records), 23 Nov.. 7 Dec, 21 Dec, 2006 Jan 4, Jan 19, 1 Feb (IRC only), 15 Feb, 9 March, 23 March, and 6 Apr meeting. The 20 Apr meeting was cancelled.
much progress has been made on built-ins in pychinko. functions seem to work as well as relational ops as of ~Sep. log:includes progress? log:semantics? formulas as 1st-class objects?
15 Feb Conclusion: The TAR file will have the whole source tree in, with swap/pychinko... but the CVS won't. Aim for: --pythink ? -or --rete or -run. release with a few tests and explanation of when to use --rete vs --think.
ACTION: Vlad to Send mail to about the inclusion of the rete as an alpha test, test users welcome. Vlad sent the relevant mail message, but it seems to be stuck in a moderation queue as of 7 Apr
Tim and Vlad talked about cwm proofs. On 26 Apr, Vlad reported reducing the size of the generated proof from 355KB to 54KB:
This is the command I ran to generate the --think --filter="" --why > proof.n3To check the proof I tried: proof.n3The proof and the "lean" REIN files are available in the SVN: svn+ssh://
Perhaps that addresses the "Indexing for speed in a world of nested formaule with variables" performance issues?
Yosi implemented log:supports, though Dan sent a can't reproduce log:supports results message 26 Apr. Is somebody working on using log:supports rather than log:conclusion/log:includes in the REIN engine? Lalana?
ACTION TimBL: To think about phasing out statement[CONTEXT]. (Tim: Upgraded the javascript API.)
See also:, PAW dev SVN info
older test case: DanC ran it at the face-face meeting.:
cwm --rdf --n3 --think --filter="" --why
TBL checked in minimally-working code in the 26 Oct 2005 meeting.
Unicode problems in reg exps using predictiveParser.
N3 decimal - any reasons why not move 1.0 in N3, turtle and sparql to xsd:decimal? Also, true and false keywords.
ACTION TimBL/Yosi. Change n3.n3 to include @true, @false, and separate type for decimal, and make sure output format of those is right - must preserve type. And make tests.
update 10 Feb: bnf2turtle -- write a turtle version of an EBNF grammar
Issue: BNF in html won't build.
Report: Nottaion3 spec has changed.
Experience with AJAR/Tabulator stuff suggests compromise of (subject, predicate, object, why) why why is used for provenence filtering and SPARQL source.
Earlier, we discussed a very clean common class structure for the basic N3 language elements. Arrive at common class tree for that. The [new] fact that pychinko seems to be happy using cwm classes now suggest that there is a clean break here and cooperation will be easy.
Wiki page on WebDataInterface design
ACTION TimBL: Add formulaFromN3String formulaFromRDFXMLString() methods to store.
Possible to preserve similarity between parser and unparser interface to allow straight-through data merge at speed?
aka: on arch of rdflib doing N3 formulae (Eikeon)
getting rdflib to pass the N3 parsing tests
@@ links to Nary Note and Rules charter. NaryRelations in ESW wiki
p.s. The cwm/Inferenceweb integration item has moved to the TAMI agenda. Some technical discussion is in the inferenceweb archive; see Thu Mar 23 discussion, for example
This contains performance work which would have been been in 0.9 except for unexpected medical situation. This will use Python sets where appropriate (instead of homebrew sets or sequences) and will therefore require python 2.3.
Release candidate rc1 was made 2005/08
CVS version 2005-10-24:
To do:
There is no timescale for these enhahcements, as they are not subject to existing funded development or volunteer commitment. Bother are of course welcome at any time!
Code Cleanup
Philosophy: To be able to integrate with other projects such as redfoot, pychinko, redland, etc, make the base classes for N3 terms as light as possible. Move functionality such as indexing for query, parsing, pretty printing, serializing, etc into separate modules.
Performance: Make test/perform test suite with standard tests so as to plot perfromance changes version to version.
Develop specific benchmarks for specific problems, such as pipelineable cases, large store/small rules, large rules/small data, etc.. Include feedback from users to characterize different types of way in whic cwm is used.
Cwm demonstrates the power of a particular langauge and a particular general-purpose tool. Encourage and liaise with compatible systems, and share test data. Work to define subsets of the rule langauges which work with different types of engine.
N3 grammar close the loop: Connect N3 grammar to syntax tests by generating parser directly from the grammar. . Closing the loop on the syntax. We have a definition of the N3 syntax in N3. This is only a form of documentation until we have automatically generated a parser and/or a test suite from that syntax definition. A straightforward job - We have a syntax validator based on the BNF in RDF already. The interesting bit is the ontology for annotating the BNF grammar with RDF production rules, because it could then be reused to annotating foreign and legacy grammars to enable automatic extraction of RDF from them. (Apart from the niceness of having something defined it itself of course.) (July 2004 this is done without the grammar annotation necessary to actually generate triples in the store)
RDF Output - Use Collections for lists.
N3 syntax - test set syntax (,) (<a>,) (<a>, <b>)
Extended RDF output syntax for formulae (how? have RDF Core locked all the exits? Prevents RDF2 not superset of RDF/XML1)
Built-ins for lists. in (needs muli value function, below); append, prepend, second..seventh, last, concat.
Sets, plus builtins, see syntax in N3. Information is lost, and optimizations are lost, when sets are actually represented as ordered lists because that is the only syntax easy to use in RDF. owl:oneOf provides the constructor for sets.
Build cwm on python sets, requiring python 2.3, to gain speed.
Builtins extracting closed world data: s=Q(F, y, G) is set of x such that formula F.substite((y, x)) log:includes G.
Symbols used as variables as separate python class - save some time checking occurrences
Paramodulation - smushing built into store. Reuse redirection used for lists?
Builtin operations:
Remove all vestiges of the old pair represetation of symbols.
Implement backward chainer (like Euler) on the same store. Allow forward and backward chainers to interact, share built-ins.
Implement versions of the store based on Redland, Jena, etc.
Implement rete method. Rules with state as objects. <= student project?
Implement persistent cache - make an ontology (based very stongly on HTTP headers) for recording the results of an HTTP (etc) get. Store metadata about fetched ontologies. Build an index into the persistent cache for offline working.
Functions: find the closure of these documents under eg --closure=ptr and make sure than they are all in my persistent cache. Allow environment variable to specify persistent cache mode (default: ontologies only, write to cache when online and expiry check fails, read from cache when offline). Provide pcache.urlopen() as a transparent extension of urlopen()
Persistent Cache management and software installation become the same thing.
Support DAWG remote query protocol as client, as currently done using SQL.
DAWG server.
Variations of DAWG using N3 where DAWG is not exactly N3.
IRC bot (sWBot) -- Your friendly N3-happy robotic chat room companion. See sandbox security below.
Sandboxed version of cwm, which is immune to attacks from rules in data, builtin functions in untrusted rules, confientiality violations by indirect web access, and so on. While you can build a secure trusted system without needing a sandbox at all (it isn't really the way to build one) sandboxing is handy for things like demo servers and IRC bots.