Re: multiple subpipelines : how to count the number of outputs ?

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
| On 8/10/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
|> I think, after the decisions we made yesterday, that this will work too:
|> <p:pipeline>
|>  <p:option name="operation"/>
|>  <p:choose>
|>    <p:when test="$operation = 'parameters'">
|>      <p:output port="result" primary="yes">
|>        <p:pipe step="params" port="result"/>
|>      </p:output>
|>      <p:parameters name="params"/>
|>    </p:when>
|>    <p:when test="$operation = 'xslt'">
|>      <p:xslt name="xslt">
|>        <p:input port="stylesheet"/>
|>          <p:document href="stylesheet.xsl"/>
|>        </p:input>
|>      </p:xslt>
|>    </p:when>
|>    <p:when test="$operation = 'xslfo'">
|>      <p:output port="result" primary="yes">
|>        <p:pipe step="fo" port="result"/>
|>      </p:output>
|>      <p:xsl-formatter uri="result.pdf" name="fo"/>
|>    </p:when>
|>    <p:otherwise>
|>      <p:output port="result" primary="yes"/>
|>        <p:inline>
|>          <nop/>
|>        </p:inline>
|>      </p:output>
|>      <p:error code="404" />
|>    </p:otherwise>
|>  </p:choose>
|> </p:pipeline>
|> That is, the XSLT step gets a defaulted primary output port named
|> 'result' so you only need to fiddle with the outputs on the steps
|> where you don't have primary outputs.
| Agreed, so you should correct
| Example 3 and Example 7 in the spec

I fixed 7. Perhaps I'm having a brain cramp, but I don't see what's
wrong with 3.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | It is a folly to expect men to do all            | that they may reasonably be expected to
                              | do.--Archbishop Whately

Received on Wednesday, 29 August 2007 14:21:54 UTC