Re: err:XS0036 clarification writes:

> Static error err:XS0036 says that: "All the step types in a pipeline
> must have unique names: it is a static error if any step type name is
> built-in and/or declared or defined more than once in the same scope."
> I propose to change the first sentence so that is says:
> "All the step types in a pipeline or a library ..."
> So that it is obvious that the following is not allowed:
> <p:library xmlns:foo="...">
>   <p:declare-step type="foo:my-step">
>     ...
>   </p:declare-step>
>   <p:declare-step type="foo:my-step">
>     ...
>   </p:declare-step>
> </p:library>

Yep. Editorial carelessness.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | How can there be laughter, how can            | there be pleasure, when the world is
                              | burning?--The Dhammapada (probably 3rd
                              | century BC)

Received on Friday, 28 November 2008 20:47:31 UTC