Testing/Documentation Practices

From W3C Wiki

This content is out of date. (2013-02-05)

This page will contain information collected by the "Documentation Practices" task force of the Web Testing Interest Group. The goal of this task force is to:

  • determine the current practices for
    • developing test assertions as part of W3C specs
    • processes to review and approve tests
  • broadening consensus on the above
  • promoting adoption of the consensus approach

The Testing/Assertions page provides collected information on current practices for developing test assertions as part of W3C specs.

Various prior work resources will be considered in the recommendations made by the Documentation Practices TF. The goal is to leverage this work where possible for the narrow scope of this particular TF. For example the Quality Assurance Interest Group and QA Working Group published a variety of recommendations that will be leveraged. For example:

  • The QA Framework: Specification Guidelines addresses "how to define and specify conformance", which is the essential precursor to defining a specific test assertion.
  • The Test Assertion Guide was a document specifically intended to be "a guide to defining and creating test assertions for specifications" (though apparently it did not get past the initial draft stage).

Some of this prior work may be picked up by the TF as needed.

A Method for Writing Testable Conformance Requirements by the Mobile Web Test Suites Working Group defines "a method for writing, marking-up, and analyzing conformance requirements in technical specifications". It was used in most of the Widget Specifications of the Webapps group.

Information related to test case development and review processes is covered under Testing/Development and Review.