
From W3C Wiki

In May 2011, W3C began inviting some new Members to give presentations at Advisory Committee (AC) Meetings to introduce the AC representative and to briefly explain why their organization joined W3C. This document contains a collection of links to those presentations as well as introductions AC representatives made on the AC's w3c-ac-forum mail list.

All AC Representatives are strongly encouraged to send an introduction to other AC reps by using the w3c-ac-forum mail list] (w3c-ac-forum @!

NOTE: some of the links are Member-confidential e-mails and thus require a W3C Member account to access.

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Alphabetical by organization.

  1. Akami; Mark Nottingham; 7-March-2013
  2. Arizona State University; Kate Giovacchini; 10-Jul-2024
  3. Audyx; Philippe Cohen; 24-Oct-2014
  4. Baidu; Tao Hong; 1-Nov-2011
  5. Beyond Perspective Solutions, Ltd; Hiroshi Sakakibara; 18-Oct-2014
  6. Bistri Arnaud Budkiewicz (see also Arnaud's PP slides); 31-Oct-2012
  7. Bloomberg; Kevin Fleming; 17-Apr-2014
  8. Boeing Ann Bassetti; 20-Feb-2014
  9. British Sky Broadcasting Giles Godart-Brown; 1-Nov-2012
  10. Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) Joseph Lorenzo Hall; 2-Aug-2013
  11. Comcast; Mark Vickers; 16-May-2011
  12. Danube Tech GmbH; Markus Sabadello; 30-August-2019
  13. Dell; Craig Lowery; 27-June-2014
  14. DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence); Georg Rehm; 6-Aug-2013
  15. Educational Testing Service (ETS); Markku (Mark) T. Hakkinen; 20-Feb-2014
  16. Electronic Frontier Foundation; Danny O'Brien; 28-May-2013
  17. Facebook; Tobie Langel; 16-May-2011. Tobie announced on 22-Feb-2013 that Simon Stewart is Facebook's new AC rep.
  18. Fraunhofer Society; Carlos A Velasco; 15-Apr-2014
  19. GS1; Steve Bratt; 16-Apr-2014
  20. Gemalto; Virginie Galindo; 1-Nov-2011
  21. Hal Leonard Corporation; Joseph Berkovitz; 7-Oct-2014
  22. HBO; Reimundo Garcia 10-Jan-2013
  23. Huawei; Ruinan Sun; 2-Nov-2011
  24.; Dan Whaley; 18-Oct-2014
  25. IBM; Arnaud Le Hors; 23-Apr-2014
  26. Igalia; Juan José Sánchez Penas; 5-Mar-2014
  27. Info Tech Inc. Charles Engelke; 13-Oct-2014
  28. Inrupt Inc. Sarven Capadisli; 26-Apr-2021
  29. Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB); Alan Turransky; 11-Jul-2014
  30. Irdeto; Martin Soukup; 1-Nov-2012
  31. JWPlayer; John Luther; 1-July-2014
  32.; Taisuke Fukuno; 24-Apr-2014
  33. KDDI; Satoru Takagi; 2-Nov-2011
  34. Kozea Simon Sapin; 25-Oct-2012
  35. KurrawongAI; Nicholas Car; 17-Jul-2024
  36. LG Electronics; Dong-Young Lee; 16-May-2011
  37. Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; Annette Greiner; 6-Feb-2012
  38. MStar; Jean-Charles Verdié; 14-May-2012
  39. Motorola Mobility; Gilles Drieu; 2-Nov-2011
  40. Natural Resources Canada - NRCan; Peter Rushforth; 5-Apr-2022
  41. NICTA; Silvia Pfeiffer; 21-Feb-2014
  42.; Bart van Leeuwen; 20-Oct-2014
  43. OpenSocial Foundation; John Mertic; 20-Nov-2014
  44. Panasonic; Yoshiaki Ohsumi; 1-Nov-2012
  45. Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI); Piero Fraternali; 7-Feb-2012
  46. Qihoo 360; Huan Ren; 15-May-2012
  47. Qualcomm IC, Giridhar Mandyam; 15-May-2012
  48. Rabobank Nederland Evert Fekkes; 10-Oct-2014
  49. Smart Communications; Al Villarica; 14-May-2012
  50. Snapchat; Joey Knightbrook; 28-May-2024
  51. Socrata; Chris Metcalf; 24-Feb-2014
  52. Sony; Tatsuya Igarashi; 16-May-2011
  53. SPARQL City; Arthur Keen; 9-Sep-2014
  54. Square Enix; Tadashi Tsushima; 16-May-2012
  55. TapQuo; Jose Manrique López de la Fuente; 8-March-2013
  56. Stanford University Michel Dumontier; 8-April-2014
  57. Target; Daniel Buchner; 20-Oct-2014
  58. Telenor; Frode Kileng; 14-May-2012
  59. Tencent; 刘玉国 (Yuguo Liu); 9-Feb-2012
  60. The Paciello Group (TPG); Léonie Watson; 20-Feb-2014
  61. Touch5Mobile; Scotty Moore; 6-Nov-2012
  62. University of Limerick; David Filip; 7-Feb-2012
  63. Verisign; Andrew Fregly; 26-Mar-2012
  64. Vienna University of Economics and Business; Axel Polleres; 24-Apr-2014
  65. Vidos; Misha Deville; 23-Aug-2024
  66. VistaTEC; Phil Ritchie; 13-Feb-2012
  67. WILEY; Meltem Dincer; 8-Oct-2014
  68. WU - Wirtschaftuniversität Wien; Fajar J. Ekaputra; 21-Sep-2023
  69. Yandex; Charles McCathieNevile; 1-Nov-2012
  70. Yahoo!; Gil Yehuda; 6-Feb-2012
  71. Zynga; Paul Bakaus; 16-May-2011