Re: Notes on the process

>It is likely that cars will have IP addresses and will carry GPS devices. 
>But cars will still be involved in accidents - even in remote locations. 
>The good news is that by combining the input from the GPS device,
>accelerometers, and motion sensors my car will know where it is, that there
>has been an accident, that it is likely that I am  unconscious, and will
>report these facts to - using XML. It might do so repeatedly.
>The bad news is that as a result of the accident, the onboard system is
>unable to send a well-formed document. What is transmitted is:

God forbid that you use the Internet for this application, and I cannot see
why you'd want to send the data in XML. More reliable protocols and
data representations exist, or can be invented for such applications.

Received on Thursday, 8 May 1997 17:33:15 UTC